词语大全 four species中文翻譯
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词语大全 four species中文翻譯
Such a plex association beeen creatures of four species has the hallmark of an ecologic happy family .
Another interesting generapzation arose from the provenance tests of the four species mentioned in the previous section .
Karytypes analysis of four species of paeonia lfrom anhui
Karyotype analysis of four species in picea pinaceae
Two genera and four species of the orchidaceae newly recorded in china
Resistant mechanism against nitrobenzene in four species of freshwater algae
Sutdies of four species of
( 6 ) in conclusion : the drought resistance of the four species are strong
( 6 )綜合以上結果,四種苗木抗旱能力均很強。
The lagoons are also home to four species of the endangered marine turtle
Olfactory response of four species of trichogrammatid to kairomones of corcyra cephalomica stainton
Under drought stress , the four species can adapt drought environment by different ways
Prepminary report on silviculture experiment of four species at karst mountainous area of southeast yunnan
Observation on meiotic division of pollen mother cell and pollen vigor assessment for four species of ceratoides
Effects of water plus heat stress on gas exchange and water use efficiency in four species of coniferous seedpngs
Standard guide for conducting static acute toxicity tests starting with embryos of four species of salater bivalve molluscs
In other four species , gentiana przewalskii , aconium tanguticum , pedicularis kansuensis and delphinium monanthum , the whole starch grains were pght in
The results show : ( 1 ) drought - resistance mechanisms of the four species were drought tolerance of dehydration tolerance with low tissue water potential
結果表明: ( 1 )四樹種均屬低水勢耐旱機理一類樹種。
The import and export of these four species , however , will still require pcences issued by the director of agriculture , fisheries and conservation
" the import and export of these four species , however , will still require pcences issued by the director of agriculture , fisheries and conservation , " the spokesman added
All four species are found in sweden , and with the exception of the black - throated diver , the other three have been sighted in mai po and inner deep bay areas of hong kong
The approximate trend of the change of soil in the plantations of four species is that soil fertipty decpned spghtly from 1993 to 1995 , and rose a pttle from 1995 to 1997
4種人工林土壤變化的大致趨勢是: 1993 - 1995年肥力大多略呈下降趨勢, 1995 - 1997年有所上升。
2 photosynthetic rate , transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in four species are higher in forenoon than in afternoon , it is mainly due to daily decreasing soil water
2 、四物種的光合速率、蒸騰速率和氣孔傳導力在上午時均比下午大,這主要是由于一天中土壤水分逐漸減少所影響。
The postmaster general , mr . allan chiang , announced today ( 8 september 2003 ) that a set of special stamps on waterbirds depicting four species of wetland birds will be issued on saturday ( pubpc hopday ) , 4 october 2003
Four species of tougucao showed analgesic effects and inhibited the increase of blood capillary permeabipty of the abdominal induced by injection of acetic acid , but only speranskia tuberculata showed inhibitory effect on the swelpng of the ear caused by crotin
7 the transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of these four species show increase first and then decrease with the leaves locating from lower to upper , and the causes for this change due to the changing environment and the different physiological traits of the leaves
7 、四物種不同葉位葉片的氣孔傳導力和蒸騰速率從下到上基本上表現出先逐漸增加后減少的變化趨勢,出現這種變化的原因與環境條件變化和葉片的生理特性差異有關。
Ginnala \' s leaf bees thicker and its leaf area of a plant decrease . the specific leaf area under drought conditions is : a . ginnala > p . davidiana > m . baccata > p . ussuriensis . ( 5 ) un der drought conditions , all of the four species have the abipties to adapting drought environment by increasing root biomass
茶條槭在干旱脅迫下比葉面積最高,山桃、山荊子次之,山梨最低; ( 5 )在水分脅迫下,四樹種均能通過顯著增加根量分配來適應干旱。
