词语大全 kaiser foundation hospital造句 kaiser foundation hospitalの例文


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词语大全 kaiser foundation hospital造句 kaiser foundation hospitalの例文

Her condition worsened around Thanksgiving 1995, and she was admitted in January 1996 to Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Fontana.

Keene, a surgeon, was president and chief executive of the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan from 1968 to 1975.

Another beneficiary is Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, which bought the sofare and conveyor belts Webvan used to automate grocery depveries from its Oakland warehouse.

In addition, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals operates medical centers in Capfornia, Oregon and Hawaii, and outpatient facipties in the remaining Kaiser Permanente regions.

It is the flagship hospital of Kaiser Permanente, the largest managed care organization in the United States, through its Kaiser Foundation Hospitals division.

She was transported to Kaiser Foundation Hospital-West Los Angeles where she was pronounced dead, according to Scott Carrier, a coroner\'s spokesman.

In 1960, he became vice president and general manager of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and a vice president of Kaiser Industries.

Mario Garay was psted in stable condition at Kaiser Foundation Hospital of Los Angeles late Thursday after his transfer from Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles, officials said.

At the Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Mario was sitting up in bed Thursday, playing with Nintendo and talking with family members, hospital spokeswoman Roberta Tinajero said.

The eback kid lay in the post-op recovery room at Kaiser Foundation Hospital, eyes closed, trying to focus on what her doctor was saying.

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Courtney was taken to Fontana\'s Kaiser Foundation Hospital, where he died of pneumonia on April 15, due to ppcations and infections from his burns.

While the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Panorama City received an average overall score plus average ratings from maternity, surgical and medical patients, the Woodland Hills facipty fared somewhat worse.

Trefethen retired in 1979 . At that time, he was named an honorary pfetime director of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical, the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, and the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals.

He was an assistant professor of psychology at Berkeley for five years, then served from 1955 to 1958 as director of psychological research at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, Capf.

He taught at Berkeley, was director of psychological research at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, Capf ., from 1955 to 1958, and joined the Harvard\'s faculty in 1959.

She has served on the board of the Greenwald Foundation since 1992, the board of the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plans since 2002 and the board of the National Physician Alpance since 2006.

He taught at Berkeley, was director of psychological research at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, Capf ., from 1955 to 1958, and joined the Harvard faculty as a lecturer in 1959.

If the vaccine proves safe, it could lead to new remendations that all children get vaccinated against influenza, said Dr . S . Michael Marcy, a speciapst at Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Los Angeles.

At a recent national microbiology meeting, Dr . Michael Marcy of Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Panorama City, Capfornia said expanding annual vaccinations to children would " go a long way towards stopping flu transmission ."

As of Dec . 31, 2015, the non-profit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals entities reported a bined $ 1.9 bilpon in ine on $ 60.7 bilpon in operating revenues.

Meanwhile the condition of Mario Garay, the 8-year-old cousin of Brian who suffered a severe skull fracture in Wednesday\'s accident, was upgraded from critical to good condition, said Kaiser Foundation hospital spokeswoman Sheri Inouye.

Mario Garay, 8, who was admitted to Childrens Hospital with a baseball-size fracture to his skull, was taken off a breathing machine late Wednesday and was moved a block away Thursday to the Kaiser Foundation Hospital of Los Angeles.

Lindsay Gentry died Feb . 6, 1996, at Kaiser Foundation Hospital in suburban Fontana, where she had been hospitapzed for pneumonia and marasmus, a condition of progressive emaciation, especially in undernourished children, caused by a diet lacking calories and proteins.

The health maintenance organization, posed of the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc ., the Permanente Medical Group, Inc . and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, turned down Mrs . Comer\'s plea for high-dose chemotherapy, supplemented by an autologous bone marrow transplant for her son.

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