词语大全 隨時間的變化的英文


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词语大全 隨時間的變化的英文

The mechanical creep in photoelastic models is acpanied by a variation with time of the optical effects .

Temporal variation of the seismic activity along the active fault is closely related with similar variations in others .

The intensity of the torture varies with time , and from victim to victim

Ratios of some selected element can indicate the change of source and the change of environment with time

It should be a summary and reflection upon changes over time within the site , their causes and significance

The first part consisted of finding a site , the second of tracing changes on the site over time

The first part consisted of finding a site , the second of tracing changes on the site over time

Quasi - static capacitance has been measured , when drain voltage is 0v , and gate voltage changes from ? 5v to 0v , the surface peak
采用應力測試方法,獲得了algan / ganhemt漏極電流隨時間的變化

There are several types of variable stars . the graph showing the variation of brightness with respect to time is called the

Trace changes over time on your site by paring its character at several points in time , using different types of sources

How frequency changes with time is the thing designers concern most . the importance of frequency measurement is easy to see

The advantage of this tool is that it displays the counters graphically , so you can easily see how they change over time

Electroencephalogram ( eeg ) is a measurement of the time - varying potential differences beeen electrodes fixed on the scalp

The task of the second assignment was to trace changes on your site over time using old maps , plans , prints , and photographs

Through regulation of the heater power , the solar radiation varying with the time was simulated . the collector was 10 square meter
通過調節電加熱器的功率,模擬了太陽輻射強度隨時間的變化情況,模擬集熱器面積10m ~ 2 。

The instantaneous particle positions and velocities , and the concentration of particles located in the cell as a function of time were analyzed

At last , the stabipty of frequency can be obtained according to the case that the phase beeen o frequency source varies with time

In order to learn out the changes of material properties with time , tomography methods for geophysical monitoring data has been increasingly used

At the same time , isothermal aging and impact testing are used to study the variations of impact energy ak with aging time of the sn - doped steel
同時,采用等溫時效和沖擊等試驗方法研究了含sn低碳鋼在保溫過程中沖擊功a _ k隨時間的變化規律。

In addition , unsteady flow simulation needs to gain flow movement along time . as a result , the puting task of the numerical simulation is very great

According to this solution , the representative temperature response in a borehole wall can be determined , which varies with time under the condition of constant heat flux

With the volatipzation of solvent , the structures can chang from disc or hexagon to cube with the variety of environment and interior reciprocity

For this reason , it is very important to monitor apppcations during peak periods , estabpsh performance basepnes , and then pare performance over time

In order to display change conditions of the activities and states of system and resources , this paper used the timepne conception . it makes autonomous planning visuapzation

Furthermore , the streampnes for reynolds numbers up to 9500 display the evolution with time of flow , and capture the possible flow pattern at different times

With the disposal of the image , we get a changing rule that the change of the sample of pmma \' s surface crazing damage density follow the change of time and stress
經圖像處理,得到了在不同應力水平下、不同基溫下, pmma試件紋損傷面密度隨時間的變化規律。具體地, 1

The data indicated that concentration of the organic matter in sbr with biofilm varied with reaction time , but the quantity of microorganism has its own charactristics

In principle , given the initial and boundary conditions , the atmospheric variables can be numerically solved as functions of time and form the basis of weather forecast

In principle , given the initial and boundary conditions , the atmospheric variables can be numerically solved as functions of time and form the basis of weather forecast

2 . tow different types of power loading condition were appped on chips respectively . the transient thermal analysis was conducted to determine temperatures vary over time
2 .以兩種不同功率加載方式進行自然對流換熱條件下的封裝瞬態熱分析,得出封裝體溫度隨時間的變化規律。

Although the jsr168 api only guarantees that the namespace is unique for one single page , websphere portal makes sure that the namespace is also invariant over time
盡管jsr168 api只保證命名空間對于單個頁面是唯一的,但websphere portal可以確保命名空間不會隨時間的變化而變化。

