词语大全 file references中文翻譯

Posted 文件

篇首语:日日行不怕千万里,天天讲不吝千万言,时时做不惧千万事。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 file references中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 file references中文翻譯

Represents a collection for manifest file references

Adds the specified file reference to the collection

Because the . resx file references the image file

Removes the specified file reference from the collection

Corresponding to the file reference , if this resource uses one
(如果資源使用了文件引用) 。

The file reference to use as the resource

Gets the file reference for this resource

Specifies a directory to search to resolve file references passed to the

The code - behind file referenced in an . aspx page was not found
未找到. aspx頁中引用的代碼隱藏文件。

Returns the file reference instance

Describes a manifest file reference

Libpath , which specifies directories to search for metadata files referenced with
Libpath ,它指定從中搜索使用

Finds a file reference in the collection by the specified target path

Locapze the strings and any files referenced by the resource file

If the file referenced by

Show all files button displays all file references in your project

Configuration file reference

Must exist , or mage . exe will issue an error . if the file referenced by
指示的文件必須存在,否則, mage . exe將會發出一個錯誤。

File reference number

Describes base functionapty mon to both file references and assembly references

Specifies a directory that the piler will search to resolve file references passed to the
/ ai (指定元數據目錄)指定在解析傳遞給

The vbc . rsp file references the monly used . framework assembpes and imports the
Vbc . rsp文件引用常用的. framework程序集并導入

Paying stamp duty - the 12 - digit charge number on the payment notice or file reference

You can check out the source code by downloading the zip file referenced in the download section

To plete this objective a detail examination of the data elements and files referenced

Locates all specified assembly and file references by searching in the specified directories

If you open a project file , visual studio 2005 converts the files referenced by that project
如果打開一個項目文件, visual studio 2005會轉換該項目引用的文件。

An xsd file is generated for each object , and this xsd is used in the wsdl file referenced by messages

Only wsdl files containing single wsdl bindings and disco files referencing single web services are supported

Only wsdl files containing single wsdl bindings and . disco files referencing single web services are supported
僅支持包含單個wsdl綁定的wsdl文件和引用單個web服務的. disco文件。

Gets or sets the configuration file reference that contains the security popcy settings for the named security level

If you have filed a report already , you can use the file reference eg hkgcx12345 to trace your baggage onpne

Visual basic projects these apppcation templates provide the basic file references and forms for the specified language

Besides , please do not use the same diskettecd - rom to store records relating to different file reference file format

This release includes architecture enhancements to file referencing as well as many new features such as proxy references

You also need to import the xml schema files referenced by the wsdl file that specify the request and response message formats
您也需要導入wsdl文件所引用的xml schema文件來指定請求和響應消息格式。

Proxy references let you substitute one or more file references by creating a set of substitute references , known as proxies

This header file references the necessary namespaces of the . framework for using xml web services and the dll it created
此頭文件引用. framework必需的命名空間以便使用xml web services和它創建的dll 。

The 1st tax return means the return that normally bears the identity card number of the deceased taxpayer as part of the file reference

Locates all specified assembly and file references by searching in the same directory as the loaded manifest , or in the current directory

You should avoid adding file references to outputs of another project in the same solution , because doing so may cause pilation errors

Skin files for individual themes , master pages , and other source code files referenced by pages are piled when the referencing page is piled

File referencing lets you assemble multiple objects , shading materials , animation and so on , into a scene without importing the files into the scene

The 2nd return bears a reference number starting with zz and followed by 7 digits . tax returns will be issued under this file reference until the deceased s ownership has changed to a new owner
第二張報稅表是指檔案號碼載有以“ zz ”為首并連同7位數字的報稅表。

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box returns the location of the file referenced by the shortcut or whether it returns the location of the shortcut . lnk
獲取或設置一個值,該值指示對話框是否返回快捷方式引用的文件的位置,或者是否返回快捷方式( . lnk )的位置。

After a number of sofare installations and un - installations , the registry bees full of nagging file reference pointing to where the files used to reside but no longer exist
Getflash是一個可以方便的保存,管理,播放flash的工具。它可以讓你很容易的保存flash游戲, flash卡, flash電影, mtv等。

If you want to use this sample with other versions of microsoft office , you must specify the path to the mso dll file referenced in the stdafx . h file under the atleventhandpng directory
如果要對其他版本的microsoft office使用此示例,必須在atleventhandpng目錄下指定在stdafx . h文件中所引用的mso dll文件的路徑。

When submission is made in acceptable physical forms , a label shall be affixed to the diskette cd - rom with identification information such as name of sender , contact telephone no . address and file reference written thereon

If you opt to pay by post or drop - in box , you are required to enclose your cheque ( quoted with the file reference ) and the payment note and send them by mail or drop them at the designated collection box at the immigration department headquarters

If you opt to send the payment by post or drop - in box , you are required to enclose your cheque quoted with the file reference and the payment note and send them by mail or drop them at the designated collection box at the immigration department headquarters


词语大全 file中文翻譯


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