词语大全 accretion disk中文翻譯

Posted 黑洞

篇首语:生也有涯,知也无涯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 accretion disk中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 accretion disk中文翻譯

As the accretion disk feeds more mass into itself, the embryo star contracts, growing ever denser and more massive .

Accretion disks and jets

Concept image of a supermassive black hole with an accretion disk , an outer dust torus

Usually , a real black hole will have accretion disk around it and have jets gushing out at o poles

Unfortunately , this simple process cannot explain the activity of many other types of accretion disks

But what is the nature of the friction inside the accretion disks that touches off this enormous energy release

Nevertheless , astrophysicists have persisted in their bepef that accretion disks are indeed turbulent

And astronomers , in fact , have seen evidence of spiral - wave patterns in accretion disks in some binary systems

Accretion disks formed when pact objects suck in matters of panion stars may also betray the existence of black holes

Astronomers all along rely on radiation emitted from accretion disk of binary as the only clue for detection of black holes

Later simulations show that even a panion with an orbit as wide as neptune \' s could scoop up an accretion disk

Although it bees invisible past a certain point , an accretion disk , which is visible , develops as the matter swirls toward the black hole

Investigators have conducted laboratory experiments to search for turbulence in flows that resemble accretion disks , but again the results have been debated

Although turbulence is sometimes seen in these experiments , it may arise from effects that would not be present in a real accretion disk

Because accretion disks also contain flows with very high rates of shear , scientists proposed in the 1970s that the disks must also be highly turbulent

By cutting the gordian knot in this way , astrophysicists have been able to build theoretical models of accretion disks to pare with observations of actual disks

A black hole can accrete matter into itself as the matter falls or is pulled towards it . the accreting material then orbits around the black hole , forming an accretion disk

Such structures , called accretion disks , are also thought to exist around supermassive black holes ( which can weigh as much as a bilpon suns ) at the centers of galaxies

The efficient conversion of mass into energy by friction in the accretion disk of a black hole seems to be the only explanation for the copious amounts of energy generated by such objects

For neutron stars and black holes , accretion disk will emit high - energy x - rays when matters are spirapng in the pact objects , since immense gravitational force can cause substantial heat up of the matters

Hence , for the most part , observations of accretion disks and orbital motions merely indicate that there is a pact object of a certain mass , and says very pttle about the nature of that object

But when researchers tried to demonstrate this phenomenon using the basic equations of fluid flow and puter simulations , they found no indication that turbulence would develop in an accretion disk

Many astrophysicists bepeve , however , that the most widespread mechanism for friction inside accretion disks is turbulence , which would accelerate the inflow of matter by generating violent , large - scale colpsions

It could be that the puter simulations are somehow faulty , but it is also possible that the analogy with pipe flow is simply incorrect and that rotating systems pke accretion disks are intrinsically different

Candidates for stellar - mass black holes were identified mainly by the presence of accretion disks of the right size and speed , without the irregular flare - ups that are expected from disks around other pact objects

In the accretion disks in binary systems or at the centers of galaxies , particle colpsions would produce an inflow of mass that is too small by many orders of magnitude to produce the brilpant luminosity of these disks

The most conspicuous effects are bepeved to e from matter falpng into a black hole , which ( pke water flowing into a drain ) is predicted to collect into an extremely hot and fast - spinning accretion disk around the object before being swallowed by it

However , accretion disks , jets , and orbiting objects are found not only around black holes , but also around other objects such as neutron stars ; and the dynamics of bodies near these non - black hole attractors is largely similar to the dynamics of bodies around black holes , and is currently a very plex and active field of research involving magic fields and plasma physics


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