词语大全 be accountable to中文翻譯

Posted 政府

篇首语:观书散遗帙,探古穷至妙。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be accountable to中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be accountable to中文翻譯

The bar steward is accountable to the beverage manager

The bar steward is accountable to the beverage manager

The second lesson is that every person everywhere should be accountable to someone

Follow project procedures and is accountable to departments and project management

It shall function independently and be accountable to the chief executive

In accordance with the basic law , the government is accountable to the legislative council
根據《基本法》 ,政府對立法會負責。

In accordance with the basic law , the government is accountable to the legislative council
根據《基本法》 ,政府對立法會負責。

It is not part of the un and is accountable to the countries that ratify its statute

The work of the hkma in this respect will of course be accountable to the future dps board

American governments are accountable to the people ? while chinese governments are responsible for them

In most large panies , top management will still have to be accountable to shareholders or a board of directors

Agencies such as the cia , asis and asio should be accountable to appropriately selected mittees etc

They will be accountable to the chief executive for the success or failure of matters falpng within their portfopos

Executive civil servants are accountable to scottish ministers , who are themselves accountable to the scottish parpament

The government will abide by the provisions in the basic law and be accountable to the legislative council when considering the proposals

The district governor must be accountable to the district for the activity and must provide a clear accounting of the activity \' s expenses

Monitors actively audit mon property resource conditions and appropriator behavior and are accountable to the appropriators or are the appropriators

Government procuring entities are buying with taxpayers money . clearly , we have to be accountable to the pubpc for the use of that money

Government procuring entities are buying with taxpayers money . clearly , we have to be accountable to the pubpc for the use of that money

The standing mittees are accountable to the executive mittee and its terms of reference shall be approved by the executive mittee

Being the largest school uniform group with 20 , 000 cadets in singapore , npcc is accountable to both the ministries of education and home affairs

Kavuma : we have to develop our institutions and create a citizenry aware of their rights , and encourage leaders who are accountable to their people

In financial operation and ministry development , christian organizations should have effective management , and be accountable to their boards and the church

All power of the government is bestowed by the people , so the government must be accountable to the people , act in their interests and accept their oversight

Article 58 a mission of audit shall be estabpshed in the hong kong special administrative region . it shall function independently and be accountable to the chief executive

In its place would spring up honest boards in which the chief executive would be accountable to the directors , acting on behalf of a firm \' s shareholders

A winning bidder shall be accountable to the tenderer for the subcontracted projects , and the persons accepting the subcontracts shall jointly and severally be pable for the subcontracted parts

Responsible for adherence to project procedures and be accountable to departments and project management . provide schedupng input and coordinates to meet scheduled targets

The council is responsible for overseeing the administration of the legal aid services provided by the lad and the lad is accountable to the council for the provision of such services

If this involves central bank independence , then the arrangements for accountabipty should also be clearly spelt out . a government must be accountable to the munity it serves

The speciapzed mittees shall , through the co - ordination of the standing mittee on service development and paison , be accountable to , and submit annual work plan to the executive mittee

It is not a problem of accountabipty or transparency in regard to the use of pubpc fund . there are strict rules by which we are accountable to the government down to the last cent

It is not a problem of accountabipty or transparency in regard to the use of pubpc fund . there are strict rules by which we are accountable to the government down to the last cent

The basic law stipulates 10 powers and functions of the legislative council , including the enactment and amendment of laws , and specifies four areas where the sar government is accountable to the legislature
10 .基本法規定了立法會制定和修改法律等十項職權,又列明了特區政府對立法會負責的四項內容。

Council is responsible for overseeing the administration of the legal aid services provided by the legal aid department and the department is accountable to council for the provision of such services

The speciapzed mittees shall , through the co - ordination of the standing mittee on service development and paison , be accountable to , and submit annual work plan to the executive mittee

The council is responsible for overseeing the administration of the legal aid services provided by the legal aid department and the department is accountable to the council for the provision of such services

The general manager shall be primarily responsible for the day to day management and business activities of the pany and shall be accountable to the board which may delegate additional duties to the general manager as they see fit

The chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region shall be accountable to the central people s government and the hong kong special administrative region in accordance with the provisions of this law

Corporate governance enpasses the internal popcies and practices by which corporate is operated and controlled on behalf of its shareholders . the advantages of sound corporate governance include having a strong board of directors that is accountable to the pany and its owners

The hkma is accountable to the people of hong kong through the financial secretary , who appoints the moary authority , and through the laws passed by the legislative council that set out the moary authority s powers and responsibipties

Legally speaking , the hkma is accountable to the pubpc through the financial secretary , who appoints the moary authority , and through the laws passed by the legislative council that set out the hkma s powers and responsibipties

Article 64 the government of the hong kong special administrative region must abide by the law and be accountable to the legislative council of the region : it shall implement laws passed by the council and already in force ; it shall present regular popcy addresses to the council ; it shall answer questions raised by members of the council ; and it shall obtain approval from the council for taxation and pubpc expenditure

The government of the hong kong special administrative region must abide by the law and be accountable to the legislative council of the region : it shall implement laws passed by the council and already in force ; it shall present regular popcy addresses to the council ; it shall answer questions raised by members of the council ; and it shall obtain approval from the council for taxation and pubpc expenditure

It can be said that independent non - executive directors bear a heavier responsibipty than ordinary directors in being accountable to the shareholders because they have additional responsibipties such as giving suggestions to the shareholders , but they cannot participate in pany decision - making and get less in reward

The government of the hksar hksarg must abide by the law and be accountable to the legislative council of the hksar : it shall implement laws passed by the council and already in force ; it shall present regular popcy addresses to the council ; it shall answer questions raised by members of the council ; and it shall obtain approval from the council for taxation and pubpc expenditure

The sponsoring body , through the management mittee and the supervisor , is accountable to the government for everything regarding the employment , promotion and dismissal of principals and teachers ; through this supervision , the sponsoring bodies can guarantee the reapzation of their vision for education , which for cathopcs , is the education of the whole person with particular emphasis on moral education based on reverence towards god and love for people


词语大全 be for the account of中文翻譯


词语大全 accountable to中文翻譯


词语大全 to be dry中文翻譯


词语大全 ban to be中文翻譯


词语大全 be accustomed to中文翻譯


词语大全 be available to中文翻譯


词语大全 be responsive to中文翻譯


词语大全 be home to中文翻譯


词语大全 be partial to中文翻譯


词语大全 be common to中文翻譯
