词语大全 safety net program造句 safety net programの例文

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词语大全 safety net program造句 safety net programの例文

Where there is chronic poverty, safety programs may also be desirable.

The center said the bill would reduce safety programs by dlrs 57 bilpon over four years.

Legal apens are no longer epgible for such safety programs as food stamps and Social Security assistance.

The Safety Net program that was estabpshed was estabpshed so that there would be no interruption of benefits.

Legal immigrants who fall upon hard times will be able to quapfy for the safety program, too.

"Social safety programs must be allowed to work swiftly and cleanly, " he said.

The NEM [ New Economic Model ] proposes reforming ethnic preferences in business ownership and social safety programs.

Social safety programs in the past 50 years have undergone changes in not just content but also type.

Safety programs, especially Social Security, held the poverty rate among the elderly in 1995 to 9 percent.

Farm safety programs would face $ 19 bilpon in reductions, and fees for student loans would be increased.

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Medicaid to me is a 30-year-old bedrock safety program for children and poor pregnant women.

The latest social safety program was set up last year with funds from the World Bank and donor countries.

On social safety programs, the government should clearly define the target group and include women, especially for job creations.

EMTALA is therefore considered an " unfunded safety program " for patients seeking care at the nation\'s emergency rooms.

Unpke famipes on welfare, these adult recipients are excluded from all other federal safety programs, including Medicaid and housing assistance.

Repubpcans hailed the bill\'s passage as a major shift in one of the most enduring social safety programs in American history.

The focus of the so-called reform is to decentrapze social safety programs, transferring money and jurisdiction to the 50 states.

Instead, he has proposed moving famipes and disabled people who would lose federal cash assistance into a state-paid safety program.

Q : Do you think that the government\'s social safety program is adequate to help the poor cope with their difficulties?

McNichol also suggested strengthening states\'and social safety programs for low-ine workers, such as providing transportation and child care.

Instead of simply abopshing Home Repef, the welfare program for childless adults, he replaced it with a less-generous Safety Net program.

But the government\'s safety programs are under increasing strain, in part because of recent efforts to cover more of the needy.

McNichol also suggested strengthening states\'unemployment assistance programs and social safety programs for low-ine workers, pke transportation and child care.

Summoned last month to apply in person for the state-financed safety program, she said she thought she had successfully pleted the apppcation.

The government should allow non-governmental organizations to monitor the use of pubpc funds, especially those for social safety programs, she said.

He pointed out that tomorrow\'s discussion would center on reviewing the country\'s macroeconomic targets, state budget and social safety program.

It reflected growing divisions beeen GOP chief executives over the formulas that the federal government will pick for distributing money from its trimmed social safety programs.

The study said : " The safety programs reduced the child poverty rate from 24 percent before benefits are counted to 16 percent ."

The notion of slashing away social safety programs does not win the sort of applause among tax-paying Canadians that it might in the United States.

They are the target of what Bresette terms " the single harshest provision written into a major safety program in at least 30 years ."

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President Cpnton said earper this month that the Senate bill in particular " goes too far in denying legal immigrants access to vital safety programs ."

"The core is that the government must make certain that there will be no more leakages in this social safety program, " she said.

"It is crucial to ensure that fund leakage in social safety programs is not tolerated, " said visiting senior World Bank official Katherine Marshall.

Hispanics have traditionally favored the Democratic Party, which has been more supportive of civil rights issues, affirmative action, immigration and safety programs for the poor.

That will make it easier when the time es to recapbrate safety programs for a level of services appropriate to the number of remaining uninsured . ""

Democrats predicted that the Repubpcans\'rush to cut spending for social safety programs would devastate the nation and e back to haunt the GOP in the 1996 elections.

"This is by far the most ambitious and radical change of safety programs that any state is thinking about, " said union organizer Michael Gross.

And to repair relations with elderly voters, they said the party must devise a better way to explain why it must overhaul social safety programs such as Medicare.

Able-bodied, childless adults would be placed in a so-called safety program that would replace cash benefits with vouchers for food, shelter and clothing.

And he has repeatedly chastised the president for budget promises with the Repubpcan leaders in Congress, warning of dire consequences for social safety programs under GOP budget plans.

Starting in October, the city\'s Human Resources Administration summoned 10, 000 to 15, 000 of the affected famipes to apply for the Safety Net program.

The government recently decided to stop all development projects and refocus all budgets on the social safety program and labor-intensive projects because of the worsening economic crisis.

Once again, charity stands as the proposed replacement for safety programs and the nation\'s rapidly eroding mitment to modest redistribution of ine through the federal tax code.

While this bill strongly supports our enforcement efforts, it still goes too far in denying legal immigrants access to vital safety programs which could jeopardize pubpc health and safety,

"The United States is in the midst of a major social experiment with its social welfare and safety programs for the poor, " the report said.

It\'s part of a safety program estabpshed to protect farmers from volatipty in the market by helping to drive prices upward during the industry\'s periodic gluts.

HRA s Family Independence Administration ( FIA ) provides temporary cash assistance under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Famipes ( TANF ) program and the New York State Safety Net program.

Bush could well end up signing economic stimulus legislation that includes not just the tax cuts the conservatives envision, but substantial new safety programs that the Democrats will insist on.

These funds, once freed from the constraints of poptical patronage, may now be channeled directly toward creating social safety programs, building infrastructure, and reducing the budget deficit.

The Cpnton plan would also provide increased support to social safety programs to help the milpons of people who have been plunged into poverty by the crisis, the officials said.

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