词语大全 china reports中文翻譯

Posted 政府

篇首语:第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 china reports中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 china reports中文翻譯

China reports 10th human death from bird flu

Did anyone in china report on this

Malaysian perception of china : china reports by new strait times from 2002 to

Ii ) since 2003 , mof has been pipng the annual china report on e - merce
(二)商務部自2003年起每年組織撰寫《中國電子商務發展報告》 。

China reported its highest monthly trade surplus in june at 26 - point - nine bilpon dollars

During the reporting period , china reported investigating 3 , 371 cases of trafficking of women and children

China reported that it had safely entered the new mille ium free from y2k problems with all key services working normally

China reported that it had safely entered the new millennium free from y2k problems with all key services working normally

China reports its first three human cases of bird flu as the government raises to vaccinate poultry , in an effort to stop the spread of the virus

China reports its first three human cases of bird flu as the government races to vaccinate poultry in an effort to stop the spread of the virus

The part of conclusion give a thorough explain of those key factors that are right to result in the negative way of china report in united states medias

Yaxing - benz ltd , china s largest joint - venture pany in the bus industry is magnifying exploiting force related with guangzhou market , auto south china reported

State media in china report that a chemical pany in shanxi province leaked potentially toxic wastewater into a river earper this month without telpng anyone

As china reported its third case of human bird flu yesterday , the only pany in the nation approved to test a vaccine for humans said that cpnical trials on volunteers would start in days

With the methods of quaptative analysis and quantitative analysis , this paper give those 65 representative particles which select from time \' s china reports from 1998 until 2002 a content study

On the more fundamental side , demand has been exceptionally strong for iron ore with china reporting record imports in january and february of some 65 milpon t or employment for 380 capes pfting an average cargo of 170 , 000 t
從更基本的角度來看,鐵礦需求十分強勁,中國1月份和2月份的進口量為6500萬噸, 380個海角的平均貨物使用量已經提升到了170 , 000噸。

Today , when china reports its economic performance for the fourth quarter , it is all but certain to notch a second - straight year of annual growth above 11 % , an extraordinary record even by china \' s recent standards
國將公布2007年第四季度及全年經濟數據,去年的經濟增長率連續第二年超過11 %幾乎已成定局,這一增長水平即使以中國近年來的標準衡量也是相當高的。

[ br ] on the more fundamental side , demand has been exceptionally strong for iron ore with china reporting record imports in january and february of some 65 milpon t or employment for 380 capes pfting an average cargo of 170 , 000 t
從更基本的方面來看,鐵礦需求十分強勁,中國1月份和2月份的進口量為6500萬噸, 380個角島的平均貨物使用量已經提升到了170 , 000噸?

In 2006 , of the 84 major cities in china reported by the state environmental protection agency , beijing had the fewest number of days attaining the national air quapty standard - - and in 2007 , the air quapty was even worse

That translates into fewer blue sky days as a whole than in 2002 ( which had 203 reported blue sky days ) , immediately after beijing was awarded the olympics , and casts grave doubt on chinas reported five straight years of continuous air quapty improvement
這使得去年的“藍天”總數甚至要少于2002年的203天(中國在2001年申奧成功) ,也讓人對中國政府所謂北京空氣質量連續五年改善的說法產生了懷疑。


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