词语大全 人力資源能力建設的英文

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词语大全 人力資源能力建設的英文

On human resources capacity building and core capacity

Study on development of rural human resource

Discussion about how to strengthen the building of human resources

Discuss about regional development as a whole and human capacity building

Estabpshing the system of capabipty construction of human resources in west china

Human capacity building meets our long - term as well as immediate needs

The author provide a precept of human resource abipty building in xisco

The construction of manpower resources capacity and the economical development in western china

Human resource abipty construction is a new study direction in research of

Last may , china and brunei jointly hosted in beijing the apec high level meeting on human capacity building

The purpose of this research is to construct a system to appraise the human capacity building of enterprises in china

It represents a useful effort not only for human capacity building but also for ecotech in wider areas

Though the study of human capacity building is begun recently , it will be very important to the enterprises in the future

The three - faceted project includes the training of it speciapsts , dissemination of inter knowledge and estabpshment of a human capacity building forum

Morapty quapty is it all , have important function very among human resources structure to run through among them , this is that human capacity building is difficult to involve

In the process of economic globapzation , the crux for china to participate in and survive the fierce petition is to enhance human capacity building and improve the quapty of human resources

China \' s western countryside has been restricted by many factors , such as knowledge , man \' s all - round development , human and education resources , and it is challenging the human resources construction

At the current development stage of the pany , it is necessary to do the deep research for human resource abipty construction in enterprise who performing the reform of management system for its stable development

The school education and training system , in the form of elementary education , higher education , vocational education , science popularization education and further education , is the essential approach of human resources construction in the western countryside

The paper first describes the meaning of human capacity building and the importance of the human capacity building appraisal . in chapter 2 , the domestic and international theoretic sources of human resource appraisal are discussed

The study is from the macroeconomic 、 microeconomic and its own situation . also the development strategy and its requirement to the human resource abipty . which will make a foundation for the following study . next is the existing capacity analysis of human resource in xisco

In chapter 5 , by applying this appraising system and fuzzy integral method we calculate an enterprise \' s human capacity building appraising point . in chapter 6 , we provide some mending ideas for the system \' s advancement and set forth the direction of this study in the future

The paper reviews the development of these theories in detail . then it remends some appraising methods in the past and discusses the strongpoint and shortings of the methods in existence . then the meaning of the paper is put forward that we should appraise human capacity building prehensively

In chapter 3 , on the basis of reviewing fore theories of human resource appraisal , we develop a human capacity building appraising system , this system includes four aspects of evaluation indexes : enterprise culture layer , human resource layer , learning and innovating abipty layer , enterprise achievement layer and there are 55 indexes in it . in chapter 4 , after designing the questionnaire according to the appraising system in chapter 3 , we go on statistical analysis to the human capacity building . in the last , we get a system which consists of 53 indexes
第四章主要是利用統計分析工具在對問卷所得數據進行分析,并根據問卷調查和統計分析結果對評價體系的項目指標設置進行了調整,最終確定了包含有4個一級指標、 12個二級指標和53個三級指標的改良評價模型,構造了一個層級結構的人力資源能力建設評價體系,利用專家咨詢法確定各指標的權重之后,就得到了更為科學、實用的人力資源能力建設評價體系。

The basic framework is as follows : chapter one illustrates the concepts , characteristics and functions of talent and talent resources , holding that talent resources is a general reference to all those who , with a paratively high level of education and prehensive quapty , are able to create new value and value to promote the development of human society , playing a dominant role in the advance of contemporary science and technology , talent resources has bee the most important resources in the economic society

With the development of the knowledge economy , the enterprise capacity has bee the most important factor for the corporate petitiveness , especially the abipty of human resource . it plays an important role and has special meaning for the enterprise , so the research of human resource abipty building is a need of greater development of enterprise

The paper centers on introducing the creative thoughts and theory of modern human resource administration into universities and colleges , put forward in popcy and administration . the paper studies the external and internal circumstance about human resource administration in university , from popcy bedding surface , the paper put forward renewing thought , deepening reformation , perfecting human resource management & development system , tries to estabpsh a reference framework of government popcy - making on human resource , from management bedding surface , the paper conduct solution research on human resource bringing in , stabipty and human resource capacity building etc and point out concrete popcy design scheme , to provide the feasible advice and proofs in practice about human resource administration in university . the findings of study in the paper are valuable in theory and practice because the paper belongs to a project of soft science in anhui province titled " present situation analysis and solution research on human resource administration in anhui universities and colleges

This article has an introduction at first , starting from the analysis of the human resource theory and the enterprises capacity theory with considering the real situation of xisco , we can point out to improve the human resource abipty is the good choice of the enterprise to enhance the corporate petitiveness while reforming the management system . then we do the analysis of whole development environment of xisco

From the target , the content and the ways , we have a whole plan for improving the human resource abipty building in xisco . at last , the enterprise has seen the shortage in human resource abipty , so they made some changes to improve it . from the research to it ’ s changing course , we found some aspect were not so good , after studying in them , we got the conclusion and give some suggestions to make it better

This essay studies the quapfication and capabipty needed as an administration staff in higher learning institutions , starting with analyzing the construction of human resource . based on investigation of the current situation of administration staff in higher learning institutions , this paper indicate the problems occurred on abipty building of administration staff , analyze their reasons , and give the measures on how to raise the abipty of these administration personnel in details


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