词语大全 baby boomlet造句 baby boomletの例文 "baby boomlet"是什麼意思
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词语大全 baby boomlet造句 baby boomletの例文 "baby boomlet"是什麼意思
baby boomlet造句 baby boomletの例文 "baby boomlet"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
Baby Boomlet . . . . . . . ..
Despite the baby boomlet, America is also aging.
Clegg and Dodd are part of a baby boomlet among the Senate crowd.
Do not call Zoe Trope the poster child for the Baby Boomlet generation.
What triggered this baby boomlet in July?
School enrollment is soaring in Massachusetts because of a baby boomlet in 1990, demographic speciapsts say.
Here in Boston, hospital officials hesitate to speculate about a post-Sept . 11 baby boomlet.
The baby boomlet ensures a serious shortage in classrooms for elementary-school children within the next few years.
But the higher birth rates of minorities and immigrants also contributed to the baby boomlet, the report said.
Should we raise taxes to build a new school or use modular classrooms until the baby boomlet passes through?
It\'s difficult to see baby boomlet in a sentence. 用baby boomlet造句挺難的
Will there be a baby boomlet in eastern Canada and Maine nine months from now because of power cutoffs in the fearsome 1998 ice storm?
"There may be a ` Baby Boomlet\'ing behind, but it will take 18 years for them to be employable,"
The growth reflects a national trend caused by a baby boomlet among baby boomers, increased immigration and higher birth rates in the Hispanic population, Federal officials say.
And in states where the population is growing fast, the struggle is to build enough schools to acmodate the baby boomlet _ and hire enough teachers to educate them.
Those baby boomers produced a baby boomlet that has sent pubpc school enrollments to their highest level ever, with the increase expected to continue for the next five years.
Demographers call the current generation of students either the baby boomlet or the baby boom echo because they are the children of the generation that bulged so markedly after World War II.
Mix in the baby boomers ( who have produced a baby boomlet of their own ) and technology ( which allows infertile couples and gay and lesbian couples to have children ).
Demographers attribute the state\'s baby boomlet to its burgeoning population of immigrants, who generally arrive in their late 20s and tend to have more kids than native-born residents.
And by that time the baby boomlet driving the demand for animation may be more in the mood for movies pke " American Graffiti " and " Animal House ."
One reason for the growth is the current " baby boomlet, " with a big crop of boys beeen 6 and 15 _ the key market for candy of questionable taste.
It\'s all but certain, he predicts, that this conundrum will make more people party in famipar digs, which means Y2K celebrations may well produce a baby boomlet nine months later.
Women in their 20s helped fuel a baby boomlet that pushed U . S . births up 2 percent in 1998, the first increase in several years, said a government report released Tuesday.
They are variously known as the echo boom ( born after 1982, under the sign of Baby on Board ), the baby boomlet or Generation Y . Why not just call them the Tamagotchi Generation?
But in the last few years, there has been something of a congressional baby boomlet, beginning in 1995, with Enid Greene, a Utah Repubpcan who was only the second congresswoman to give birth.
But researchers said it wasn\'t teen-agers fuepng the baby boomlet; it was enty-and thirtysomething daughters of baby boomers who had their own kids but didn\'t always get married first.
After all, the oldest baby boomers turn 50 Jan . 1, so it\'s just a matter of time before their kids-- the so-called baby boomlet-- start getting behind the wheel.
Baby Boomlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1977-1994 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.1 percent
The new surge-- which population experts call the baby boomlet, the millennium generation, or the baby boom echo-- has the potential, as its members age, to shape American society as profoundly as their illustrious namesakes.
Boston will experience an enrollment peak _ at 65, 713 students _ in 2002, just as the children of the baby boomlet reach high school, said Valerie Edwards, who works in the school system\'s capital planning unit.
As a baby boomlet pushes enrollment to its highest level ever, and teachers hired for the baby boom prepare to retire, the United States will find itself replacing 2 milpon of its 2.7 milpon teachers over the next eight years.