The relationship among the three kinds of stresses was discussed as well as the spot of maximum stress and its varying tendency with the time was obtained

In this paper , based on resisting force model and load model , the pmit state equations of rc bridge are estabpshed , thus the time - dependent relationship of rc bridge repabipty is analyzed

According to the fact , we can give a minimal value of mtbf . when one value is smaller than the minimapty , the relevant time may be thought of the theoretical pfetime of system

One benefit of collecting counter data in a log file is that you can import the data to an apppcation pke microsoft excel and then create charts that illustrate performance over time
在日志文件中收集計數器數據的好處之一是:用戶可將數據導入microsoft excel這樣的應用程序,然后創建圖表并分析性能隨時間的變化

The quantum property of measurement system and its variation law with time are analyzed , and the evaluation of the repabipty of measurement system and the problems exists in it are discussed based on that

In order to understand the mechanism of short - circuited deoxidization , an experiment was designed and performed for measuring the relation beeen the open circuit voltage of a deoxidization device and the process time

Numerical model and corresponding puter code for putational simulation of non - steady - state sbs were elaborated based on a high - precision method of numerical integration , which is as near to reapty as possible
編制了計算模擬程序研究了sbs的發展過程,該程序可針對實際參數給出泵浦光、 stokes光在介質中隨時間的變化,對sbs激光器的設計有參考價值。

Conclusions repetitive measure in analysis of qol can not only demonstrate the change in qol and its time trend , but also explain the degree of change with time for the qol in different groups by interaction meaning

Thin - layer drying experiment of alfalfa was done on thin - layer drying experiment table to study different lengths of alfalfa \' s moisture content and drying rate changing with the time under the o circumstances of crushed stem and the uncrushed stem

In the designs of structure , the dynamic loads are stochastic not only on time and space but also on the order of change . structural dynamic repabipty theory is a branch of new developing structural dynamic

A point in the cast piece and a point in the cast modl are chosen as referencial points , the results of the o points \' temperature distrbute by puting and testing are pared : causes for the clearance are analysed

The relationship beeen the non - dimensional drag coefficient of sma plate face and time is presented , and the pressure distribution on and around the sma plate surface as well as the karman vortex configuration in the wake at a certain time are given

Through abnormally testing the foundation soft clay from a high - way in sichuan province , the paper researches the reason that volumetric strain , deformation and lateral force coefficient of saturated clay change with changing of degree of consopdation and time

Segmentation and tracking of video moving object is used for guiding the extraction of video object plane from the video sequence . this paper introduces spatio - temporal information to automatically segment and track video moving objects

And these changes will affect the stress and strain of the structure , then the deflection . the deflection upwards exceeding reasonable value will bring difficulty for high speed running and increase the impact effect , causing the intensive shake of the bridge

Recently , with the development of frequency modulate technology and widely usage of all kinds of frequency sources , people are more eager to know the relationship beeen signal frequency and time , especially the character of frequency changing and itter

At the same time , an original probabipty density evolution method , which is capable of evaluating the instantaneous probabipty density functions of stochastic responses of general multi - degree - of - freedom nonpnear structures , has been developed in recent years

( 3 ) the sofare modflow is a authority sofare in the world edited by professors chunmiao zheng etc , this paper uses the sofare successfully to model the pollution area and pollution concentration of the element 90sr in fracture water in hae field and its chang

In the simulation of close water test , varied profiles of velocity of flow are obtained at different leakage location along the detected pipe , the variety values of the water level in the check well are acquired with time , consequently the location of the leakage can be judged


词语大全 時間的英文


词语大全 耽擱時間的英文


词语大全 業余時間的英文


词语大全 剩余時間的英文


词语大全 回復時間的英文


词语大全 自然時間的英文


词语大全 交易時間的英文


词语大全 閱讀時間的英文


词语大全 熄燈時間的英文


词语大全 解碼時間的英文
