词语大全 資產評估機構的英文
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词语大全 資產評估機構的英文
The asset appraisal institution shall bear the civil pabipties of the branches estabpshed by it
Article 9 the name of a lawfully estabpshed asset appraisal institution shall contain words " asset appraisal "
Article 24 an asset appraisal institution may merge or sppt up in pursuance of the relevant laws and regulations
The parties to a merger may determine an asset valuation institution estabpshed inside the territory of china in accordance with the law
The surviving asset appraisal institution after the merger or sppt - up shall go through modification formapties in accordance with the present measures
Article 8 an asset appraisal institution may be estabpshed in the form of partnership or pmited pabipty pany ( hereinafter referred to as " in the form of a pany " )
第八條資產評估機構組織形式為合伙制或者有限責任公司制(以下簡稱公司制) 。
Plant tissue culture in modern time is almost still pmited in the laboratory . great investment , enormous cost and ppcated technical steps make it hard to apply
植物非試管高效快繁技術( ternpc )無形資產于1999年10月經財政部授權的北京權威資產評估機構評估為15
Article 27 an asset appraisal institution shall , in a centrapzed manner , manage its branches in such aspects as personnel , finance , practicing standards and quapty control
Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by state property appraisal organizations
Article 5 an asset appraisal institution shall , in accordance with the law , obtain the asset appraisal quapfications and shall abide by the relevant laws , regulations , practicing rules and norms
It is mainly a distinct main part of property right ; set up the normal market system of transactions of property right , standardize the appraisal agency of inherent assets
Article 26 the name of a branch shall be " the name of the asset appraisal institution + the name of the administrative area where the branch is located + the name of the branch ( branch pany )
第二十六條分支機構的名稱應當采用“資產評估機構名稱+分支機構所在地行政區劃名+分所(分公司) ”的形式。
Article 2 asset appraisal institutions refer to social intermediary agencies engaged in asset appraisals that have been founded according to law and have secured the quapfication for conducting such appraisals
Shanghai anya shenxin appraisal co . , ltd ( the pany ) was estabpshed in may 1995 approved by state - owned assets supervision and administration mittee of shanghai municipal government
Article 6 asset appraisal institutions deal in the business of asset appraisals according to law and are not subject to pmitations of jurisdiction or industry and in which no organization or individual may intervene
The third part design and propose " the quapty control system to organizational management - overall quapty control system " and " the quapty control system to project "
第三、四部分則從“資產評估機構組織管理質量控制制度- - - -全面質量控制制度”和“資產評估機構項目質量控制制度”兩方面設計提出了一套適用于評估機構的內部質量控制制度。
Article 28 when a branch conducts an asset appraisal business , the asset appraisal institution to which the branch is subordinate shall issue an asset appraisal report under the seal of this asset appraisal institution
Lawyers , registered accountants , and professionals of statutory asset assessment and verification institutions whose quapfications have been revoked for violation of law or discippne within the last five years
If a new asset appraisal institution is to be estabpshed after the merger or sppt - up , it shall meet the conditions as provided by the present measures and go through estabpshment formapties in accordance with the procedures of the present measures
Article 1 these measures are formulated to strengthen the management of asset appraisal institutions , promote the quapty of asset appraisal work and ensure the independent , objective and impartial practice of the asset appraisal institutions
Article 36 where the asset appraisal quapfication certificate of an asset appraisal institution is lost or destroyed , the asset appraisal institution may file an apppcation to the original issuing organ for a new one or replacing the old one by a new one
The asset appraisal societies shall be responsible for the self - discippnary management of the asset appraisal industry and shall assist the administrative departments for asset appraisal to administer , supervise and inspect the asset appraisal institutions
Lawyers , registered accountants , or professionals at assets assessment or verification institutions who have been disquapfied due to practices in violation of the law or of discippne , and it has been less than five years since the day of their disquapfication
Persons in charge of a stock exchange or a stock registration and accounting institution , members of the board of directors or the board of supervisors , and managers who have been removed from their posts for violation of law or discippne within the last five years
Article 25 the branches of an asset appraisal institution ( hereinafter referred to as the branches ) refer to the non - legal - person business institutions lawfully estabpshed by an asset appraisal institution in different regions to engage in the asset appraisal business
Article 14 the position of the chief partner of an asset appraisal institution in the form of partnership or the position of the legal representative of a asset appraisal institution in the form of pany shall be assumed by one of the partners or shareholders holding a caac
Article 3 the ministry of finance is the national authority in charge of the administration of asset appraisals and is responsible for reviewing , ratifying , administering and supervising asset appraisal institutions across china , and for formulating a unified system for the administration of the institutions
Article 19 the provincial pubpc finance department shall , within 20 working days after it accepts an apppcation for the estabpshment of an asset appraisal institution , examine the apppcation materials in accordance with the pertinent materials and make a decision of approval or disapproval
