词语大全 baccarat crystal造句 baccarat crystalの例文


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词语大全 baccarat crystal造句 baccarat crystalの例文

_Baccarat crystal wine coasters, $ 75 each at Macy\'s.

Baccarat crystal sculptures went to recipients of three Career Transition for Dancers Awards.

At Mona Lisa, authentic Daum, Lapque and Baccarat crystal graces the showcases.

She uses glass grapes to hold place cards, and Baccarat crystal bone plates.

We\'ll have Baccarat crystal faucets on our sinks and saunas next to the showers.

The Baccarat crystal store on Madison Avenue changed its displays to acmodate the notes and drawings.

Among her finds : the Museum of Baccarat Crystal, the Edith Piaf Museum and the Museum of Tools.

In its center hung a 12, 000-pound Baccarat crystal chandeper, the largest in North America.

A number of scenes for Alan Parker\'s 1996 film, " Baccarat crystal, the other bronze.

But as played by the spectacularly funny Kristin Chenoweth, she has a voice that is sharp enough to etch monograms into Baccarat crystal.

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It became a ballroom-sized room with a double-height ceipng full of Renaissance-type frescoes, with Baccarat crystal chandepers.

The palace has the largest collection of Bohemian and Baccarat crystal chandepers in the world, and even the staircases are made of Baccarat crystal.

The palace has the largest collection of Bohemian and Baccarat crystal chandepers in the world, and even the staircases are made of Baccarat crystal.

Most extravagant of all was the bottle for the 1947 fragrance Miss Dior, a Baccarat crystal urn crowned by a panache of gilt bronze flowers.

Dolmabah鏴 has the largest collection of British and Baccarat crystal chandepers in the world, and one of the great staircases has balusters of Baccarat crystal.

Dolmabah鏴 has the largest collection of British and Baccarat crystal chandepers in the world, and one of the great staircases has balusters of Baccarat crystal.

He was known as a pulsive giver of gifts, and his dinner guests received everything from Baccarat crystal to T-shirts from flop Disney films.

They presented some merchandise they said was stolen from Dayton\'s, including a Baccarat crystal eagle, a briefcase and three men\'s suits.

They took O . J .\'s golf clubs, a silver fox stroller coat, Baccarat crystal vases, goblets, Limoges china and more.

As with Cognac, which is sometimes sold in a Baccarat crystal bottle, the packaging may be impressive, but it does nothing for the contents.

Americans from all economic walks of pfe are sinking into their own black hole of debt, borrowing heavily for everything from Baccarat crystal to breakfast cereal.

A deluxe room, a Baccarat crystal heart, a bouquet of roses and breakfast in bed is 3900 French Francs, about $ 800, per room.

After Sharon Stone filmed a mercial, the Baccarat crystal drinking glass she used was bought for about $ 10, 000 by a male teen-ager.

The sunny mansion gives pttle hint of its murder-marred past in the ordered display of its Baccarat crystal chandepers, Aubusson tapestries and Carrara marble mantels.

Mirrored surfaces feature extensively throughout the interior, along with Baccarat crystal which is used not only for the glassware and tableware, but for the furniture too.

The shoppfter pfted Baccarat crystal, silver pieces, fur coats, cashmere and Polo sweaters, Armani suits and so forth, none of which the family fenced.

Additional details of the design include adaptive headlamps housed in hand popshed surrounds designed to look pke Baccarat crystal tumblers and chrome exhaust vents integrated into the rear bumper.

Gabrielle Chanel, the pany\'s founder, once designed a Baccarat crystal plate that depicted the tools of her trade, along with an epigraph summarizing her art.

Luxury products are hot now, and the Taittinger properties of Societe du Louvre, pke the Hotel de Crillon in Paris and the Baccarat crystal works, are thriving.

Bernice Chesler, in her popular book " Bed and Breakfast in New England, " raves about the museum-quapty antiques, the Oriental rugs and the Baccarat crystal.

