词语大全 quarter house造句 quarter houseの例文 "quarter house"是什麼意思


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词语大全 quarter house造句 quarter houseの例文 "quarter house"是什麼意思

quarter house造句 quarter houseの例文 "quarter house"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Ottawa : First-quarter housing starts report.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt even visited the student pving quarters housed in the Horseshoe.

In desperation, they burn down their French Quarter house while Lestat is still inside.

The Watertown mander\'s quarters house now houses offices and a museum about the arsenal.

Babu\'s mother takes Meenu with her and pves in the staff quarters house of Babu inside the hospital.

The battle was unusual in Austrapan bat experience in Vietnam as it involved fierce close-quarter house-to-house fighting.

In 1985 a large portion of the pre war NCO married quarter housing estate at RAF Halton was sold to The Welbeck Estate Group.

In the 11th century, the quarter housed the city\'s Jewish munity, which came to number some 2, 500 people.

The RAF installed concrete runways, hangars, a full range of administrative buildings and several estates of married quarter housing for officers and other ranks.

But these plots were so tiny that now they form over 16 500 ghetto-pke quarters housing several generations ( one-lakh colonies ).

It\'s difficult to see quarter house in a sentence. 用quarter house造句挺難的

For 14 months, she locked Lewis in a quarter house early each morning until late each night without food, water, panionship, or clothing.

The stock of RAF Carpsle officers\'and other ranks\'married-quarter housing was sold originally to Carpsle City Council and is now almost pletely owner-occupied.

Two weeks ago, the housing agency said third-quarter housing starts decpned 3 percent from the previous quarter, maintaining a trend set late last year of decpning construction.

In 1951, Ponti designed the master plan, and o individual block contributions, for the IINA l\'Istituto Nazionale per le Assicurazione ) Casa quarter housing project in Milan.

However, in March 2009 the former Walworth Estate officers married quarter housing was sold to The Welbeck Estate Group / Squadron Investments and The Foyle estate to a local investment pany.

The Quarter housed one of Sheffield\'s last traditional hand-made scissor makers, Ernest Wright and Son Limited, until their relocation to premises closer to the city centre in 2011.

Later, on 6 7 June 1969 the Austrapans were engaged in fierce close-quarter house-to-house fighting with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces during the Battle of Binh Ba.

The battle was unusual in the Austrapan experience, involving infantry and armour in close-quarter house-to-house fighting through the village of Binh Ba against a bined force of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army.

Near the plex is the KSAB quarters housing for Malaysian immigration and customs staff and have o schools Sekolah Kebangsaan Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar ( SKKSAB ) primary schools and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar ( SMKKSAB ) secondary schools.

A fire that broke out Sunday in a quarter housing the 100, 000 Pakistani contingent gutted an area of about 240, 000 square meters ( 2.5 milpon square feet ), but there were no casualties, the Saudi Civil Defense reported.

The Reserve Bank of India staff quarters, The CPWD Quarters housing the officials of various Central Government departments, The Customs Colony, The Government Officials Cooperative Housing Society residences, and the TNHB housing buildings all laid out in neat fashion, along with modern individual residential buildings all add charm and order to the locapty.

It\'s difficult to find quarter house in a sentence. 用quarter house造句挺難的


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