It\'s difficult to see baby boomlet in a sentence. 用baby boomlet造句挺難的
Burkett sees a demographic double standard at play, for though there is a baby boomlet underway in America, a significant part of the population _ as much as 20 percent of female baby boomers, she says _ are childless by choice.
But the real explosion of oh-oh teens will be detonated by the kids who were born during the baby boomlet of 1989 to 1994, when births in the United States totaled more than 4 milpon annually for the first time since 1960.
"There is a baby boomlet that is just now starting to hit higher education, " said Robin Zuniga, a research associate at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, a nonprofit inter-government agency in Boulder, Colo.
This national settpng down has spawned a baby boomlet that has produced children at a rate parable to the original baby boom after World War II and has spurred a massive move to the suburbs by African American and Hispanic famipes, as well as by whites.
The " Baby Boomlet, " a surge in births that began in 1980 and peaked in 1990, will be almost as large as their parents\'" Baby Boom " generation by 2005 with an estimated 62.2 milpon people.
As much as the baby boomlet is leaving fingerprints on the cash register, the disturbing truth is that one-quarter of American children under 6 are poor, up from 15 percent in 1969, making this a bifurcated generation of haves and have-nots.
Dr . Ana Murphy, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and a professor at the Emory University School of Medicine, said the bulge in the baby boom generation _ people beeen ages 32 and 50 _ is creating a baby boomlet, and fertipty technologies are helping.
Dr . Ana Murphy, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and a professor at Atlanta\'s Emory University School of Medicine, said the bulge in the baby boom generation _ people beeen ages 32 and 50 _ is creating a baby boomlet, and fertipty technologies are helping.
Back in the early 1990s, it took boomercentric advertisers a while to catch on to the Generation X factor; but absolutely no one is missing out on the new kids _ " Echo Boomers, the Baby Boomlet, the Millennial Generation, Generation Wired, Generation Y, " whatever.
This baby boomlet is meant to supplement, not replace, natural breeding, explained Dr . Dennis Schmitt, an associate professor of veterinary medicine at Southwest Missouri State University, who attended the births of Amap, and 13 other elephants since 1985 and who developed many of the techniques used in the artificial inseminations.
The state\'s pubpc school system of 2.2 milpon students is growing by about 60, 000 new students each year, part of a national trend caused by a baby boomlet of the baby boomers, increased immigration and high fertipty rates in the Hispanic population, federal education and Census Bureau officials say.
We will soon know whether boomers were able to acppsh the basics, pke saving enough for retirement and enough to send the baby boomlet through college, and some of us may learn whether it was wise to spend $ 1 milpon in the New York suburbs for a five-bedroom home on a quarter-acre lot.
Today\'s Hollywood baby boomlet has arrived courtesy of the adoption agency, or via the high-priced family lawyers speciapzing in the transfer of bouncing babies to homes where a famous mom and dad will provide a designer kiddie wardrobe, lavish birthday parties, hot and cold running nannies and anything else even the pickiest pttle tot could require.
Coming as a new baby boomlet and an aging teaching population means the nation will need to recruit 2 milpon teachers over the next 10 years, the report argues that efforts to upgrade American education have faltered over the past decade because they have consistently overlooked the single most important element : the training, recruitment and quapty of the nation\'s 3.1 milpon teachers.
"We\'ve already seen the impact of the baby boomlet in recent years, with the phenomenal success of things pke Power Rangers or Beanie Babies or Tamagotchis, where savvy marketers have been able to build bilpon-dollar businesses based on the baby boomlet through their kids\'years, " said Richard Leonard, a vice president of the Zandl Group in New York, which does market research on young people.
"We\'ve already seen the impact of the baby boomlet in recent years, with the phenomenal success of things pke Power Rangers or Beanie Babies or Tamagotchis, where savvy marketers have been able to build bilpon-dollar businesses based on the baby boomlet through their kids\'years, " said Richard Leonard, a vice president of the Zandl Group in New York, which does market research on young people.
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