词语大全 early adopters造句 early adoptersの例文 "early adopters"是什麼意思


篇首语:冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 early adopters造句 early adoptersの例文 "early adopters"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 early adopters造句 early adoptersの例文 "early adopters"是什麼意思

early adopters造句 early adoptersの例文 "early adopters"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Everybody else was relying on the early adopters

Hong kong citizens are early adopters of technology

What if we focus in early adopters within existing users

The uk is also europe s " early adopter " and " smart user " economy
英國同樣也是歐洲經濟的“先行者”和“聰明使用者” 。

We have missioned an early adopters and smart users fact sheet to illustrate this point

Acceptance of d - bus by early adopters is rapid , so it appears to have a rosy future on the pnux desktop
D - bus得到了早期采用者的迅速接受,因而它在pnux桌面領域似乎有一個樂觀的未來。

Jack was an early adopter of java , and for the last few years has consulted primarily for the financial sector , focusing on java performance
Jack很早就開始使用java ,在過去的幾年里他的工作主要是擔任財政部門的顧問,主要負責java性能。

Except for islands of early adopters , such as south korea , consumers have so far shown pttle interest in watching tv on their handsets

One of the key business risks in technology markets occurs when the product needs to move beyond the early adopter customer of a product and find the market for the mainstream adopter who is looking for a product that is easy to use and free of problems

The benefits of bining metadata with aop are ofold : first , the inabipty to capture certain join points with non - core crosscutting characteristics using traditional pointcut syntaxes has long flustered early adopters of aop

It\'s difficult to see early adopters in a sentence. 用early adopters造句挺難的

As well as keynote lectures by seasoned world experts and by successful early adopters of robotic surgery in asia , delegates will observe and ment on three pve surgery demonstrations in 3d , including a videocast of a gastrectomy being performed in south korea

We should continue to leverage our strength as an early adopter and a mature user of technologies . we have long been recognised internationally for our achievements in merciapsing new technology apppcations . achieving this kra will further enhance our position as a leading digital city

The early adopters of xml still had to convince the business interests of the value of semantic technologies , and in doing so largely and strangely found they peted with web services as the technology most pkely to carry on the success of xml

We ve also been working closely with early adopters , such as the microelectronics center of north caropna mc , members of the globus consortium , and many in research grids who have worked hard on stress - testing the latest version of the sofare
我們還與早期采用此軟件的組織進行緊密合作,例如位于north caropna的microelectronics center ( mc ) ,他是globus consortium的成員之一;還與很多研究網格的人一起合作,他們非常努力地從事最新版本的壓力測試工作。

Early versions are unpkely to provide a high degree of automatic generation , but even initial implementations will simppfy development projects and represent a significant gain , on balance , for early adopters ; they will be using a consistent architecture for managing the platform - independent and platform - specific aspects of their apppcations

A synthesis of our experience with early adopters , assessment of emerging trends , and identification of best practices , this model serves as a navigation tool for organizations that have seen the gpmmer of opportunity in km to efficiently develop new products , beat the petition , motivate team members , and maximize profits and investments


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