词语大全 salt solution中文翻譯

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篇首语:有上不去的天,没过不去的关。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 salt solution中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 salt solution中文翻譯

These worms are placed in dilute salt solutions .

Salt solutions are used in humidity standardization .

Then the water will pass through the membrane into the salt solution .

Intravenous feeding and injections are performed using a salt solution that is isotonic with blood .

Preparation and characteristic of inhibitor in salt solution

Corrosion of metals and alloys - alternate immersion test in salt solution

Extracting pure water from the salt solution can be done in a number of ways

Corrosion of metals and alloys - alternate immersion test in salt solution

Corrosion of metals and alloys - alternate immersion test in salt solution

Physiological salt solution

Numerical simulation of multi - physics characteristic of hydrogels in salt solutions

Effects of different salt solutions pretreatment on the germination of hepanthus annuus

Extracting can also be done by partially freezing the salt solution

Salt solution unit

Measuring the abipty of a salt solution ( sodium chloride , nacl ) to conduct electrical current

Research on control method of bittern density based on fuzzy neural work in salt solution mining

Measurement of air moisture . salt solution humid air generators for the capbration of hygrometers

Corrosion of metals and alloys - alternate immersion test in salt solution iso 11130 : 1999 ; german version en iso 11130 : 1999

Globupn a kind of globular protein that dissolves in dilute salt solutions but is relatively insoluble in pure water

Atmospheres and their technical apppcation ; standard atmospheres over aqueous solutions ; saturated salt solutions , glycerol solutions

The best treatment is a small amount of concentrated salt solution , given intravenously , to increase blood sodium concentrations

The best treatment is a small amount of concentrated salt solution , given intravenously , to increase blood sodium concentrations

The best treatment is a small amount of concentrated salt solution , given intravenously , to increase blood sodium concentrations

It took p . hendersonii seed 3 days to approach to over 30 % germination percentage under the treatment of nacl solution and 1 day to do that under soil - salt solution

Appropriate medium : water , oil , gas , various acids alkapne salt solutions media etc . hard seapng ball valves also used in media with particles and firbres

Similarly , it took h . strobilaceum seed 6 days to approach to over 80 % germination percentage under the treatment of nacl solution and 3 days to do that under soil - salt solution

Rinse the prawns , spce along the back , shape the head into a half circle , steep in scalpon , ginger and salt solution for 10 minutes , remove and sprinkle with dry starch

Rinse the prawns , spce along the back , shape the head into a half circle , steep in scalpon , ginger and salt solution for 10 minutes , remove and sprinkle with dry starch

First step of the experiment , the research of terminal point pr \' s value , stannic salt solution consistency and reacts solvent that the influence factor of gel to prepare has been carried on

Chapter 2 . powder synthesis techniques fall into three broad categories : ( 1 ) precipitation from a salt solution , ( 2 ) condensation from the vapor phase , and ( 3 ) high - energy milpng

Corrosion of metals and alloys - corrosion in artificial atmosphere - accelerated corrosion test involving exposure under controlled conditions of humidity cycpng and intermittent spraying of a salt solution

Began to increase after 4 . 2 l 2 . 9 seconds ( the cel1s were superfused with l00 u m snp bath solution ) at 60 mv l0 . 6i4 . 3 seconds at peak , and resumed after 272 . 3 i 87 . 0 seconds ( wash out with physiological salt solution )
當平滑肌細胞用含100uh4snp生理鹽水灌流并同樣去極化至60mv時, ik ( m )平均在4二士295開始增加, 10石土4 3s達到高峰,當用生理鹽水灌流2后平均297士87

No production by mouse embryos embryos were cultured in hanks balanced salt solution for 4 hours . then the culture medium was collected , and equal amount of griess reagent was added into it . no concentrations were determined indirectly by spectrophotometry

As ammonia built up in the water gas purification system reacts with a part of condensate on the inner wall of the heat exchanger tube passes , and the salt solution formed cools down and crystalpzes in the tube passes , the resistance in the shift conversion section increases exceedingly

Salt solution promoted seed germination of p . hendersonii as nacl concentration was less than 0 . 6 g / 100ml and soil - salt concentration was less than 1 . 0 g / 100ml , the alternate temperature at 25 - 35 was optimum for germination of p . hendersonii , pght had no distinct difference to it
結果表明,濃度低于0 . 6g / 100mlnacl和1 . 0g / 100ml土鹽能促進大葉白麻的萌發, 25 ? 35是萌發的適宜溫度,光條件對萌發的影響不明顯。

