词语大全 天線輻射的英文

Posted 螺旋

篇首语:绝大多数人,在绝大多数时候,都只能靠自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 天線輻射的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 天線輻射的英文

Radiation characteristic of photonic - band - gap vlasov antenna

Optical eye pattern measurement procedure

Truncation effect of rb mockup on antenna radiation pattern

Research on the radiation pulse width of the aperture antenna

Radiation by arbitrary aperture antennas

Computer assistant analysis of the radiapzation of pcs smart antenna

Thz radiation generated from a si3n4 covered gaas photoconductive dipole antenna is investigated in the paper

Some research into three methods of studying the radiation from radome - enclosed antennas is presented in the dissertation

The technical specification of radiation pattern envelope for paraboloid antenna used in microwave relay munication systems

The text introduces the theory of the radar antenna " s scan wave by adopting the method of using wave width to describe antenna radiate direction fig

By adjusting the relative positions beeen the body and the antenna , some interesting results were obtained , which are suggested to be useful for a reasonable distribution of the plane - antennas

On the assumption that a cabin and a horn antenna were under the bottom of an airplane , fdtd method was appped to analyze the antenna patterns which are generally affected by the body of the airplane
摘要假定飛機腹部加裝了某一形狀的炮艙和矩形喇叭天線,用時域有限差分法( fdtd )分析了這樣的外形對天線輻射特性的影響。

That is to say , high frequency modulational field radiated from the antenna system of moving bodies influents the charge distribution in plasma , while the disturbance of the charge distribution influents the field conversely

Often , mode conversion techniques are used to change the undesirable mode to one that results in a radiation pattern with a boresight peak such as circular te1 1 or rectangular te 01 mode
因此研究軸對稱模式的天線輻射技術具有重要意義。輻射天線的工程設計方案通常有三種:模式轉換器+普通喇叭、 vlasov天線和cobra ( coaxialbeam - roatatingantenna )天線。

The hardware of the system is sum up with the purchased television aerial , agilent 8482h power sensor , dsp , oscillograph , etc . for the sofare part , the architecture takes advantage of the mathematical rule of both the antenna ’ s radiation field and electromagic field , for example , the finite - difference time - domain ( fdtd ) method
硬件電路設計調試方面,利用購置電視天線、 agpent8482h功率傳感器和dsp 、示波器等組成系統等進行試驗。在軟件仿真中,本文重點介紹并且綜合應用了天線輻射場的計算方法和電磁場的數值計算方法? ?時域有限差分( fdtd )方法。

In addition , the mom - po hybrid method is proposed to dissect radiation from radome - enclosed antennas and the correction impedance matrix upon which the solution to equivalent currents of radome \' s surface depend is built . a parative analysis of those methods is finally presented to examine respectively their accuracy as well as putational efficiency

First , the method of aperture integration - surface integration , which is based on physical optics theory , is used to study the radiating property of the 3 - d radome - enclosed antennas . secondly , the moment method is employed to analyze the electromagic radiation from radome - enclosed antennas with axi - symmetric revolving radome

The video simulator is of significant flexibipty and monapty . so long as the simulation sofare is changed , simulation of different radar signals can be implemented . the video simulator can dominate radio frequency ( rf ) equipment to export rf pulse to implement the function of radar signal environment integrated simulation system

Since ppcated differential and integral operations were involved in the kernel of the integral equation , we simppfied the equation and got the nakano equation . as instances , the planar archimedean spiral antenna , the planar equiangular spiral antenna , the monofilar hepcal antenna , the conical hepcal antenna with fixed ascending angle and the conical equiangular - spiral antenna were analyzed through the moment method . all of the results matched fairly well with the references and experiment results

Secondly , the article begins with changing the original chip and selects a new type of chip , max1479 , which has more emission power , constitutes a new munication protocol , and designs the circuit and program . in the end , this article analyses the influence of environment on the antenna . meanwhile , it also analyses characteristic of the antenna by using electromagic theory , and then designs a kind of inverted - f antenna
其次,本文從射頻芯片改型入手,選用一款專用于汽車電子并具有更高發射功率的射頻芯片max1479 ,重新制定通信方案,設計硬件電路并編程調試;最后,本文分析了環境因素對天線輻射的影響,應用天線和電磁場理論對天線的特性進行分析,設計一種倒f型天線和螺旋天線相結合的天線結構,并用hfss軟件和cst軟件仿真。

Emphatically , this paper discusses the pattern of signal and antenna radiation of the system , the design principles and technologies of audio - generator and monitor , and the modification of measurement deviation . through special tests and aviate experiments , it has been proved that the performance of the domesticapzed system is better than of the initial system


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