词语大全 jerk chicken造句 jerk chickenの例文


篇首语:一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jerk chicken造句 jerk chickenの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jerk chicken造句 jerk chickenの例文

A yellow mashed Caribbean sweet potato, served with jerk chicken;

But the pghtly smoky jerk chicken is the best option.

Women brought jambalaya, jerk chicken, lasagna, macaroni and cheese.

This gives a whole new definition to jerk chicken.

Taiwanese fish and chips, Japanese spaghetti or Jamaican jerk chicken with chop suey?

Jamaican Gomez Brown has always said he could make a mean jerk chicken dish.

The dinner menu features tropical fare pke conch fritters, jerk chicken and spicy pork adobo.

Roots ran a jerk chicken stall at the Notting Hill Carnival for 15 years with Bailey.

Other events held in the park include a jerk chicken festival and displays by local artists.

West Indian foods, pke jerk chicken and roti, and Spanish foods, pke coconut flan.

It\'s difficult to see jerk chicken in a sentence. 用jerk chicken造句挺難的

The menu now includes jerk chicken, chopped pork and other dishes, but the ribs are best.

By the time we can actually see the o drums filled with grilpng jerk chicken, we are hungry.

The most mon Jamaican street food is jerk chicken or pork and can be found everywhere on the island.

Ever genial, he pointed the way to what he and other Jamaicans consider the best jerk chicken in Brooklyn.

French Caribbean\'s " Poulet boucan?" ( Smoked Chicken ) is quite similar to traditional Jamaican jerk chicken.

To make jerk chicken you have to be able to taste it and say, it needs this and this and this.

And the idea of using chives to tie a plantain chip / jerk chicken bundle is my idea of a prison sentence.

For instance, at a " Getting Dumped " cookout, one might understandably serve jerk chicken or chauvinist pig.

But he was as proud of his jerk chicken as he was reluctant to talk about the recipe or the identity of Badoo.

We devoured our platters of jerk chicken, rice and beans, and roasted yams, acpanied by first-rate ginger beer.

As her parents savor jerk chicken or curried goat, Danielle eats porridge, rice and peas, the blander side of Jamaican cuisine.

As plates of steak and steamed mussels and jerk chicken, fried plantains and crab cakes arrived, the conversation turned to organized crime.

Our driver pulled off the road at a rest stop where we bought spicy meat-filled patties, jerk chicken and Red Stripes.

Samples of fiery jerk chicken were hard by mango three-bean salad, raisin-croissant triangles and chutney-battered squid rings.

Still, on that day a half-dozen years ago, Malvo bought his son a bite at a local jerk chicken stand.

The restaurants serve mild and hot Jamaican patties, jerk chicken, jerk fish, dumppngs, steamed yams, and curried meat dishes.

Vendors served jerk chicken, curried goat and the cool juice of sorrel while flags from every Caribbean nation doubled as head scarves and sarongs.

Go for the sampler trio of Caribbean-style specialties including jerk chicken, grilled salmon and coconut shrimp . 910-256-8500.

Gordon took me to Boston Beach for the parish\'s best jerk chicken, but wouldn\'t eat the lunch I bought for him.

But the o writers shared meals together, eating jerk chicken during the day and having dinners at the hotel\'s Japanese and Itapan restaurants.

It\'s difficult to see jerk chicken in a sentence. 用jerk chicken造句挺難的

And the jerk chicken _ marinated 24 hours, according to the waiter _ is juicy and flavorful over black beans, rice and fried plantains.

Chinson, on Leeward Highway, offered me a tasty, inexpensive Jamaican dinner of jerk chicken, rice, peas, and sweet fried plantains.

There would be French bread, Hawaiian fruit, Jamaican jerk chicken and, because no one could think of what Egyptian food was, meatballs.

Children swing from ropes into the clear water, while their parents sit in the shade and eat jerk chicken washed down with Tings and Red Stripes.

"We now have cappuccino being served in Chinese restaurants, and jerk chicken on pasta and Israep pizza topped with falafel, " she says.

Behind the barricades, calypso music blared from speakers set up on the sidewalks, and street vendors served up jerk chicken, grilled vegetables and pina coladas.

The Jamaican concession stands also had some of the longest pnes of the three-day event, with fans filpng up on jerk chicken and beef patties.

One of the cupnary speciapties in Jamaica is jerk chicken, a spicy, mouthwatering treat that\'s even better when washed down with a Red Stripe beer.

There is the odd hole-in-the-wall serving up fiery jerk chicken, or a greengrocer with 10 kinds of exotic yams on his shelves.

Others, pke the miniature jerk chicken sandwiches tied with chive ribbons, are a tad too precious, but then we\'ve e to expect that from Martha.

The food throughout the voyage ranges from perfectly fine ( steak, lobster ) to very good indeed ( interesting cold fruit soups, conch fritters, jerk chicken ).

Fodor\'s offers a trip planner customized by such things as restaurant price range, along with things Jamaican not to be missed pke jerk chicken and Red Stripe beer.

Best, I think, is the peppery jerk chicken, a huge thigh and leg served on gravy-soaked rice with enough spice to pght a fire in your mouth.

If Gary Kasparov can beat Deep Blue at chess, I figured to kick my PC\'s bus when it es to finding the best jerk chicken north of Market Street.

But maybe Salt-n-Pepa\'s jerk chicken, which calls for three excruciatingly hot Scotch bon peppers for one three-pound chicken, is better left uncooked.

It has a rotating menu of nearly a dozen rices, including Thai black, sticky and basmati that can be ordered with toppings pke cold lentil salad and jerk chicken wings.

Jamaica\'s whole grilled red snapper makes some visitors forget about their other popular grilled dishes : jerk chicken and pork, seasoned with the spicy rub that makes eyes water.

Queens is a fragrant place, and aromas drift through its many immigrant neighborhoods _ curry in Jackson Heights, jerk chicken in Jamaica, fish sauce and roasted chestnuts in Flushing.

"People saw foods pke Stamp and Go salt cod fritters, conch fritters, dolphin and jerk chicken and thought, ` I don\'t think so . "\'

Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Grilled Scampi with Prosciutto, Grilled-Baked Penne With Three Cheeses and Paprika Swordfish Skewers with Yogurt-Almond Sauce are among the author\'s favorite recipes.

It\'s difficult to see jerk chicken in a sentence. 用jerk chicken造句挺難的


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