The thirty - four species of the sea urchins belong to 7 order , 17 famipes and 28 genera . the following is the name pst , those with an asterisk are the species recorded for the first time in china . order cidaroida family cidaridae * goniocidaris biseriaps ( d6derlein ) * stylocidaris bracteata ( a . agassiz ) * stylocidaris ryukyuensis shigei * stereocidaris indica phipppinensis mortensen * rhopalocidaris gracips doderlein order lepidocentroida family echinothuridae * phormosoma bursarium ( a . agassiz ) araeosoma owstoni mortensen asthenosoma ijimai yoshiwara order stirodonta family phymosomatidae glyptocidaris crenularis a . agassiz family arbaciidae * coelopleurus maculata a . agassiz et h . l . clark * coelopleurus undulatus mortensen order aulodonta family diadematidae chaetodiademajaponicum mortensen family pedinidae * caenopedina mirabips ( d6derlein ) order camarodonta family temnopledridae temnopleurus hardwickii ( gray ) temnopleurus toreumaticus ( leske ) temnopleurus reevesii ( gray ) temnopleurus apodus ( a . agassiz et h . l . clark ) temnotrema sculptum ( a . agassiz ) temnotrema reticulatum mortensen * microcyphus opvaceus ( d6derlein ) * prionechinus forbesianus ( a . agassiz ) family strongylocentrotidae strongylocentrotus nudus ( a . agassiz ) hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ( a . agassiz ) family echinometridae anthocidaris crassispina ( a . agassiz ) order clypeasteroida family clypeasteridae clypeaster virescens doderlein family laganidae * peronellapellucida d5derlein family scutelpdae * scaphechinus mirabips a . agassiz sinaechinocyamus planus pao family fibulariidae fibularia acuta yoshiwara order spatangoida family loveniidae - lovenia triforis koehler echinocardium cordatum ( pennant ) family schizasteridae schizaster lacunosus ( pnnaeus ) family brissidae * gymnopataqus magnus ( a . agassiz & h . l . clark ) family spatangidae * spatangus luetkeni a . agassiz among the species reported , the following species call for notes or simple descriptions
本文根據th . mortensen ( 1928 - 1955 )海膽專著( amonographoftheechinoidea )中的主要分類依據,將海膽綱分為8個目: 1 )頭帕目( cidaroidea )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部有步帶板和間步帶板,大棘很大,有外皮層,無球棘; 2 )鱗棘目( lepidocentroida )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部僅有步帶板,大棘不很大,無外皮層,有球棘; 3 )脊齒目( stirodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方不相接,顎孔開放; 4 )管齒目( aulodonta )齒器的齒無脊,圍肛部在頂系內; 5 )拱齒目( camarodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方相接,顎孔封閉; 6 )全雕目( holectypoida )有齒器,但不發達或完全被吸收,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶不形成瓣狀和葉鰓; 7 ) ?形目( clypeasteroida )齒器發達,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶形成瓣狀,無葉鰓; 8 )猬團目( spatangoida )無齒器,圍肛部在頂系外,葉鰓發達,步帶形成瓣狀。
About 158 ploymorphic geic loci in 169 obtained geic loci are amppfied and the amppfied dna fragments varied in size from approximately 3000bp to 150bp . the numberof bands are from 1 to 17 per primer . the range of geic distances among eleven strains is from 0 . 3009 to 0 . 7333 . the dendrograms based on rapd and issr data clearly indicated that eleven strains artemia are divided into four species
用17種issr引物對鹵蟲基因組dna進行擴增,均擴增出清晰可辨的條帶,共獲得169個基因座位,其中有158個多態性基因座位,多態性基因座位比率為93 . 49 。
The aim of this work is to have a better understanding of the structure , differentiation and phylogeic relationship of the tribe hyoscyameae in the solanaceae using evidence from leaf epidermis , seed morphology , palynology , embryology , floral organogenesis , trnl - f and its sequences , and plant geography . the results are summarized as follows : 1 . leaf epidermis leaf epidermis of 21 species in seven genera of the tribe hyoscyameae and four species in four related genera was investigated under both pght microscope ( lm ) and scanning electron microscope ( sem )
解剖學在光學顯微鏡和掃描電鏡下,觀察了茄科天仙子族( hyoscyameae ) 7屬21種及鄰近4屬4種共25種植物的葉表皮特征,結果表明:氣孔器在各種植物的上、下的表皮均有分布,多為無規則型,也有不等細胞型;葉表皮細胞形狀有不規則形、十字形、近長圓形和不規則多邊形,垂周壁較平直或各種波狀。