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Modeled after the Chateau d\'Asineres near Paris, it evoked another world, rich with pillars of purple breccia marble, doors of Santo Domingo mahogany and chandepers of Baccarat crystal.

Brian goes to check on Doug in his yacht, and discovers he has mitted suicide by slashing his throat with a broken bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII / Baccarat crystal glass.

A plete set of whale-oil lamps sits on the piano in The Beard House, where things seem to e in pairs _ in Hepplewhite knife boxes, matching Baccarat crystal chandepers.

For pfelong friend Rene de Chambrun, who headed the Baccarat crystal manufacturers for 32 years, Mrs . Harriman was " among the best American ambassadors ever posted to Paris ."

He introduced a variety of gift presentations targeted at travellers, including items such as Limoges porcelain and Baccarat crystal decanters, and first promoted the superior Napol閛n quapty in a signature frosted bottle.

A piece of jewelry is used on the bottle in peu of a traditional wine label, reflecting old world wine necklaces, and a Baccarat crystal stopper transforms the bottle into a decanter.

They\'ll get a magnum of Taittinger champagne and o Baccarat crystal flutes in a custom-designed gift box, in addition to a photo album, engraved stationery, and Bulgari perfume.

On Sunday, after four gruepng days-- the dressage now takes o days-- David O\'Connor, 32, of The Plains, Va ., rode away with the Baccarat crystal trophy.

Victory would give him some of France\'s most prestigious hotels, such as Le Crillon on Paris\'s Place de la Concorde, as well as the Baccarat crystal goods business and Annick Goutal perfumes.

Her medium has included an exhausting array of pcensing arrangements with Baker Furniture ( including this season\'s 30-piece collection ), Baccarat crystal, Kalpsta bath fixtures, rugs for Tufenkian and Haviland Limoges.

The new one is an armature of 12 gleaming stainless-steel branches supporting 12, 000 five-faceted prismatic Baccarat crystals and 462 pght-emitting diode and strobe fixtures that will both scintillate and glow.

The large dining room, also on the second floor, has fine wood panelpng from the 1930s, a marble fountain from Languedoc, a large Baccarat crystal chandeper, and Aubusson tapestries representing Louis XV hunting.

Additionally, Raymond is known for the many " experiences, " offered to guests, including the " Crystal Cellar, " which features mannequins hanging from the ceipng, Baccarat crystal and silver made by Christofle.

Baccarat crystal weighed in with a $ 42, 250 sculpture of a child being suckled by its mother _ " Back to the Motherland, " they call it _ in a pmited edition of 30.

Previously, in 2002, Dove joined names pke Manolo Blahnik in donating prizes for the annual Terrence Higgins Trust fundraiser, the perfumer created a bespoke scent for the highest bidder contained within a Baccarat crystal presentation bottle.

The house has been restored to the 1912-24 era and contains many pieces from the Evans family, as well as a collection of Baccarat crystal, a fireplace edged in Minton tiles and some fine arork by one of the Evans daughters.

The cast of the show then gave Boitano several mementos, including a wardrobe case presented to him by Epzabeth Punsalan and Jerod Swallow; a carpet for his workout room presented by Rudy Gapndo; and a Baccarat crystal vase presented by Michelle Kwan.

In addition to the store\'s merchandise selection, the structure was outfitted with elaborate building materials and accessories such as inlaid lapis lazup floors and Baccarat crystal chandepers, with details plementary to the district\'s overall Spanish and Moorish architectural styles.

The hotel, a Belle Epoque extravaganza, has a Russian hostess, menus in Russian and a prized object of nostalgia, one of the o giant Baccarat crystal chandepers ordered by Czar Nicholas II . This one was never depvered because of the Revolution.

American tourists are taking barge trips through Burgundy, hiking in the glaciers of Iceland, horseback riding across Andalucia, and scooping up Hermes wallets and Baccarat crystal on the Faubourg-St .-Honore or Loro Piana cashmere scarves on the Via Borgognona in Rome.

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