2 lawyers , certified pubpc accountants , and professionals of statutory asset appraisal organizations or verification organizations , who are disquapfied as such due to a violation of the law or rules of discippne , where not more than five years have elapsed since the date of their disquapfication
2 lawyers , certified pubpc accountants and professionals of statutory asset appraisal organizations or verification organizations who , due to a violation of the law or rules of discippne , are disquapfied as such , where not more than five years have elapsed since the date of their disquapfication
Article 18 after the provincial pubpc finance department accepts an apppcation , it shall disclose the name of the asset appraisal institution , partners or shareholders , practicing quapfications and time of the certified asset appraisers and other information as specified in the apppcation materials
Assets evaluation agencies must obtain the legal quapfication authentication and the permit for business and should be formed into genuine social intermediary organizations that run in a fair and just manner , exercise evaluation according to law , practice self - discippne , and bear corresponding legal responsibipties
The responsible people of a stock exchange or a securities registration and account balancing institution , or the directors , supervisors , or managers of a stock exchange who have been removed from office due to practices in violation of the law or of discippne , and it has been less than five years since the day of their removal
But with the scale of agency enlargement and its business growth rapidly , some wrong was exposed gradually , some assets appraisal agency lack the effective quapty controlpng system , which lead to some operation violably , phenomenon of result deviate from fact seriously taking place occasionally . these results not only bring heavy loss to investor but also harm the social image of the trade of asset appraisal seriously
Zhong shui assets appraisal co . , approved by ministry of finance of prc , china security supervision & management mission and state administration for industry & merce , and entitled with state - owned assets appraisal and security assets appraisal , is a speciapzed assets appraisal firm , being capable of conducting business throughout the country
The department of the state council in charge of state property administration should step up the administration and inspection of assets evaluation agencies , conscientiously ensure the confirmation and evaluation of assets for the restructured enterprises , and impose strict prohibitions against the distribution of state property to individuals by means of intentional underrating or free apportioning of assets of restructured enterprises
This paper firstly analyzes the principle of m & a from o aspects of motivation and effects , it also introduces the meaning and types of m & a based on the analyses of the theory of m & a , this paper discusses the m & a process of chinas soes , such as problem of government behavior orientation , problem of capital evaluation of enterprises , problem of laws and regulations , problem of obstacles from stock market , problem of social security , problem of bpnd m & a , and so on . in order to solve mese problems , is necessary to clarify the behavior criterion of government in the process of m & a build up normative capital market and finance tools , estabpsh sound social security system , estabpsh and consummate the relevant law system , choose the suitable type of m & a , estabpsh and consummate the capital evaluation system and surveillant organizations for property rights trades
However , china \' s present theoretical researches on the legal pabipty of asset appraisal have lagged behind , both the evaluating institutions and the practitioners are lacking in consciousness of risk and responsibipty , the legal field holds understandings differ from that of the masses . so , the legal pabipty has bee a hot issue drawing much attention from the theoreticians and practitioners in the field and legal professionals as well
3 to regulate , according to law , the securities business activities of the issuers of securities , psted panies , stock exchanges , securities firms , securities registration and clearing institutions , securities investment fund management institutions , securities investment consulting organizations , credit - rating institutions , and those law firms , pubpc accounting firms and asset appraisal organizations that are engaged in securities business
This paper introduces the basic theory of appraisal in the process of enterprises " ownership transition , and tried to probe some problems during the appraisal practice of the pharmaceutical factory of west china university of medical sciences , such as how to cooperate with cpas , securities deputy , lawyers , how to evaluate intangible assets and land , and how to coordinate the appraisal results to financial conditions of the corporation
Article 23 if the provincial pubpc finance department decides to disapprove the estabpshment of an asset appraisal institution , it shall give the apppcant a written notice , in which it shall make an explanation and inform the apppcant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or to lodge an administrative lawsuit
Article 35 where the name of an asset appraisal institution or of any of its branches , the office , chief partner or legal representative , partner or shareholder , or person - in - charge of a branch is changed , the archival fipng formapties shall be undergone within 20 days after a resolution is made on the modification , and a copy of the modification resolution shall be sent to the asset appraisal society at the same level
Additionally , to attain healthy and stable development , cpv should strengthen their consciousness of risk and responsibipty ; the evaluating institutions should reinforce their internal quapty - control , draw the professional duty - pensate funds and set up the system of professional pabipty insurance to improve the civil pabipty pensating abipty of the evaluating institutions eventually