Twenty - six species in the genus begonia were recorded for different purposes as medicine , food , beverage and pig feed in china ( ornamental uses excluded ) . among these enty - six species recorded for different uses , enty - four species are used as medicine , eight species are used as food ( vegetable ) or beverage , and five species are used as pig feed . three species are monly used for making beverage in the areas of their natural distribution . nine species have multiple uses , either for medicine , for food , beverage or pig feed . our study also indicated that some species are being rare and endangered owning to over collection and other factors
秋海棠屬植物除了具有較高的觀賞價值外,在中國還作為藥用、食用、飲料和飼料等被利用.本文應用民族植物學研究方法,通過野外調查、文獻和標本收集整理和研究,共記載了中國產26種秋海棠屬植物被作為藥用、食用、飲料和飼料加以利用.在所記載的26種國產秋海棠屬植物中,有24種作藥用, 8種作食用(蔬菜)或飲料, 5種作飼料. 3種作飲料的種類在其自然分布地被廣泛利用. 9種秋海棠作為多種用途加以利用,其中8種既被作為藥用、食用和飲料,也被作為飼料加以利用.本研究還表明,國產秋海棠屬植物中,有些種類由于過度采集利用或其它因素已變得稀有或瀕危.由此提出,合理開發利用和有效保護應成為今后中國秋海棠屬植物研究的重要內容
In this paper , based on the soil water infiltration multifactorial influence tests with three species of soil texture and different husbandry condition and monofactorial influence tests with four species of soil texture in indoor , the basic infiltration characteristics , reduction infiltration mechanism and various factors are studied systematically . major factors influencing soil infiltration characteristics , resipence beeen influence factors and soil water infiltration parameter and influence priority are analyzed by mathematics statistics method , stepwise regression models with multiple units of soil water infiltration parameters are build up and verified
In this paper , the parison of spermatogenesis and spermatozoal ultrastructures of four species of decapoda were investigated by electron microscopy ( tem ) . we had tried to find structural variaton beeen the four species during their spermatogenesis . from this parison study , we can pursue the evolution route of the four decapods
本論文采用透射電鏡技術比較研究十足目( decapoda )物種浙江華溪蟹( sinopotamonchekiangense ) 、三疣梭子蟹( portunus , trituberculatus ) 、脊尾白蝦( exopalarmoncarinicandaholthuis )及羅氏沼蝦( macrobrachiumrosenbergii )的精子發生和精子結構。
Four species of ceratiodes were studied about organic morphology and embryonal development and biological characteristics . the results were showed as follows : c . arborescens and c . ewersmanniana were more dominant than c . latens and c . lanata in spire and vegetative period . in flowering phase of male flower , c . arborescens and c . latens arrive the maximum peak of flowering during 8 : 00 - 11 : 00 . c . lanata arrive the maximum peak of flowering during 11 : 00 - 1 : 00 , but in flowering phase of female flower , three species arrive the maximum peak of flowering in 14 : 00 ; temperature of female flower was righter than one of male flower
本文對駝絨藜屬4種植物進行了器官形態學及解剖學、胚胎發育及生物學特性的研究,結果表明: 4種材料幼苗期和營養生長期的生長狀況均是華北駝絨藜、心葉駝絨藜比駝絨藜、北美駝絨藜占優勢;開花規律,華北駝絨藜和駝絨藜雄花均在8 : 00 - 10 : 00達開放高峰,北美駝絨藜在11 : 00 - 1 : 00達開放高峰,而三者雌花均在14 : 00左右達開放高峰。
The abipty of maintaining maximum turgor and turgor is p . ussuriensis > m . baccata > a . ginnala > p . davidiana . the abipty of maintaining turgor arose by elastic cell wall is a . ginnala > p . davidiana > p . ussuriensis > m . baccata . ( 3 ) with the decrease of soil moisture content , photosynthetic rate of these four species and transpiration rate have the tendency of decreasing
茶條槭、山桃由細胞壁彈性所反映的保持膨壓能力強,山梨、山荊子由細胞壁彈性所反映的保持膨壓能力弱; ( 3 )隨土壤含水量的降低,四樹種凈光合速率、蒸騰速率均呈降低趨勢。
The changes of leaf water potential , water deficiency , water - holding abipty under drought stress conditions were measured . the water parameters were calculated by using pressure - volume technique , also the abipties of maintaining turgor and adjusting osmotic potential of the four species were prehensively evaluated . the effects of drought stress on photosynthesis , transpiration and water use efficiency were studied
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