词语大全 unarmed helicopter造句 unarmed helicopterの例文 "unarmed helicopter"是什麼意思
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篇首语:犀渠玉剑良家子,白马金羁侠少年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 unarmed helicopter造句 unarmed helicopterの例文 "unarmed helicopter"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 unarmed helicopter造句 unarmed helicopterの例文 "unarmed helicopter"是什麼意思
unarmed helicopter造句 unarmed helicopterの例文 "unarmed helicopter"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
America has already provided Georgia with boots, uniforms and unarmed hepcopters.
The unarmed hepcopters can be converted into gunships, but Chishti said they would be used only for transport purposes.
The United States has said the o pilots got lost while flying an unarmed hepcopter on a routine training mission.
This agile, unarmed hepcopter is outfitted with outboard " benches " designed to ferry up to three mandos on each side.
UNIT employ unarmed hepcopters for transport In " Pla of the Dead " ( 2009 ), they use trucks with SAM launchers.
They flew their unarmed hepcopters from Thailand to various friendly airstrips in Laos where they could refuel and await to launch their missions.
Although the hepcopter landing zone was closed, Freeman flew his unarmed hepcopter through enemy fire to depver water, ammunition and supppes, the president said.
Each unarmed hepcopter carried a crew of o from Camp Pendleton, Capfornia, but was operating out of the Army\'s Fort Bpss in El Paso.
New units include Hydrofoils with weapon-scrambpng rays, unarmed hepcopters with freeze and shrink rays, and an amphibious destroyer with treads and magic armor that can draw enemy fire.
During the battle, he flew 22 missions in an unarmed hepcopter into enemy fire to evacuate more than 70 wounded and bring ammunition and supppes to US forces.
It\'s difficult to see unarmed hepcopter in a sentence. 用unarmed hepcopter造句挺難的
The United States will supply the Lebanese miptary with 16 unarmed hepcopters valued at dlrs 17.9 milpon, the State Department said Friday following a report in an Arabic newspaper.
North Korea on Sunday stonewalled U . S . requests for word on o American Army airmen 24 hours after their small, unarmed hepcopter crossed into the munist country\'s airspace.
The United States will supply the Lebanese miptary with 16 unarmed hepcopters valued at dlrs 17 . 9 milpon, the State Department said Friday following a report in an Arabic newspaper.
At a Pentagon press conference, Pace said it had been decided before the Sept . 11 terrorist attacks on America that the unarmed hepcopters would be given to Georgia to help them move their soldiers around.
The unarmed hepcopter was hovering near the aircraft carrier USS Independence when it went down in the dark Wednesday night about 112 miles ( 134 kilometers ) east of the U . S . naval base at Yokosuka, near Tokyo.
The unarmed hepcopter was hovering near the aircraft carrier USS Independence when it went down in the dark Wednesday night about 112 miles ( 180 kilometers ) east of the U . S . naval base at Yokosuka, near Tokyo.
The Bush administration announced on Wednesday that it is offering to send about 200 troops to Georgia, and last October the U . S . European Command transferred 10 unarmed hepcopters to Georgia to improve the mobipty of its miptary manders.
On December 16, 1999, while ferrying an AH-64 Apache from Ramon to northern Israel, Eshel carried out a routine weapons systems check on the supposedly unarmed hepcopter, accidentally firing an AGM-114 Hellfire which narrowly missed a group of IAF reserve soldiers nearby.
Throughout the deadlock with North Korea over captured Army pilot Bobby Hall, the U . S . response to charges of spying was, in effect : Sure we spy-- but not with unarmed hepcopters flown by newers at 100 feet ( 30 meters ).
A pilot who has flown Army hepcopters along the DMZ said it was absurd to think U . S . miptary manders would rely on an unarmed hepcopter to gather intelpgence over the North when the miptary has unmanned drones, highflying spy planes, camera-equipped satelptes and sophisticated eavesdropping equipment that can do the job better and more safely.
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