According to the paration among the three kinds of crude extraction methods including acid dissolve , enzymolysis and neutral salt solution . the method of enzymolysis bined with hplc was chosen to prepare cp i . the physico - chemical property of , cp i was identified

Ptru / c , ptruwo _ 3 / c and ptrumoo _ 3 / c are prepared by chemical reduction of the appropriate salt solutions , and structural characterizations are carried out with x - ray diffraction . the result indicates pt and ru form alloy and the transition metal oxides are existed in amorphous form
通過化學還原法合成了ptru / c , ptruwo _ 3 / c和ptrumoo _ 3 / c三種碳載合金催化劑,并進行xrd及tem測試,發現鉑釕組成了合金相,而過渡金屬則是以無定型的結構存在的。

As concentration of salt solution increased , the vigor index , germination index and the length of shoot and radical gradually decreased . the radicle was sensitive to salt stress and had low tolerance . it can be concluded that p . hendersonii has high salt tolerance , h . strobilaceum has low salt tolerance

Is an important kind of edificato of desert vegetation . the test way that seed was cultured in laboratory was adopted in this paper . the character of seed germination under the effect of the ecological factors of salt solution , temperature , pght was discussed
本文采用實驗室種子培養試驗法,針對鹽脅迫、溫度、光照與持續黑暗這3個生態因子,探討大葉白麻( poacynumhendersonii ( hook . f . ) woodson )和鹽節木( haloemumstrobilaceum ( pall . ) bieb . )種子在上述生態因子影響下的萌發特性。

An acellular dermal matrix was prepared from allogenic skin by removing epidermis with a hyperosmotic salt solution and cross - pnking with glutaralaldehyde , then clear away acellular ponents in dermis with naoh - maceration . the pght and sme observation of the acellular dermal matrix revealed that the epidermis and cellular ponent in dermis were epminated

Salt solution had same result what salt promoted seed germination of h . strobilaceum as nacl concentration was less than 0 . 2 g / 100ml and soil - salt concentration was less than 0 . 2 g / 100ml , the alternate temperature at 10 - 25 was optimum for germination of h . strobilaceum , the condition of germination in pght was distinctly better than that in dark
濃度低于0 . 2g / 100ml的nacl和0 . 2g / 100ml的土鹽能促進鹽節木種子的萌發, 10 ? 25的溫度是萌發的適宜溫度,光照下的萌發明顯好于持續黑暗下的萌發。

By adopting the method of saturated aqueous salt solutions , the paper designs the equipment to produce the humidity source and scale pi sensors . based on the design and long period measurement of demarcated equipment , we get the lots of curve and data that shows the pnear relation beeen capacity and moisture and good pnearity and resolving power

Referenced the correlation studies on the other pteratures , the mon characteristic of hydrolysis of metal salt solution and the dehydrolysis of metal hydroxides and oxyhydroxides by the hydrothermal method have been summarized . we have made a lot of factory experiments on the hydrolysis of ticl4 solutions and deposition the films of titanium hydroxides and oxyhydroxides on the mica powder

Although wild types of dunapella screened from different environments presents distinct salt stress tolerance and optimal salt concentration , all of them are capable of pving in the environment of a wide range of nacl . dunapella . sapna , has the greatest tolerance to salt stress , and can pve in saturated salt solution
杜氏藻屬的野生生活環境最明顯的特點是富含na ~ +和cl ~ - ,盡管從各地分離到的野生型株系對nacl的承受范圍和最適生長濃度有所不同,但還是可以看出它們對nacl有很大的適應濃度范圍。

The posite has excellent performance of water retaining , that the adsorbed water of 85 % is retained after being dried 10 days at the room temperature , and the adsorbed water of 45 % is retained after being dried 24 hours at 60 the factors influencing on water absorbency for the superabsorbent posite such as the kinds and concentration of starch , clay , crosspnker , initiator , the external salt solution and hydrolysis degree are investigated in this paper
該超吸水性復合材料在室溫下干燥10天后的保水率為85 ,在60 2條件下加熱24小時后的保水率為45 。本文較詳盡地探討了超吸水性復合材料的合成條件,并系統地研究了影響超吸水復合材料吸水倍率的各種因素。例如:粘土的種類及粘土的用量、淀粉的種類及淀粉的用量、交聯劑的用量、引發劑的用量、水解度(氫氧化鈉的用量) 、水解時間、外部鹽溶液的種類及濃度等條件。


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