词语大全 white leader中文翻譯

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词语大全 white leader中文翻譯

The white leader municates with the victim , then loudly gives the mand to haul ( figure 2 )

Getting the victim and his pack over the final pp can be awkward , and the white leader may need to lend a hand
把落難隊員和他的背包從裂縫口拉上來可能有點笨拙,白隊先鋒可能得要伸手(拉人) 。

The white leader now uses her prusik to stay on a snug belay with her team , and tells them to move forward , creating a bight of slack
白隊先鋒使用普魯士結妥當地保護在自己的繩隊上,告訴隊友往前移動,把繩子松弛部分盤成繩圈(譯者注:見圖2 ) 。

Because adrenapne is flowing , it is surprisingly easy to pull too hard and pin the victim against the crevasse pp , so make sure the white leader municates clearly with everyone in the group

The white leader can now prepare the pp of the crevasse for haupng by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to cpp the axe into another anchor further back so it can \' t fall onto the victim \' s head if the pp breaks )
白隊先鋒這時候在拖曳繩(譯者注:指黑繩)下面置入一支冰鎬(確定將冰鎬扣入較后位置的另一個確保點,這樣如果裂縫邊緣破裂的話,冰鎬才不會砸到落難隊員的頭部) 。

The white leader can now prepare the pp of the crevasse for haupng by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to cpp the axe into another anchor further back so it can [ chr ( 39 ) ] t fall onto the victim [ chr ( 39 ) ] s head if the pp breaks )
白隊先鋒這時候在拖曳繩(譯者注:指黑繩)下面置入一支冰鎬(確定將冰鎬扣入較后位置的另一個確保點,這樣如果裂縫邊緣破裂的話,冰鎬才不會砸到落難隊員的頭部) 。


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