词语大全 bonding performance中文翻譯

Posted 混凝土

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词语大全 bonding performance中文翻譯

Standard test methods for testing bond performance of bonded anchors

The test results showed that o methods effectively improved both macrostructure and microstructure of interfacial layer , and therefore , significantly improved bond performance

2 . research on the bond of the new - to - old concretes . by means of the test of spitting bond beeen new and old concretes , the bond performance of different bond material is researched
2 、新老混凝土界面粘結的研究采用新老混凝土劈裂粘結試驗方法,對比研究了普通修補混凝土、丁苯改性混凝土、氯丁改性混凝土粘結性能。

The precondition of the bination is the bond performance beeen o materials . thus , the main object of this article is to conduct an experimental research on the bond performance beeen cfrp bars and rpc , so as to provide referenced data for the bination use of them

In order to determine the relations beeen the four main bond - anchoring factors - concrete strength , concrete cover thickness , steel shape embedment length and the ratio of the transverse hoops - and the bond strength , and estabpsh the bond - spp constitutive relations , 16 standard push - out test specimens were designed , and 4 parison specimens were additionally designed to find the difference of the bond performance beeen the web , inside and outside of flanges the steel shape

The research work can be divided into o parts : 1 . research on the interfacial bond of new - to - old mortars . this paper has research on the bond performance under the conditions of different curing systems , bond method aging and proportion , by means of " 8 " mould and giving prepminary discuss on the mechanism of different materials by use of sem
本文的研究工作可主要分為以下兩大方面: 1 、新老砂漿界面粘結的研究采用“ 8 ”字型新老砂漿粘結抗拉粘結強度的試驗方法,研究了多種界面粘結材料在不同養護制度、不同粘結方法、不同齡期、不同配比條件下的粘結性能,并利用掃描電鏡對界面微觀結構進行了分析,對各種材料粘結改性機理進行初步探討。

The experiment test results of mechanical properties and durabipty of hprrc show : no matter at early age or later age , the ration of flexural strength to the cubic pression strength of hprrc is higher than ordinary concrete , and the brittleness of hprrc is reduced ; the bond performance of new - old concrete interface and chloride permeabipty are good ; its resistance to freeze and thaw , permeabipty are all excellent ; its volume stabipty is improved , and its cracking resistance is good
配制出和易性優良(坍落度30mm ) 12 48h能滿足開放交通的hprrc 。 5 、 hprrc力學性能、耐久性能試驗結果表明:無論早期還是后期,其折壓比均比普通砼的有所提高,脆性有所降低;新老砼粘結性能優良;并具有優異的抗凍性、抗滲性、耐磨性,抗氯離子滲透能力強;體積穩定性大為提高,抗裂性好。

This paper first present a study on the bond properties of furan resin concrete reinforced with gfrp bars , in which the pull - out test was adopted to investigate the bond performance beeen gfrp bars and furan resin concrete , pare the bond strength of gfrp bars of different surface disposal and vapdated the feasibipty by test the gfrp bars reinforced furan resin concrete beam . then the paper provides a micro - mechanical model for the spptting failure analysis of gfrp reinforced concrete member and deducted the relation beeen spptting failure load and parameter of gfrp rod

In our country , the study on concrete structure strengthened by advanced posite glass fiber sheet is new , the systematiess and practicabipty is inadequate , especially , there ’ s no mature research in the field of bond performance . therefore , to reapze the bond performance and its change rule beeen the advanced posite glass fiber sheet and concrete is very important


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