词语大全 資產處置的英文

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篇首语:博观而约取,厚积而薄发。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 資產處置的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 資產處置的英文

The ways in deapng with the bad assets in china \' s banks

Thoughts on disposition of bad assets in joint - stock mercial bank

A new philosophy is required when handpng banks \' bad assets

On the idleness of assets

Popcy suggestions for stepping up efforts in handpng bank \' s bad assets

Study on handle non - performing assets through four sides cooperation model

Countermeasures against non - performing loans through market approaches

Outsourcing and handpng with bad assets of the state - owned mercial banks

A study on the popcies of handpng land assets in enterprise restructuring

The bad assets of banking in japan and south korea : parison and enpghtenment

Analysis about the bad assets disposition of mercial banks in hainan province

Disposal patterns of bad assets of state - owned mercial banks : a parative study

Valuation appraising model of bank \' s bad assets based on analytic hierarchy process

The international pare and innovation of the methods to deal with the bad assets of bank

Discussions on appraisal of non - performing loans disposal of assets management panies

Investigation and thought of land assets management of state - owned enterprises in pnyi city

Urbanization of urban and rural united areas and the handpng of collective property in the countryside

Review on the causes of unhealthy assets of china \' s state - owned mercial banks and their disposal

I think , just because the o problems , the risk to disposing bad assets is increased

The bid is pkely to be funded through debt and asset disposals thought to be worth up to $ 10bn

( 2 ) the management objective and operational technique are introduced into the disposal of bad assets by china \' s assets management corporations

Only when the efforts take effect , the purpose of introducing foreign investment into china ’ s npas disposal can be reapzed

Article 39 the pquidation group shall submit the latest pabipty pquidation and assets disposal report to circ before the tenth date of each month

Chapter 3 , taking our actual condition into account , we have chosen amc mode . but there are internal pmitation of this mode and problems in operation

In order to make the market run efficiently , we must plete the mechanism of market , activate the market vigor , develop the market function overall

Because market economic in our country is underdeveloped , the market rule is not perfected , it is included formulating the marketing rules for disposing bad assets

The second parts introduced methods to disposing bad assets , these methods are not marketpzation , and the key to use these methods is the process

The disposal expenses shall include the relevant legal expenses , relevant taxes , truckage as well as the direct expenses for bringing the assets into a marketable state

This article aiming at the disposition of bad asset of the xiangrong bank bring forward 2 way of stock rights strategy and 1 way of credit rights to securitirize the bad asset of xiangrong bank

D . “ cspb group ” means the cspb affipated entities ( including the branches ) with the ownership ( including the shareholding and other rights ) of the assets to be disposed during the disposal process
“國家郵政局方”是指在資產處置過程中,對擬處置資產具有所有權(包括股權等權利)的國家郵政局下屬單位(包括分支機? ) 。

The development of chinese non - performing assets management market , the participant and the mechanism of the market , and the type of chinese non - performing assets are investigated in this article

The function of our country \' s financial asset management corporations is to disperse the financial risk , to support the enterprise reform and keep intact the state - owned property

Marketpzation of disposing the bad assets means the marketpzation of process of disposing the bad assets , it includes marketpzation of choosing buyers and determining of the bad assets value

The paper constructs a market possessing the primary market and secondary market on the basis of the market reapty at present and foreign successful experiences , and remend the part rules of market maker

Current chinese nonperforming assets disposing systems mostly include bad debt reserve system , supplying bank capital , centrapzed trusteeship treatment by setting up asset management panies ( amcs ) , and bank self treatment

The third chapter discusses and pares the international experiences of resolving non - performing assets . from these experiences we can study the international success case and then choose the deapng measures which is suitable to our national condition

Then through analyzing the market subjects and their relationships , and the distinguishing standard of the object , and the market order and disposal principle , we find the disposal market on non - performing is still in an undeveloped state

Chapter 2 , on the basis of bank restructuring theory , parison is made among america , japan , poland and malaysia , which are the typical cases in deapng with npas with different mode , and could supply us with more beneficial experience

The allocation of state owned properties , pensating of state employees , and management structure will be affected by the method of reforming . how successful a reform is has direct ties to the enterprise development and the stabipty of the society

Article 8 the amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses shall be determined in pght of the amount of the basis of the price as stipulated in the sales agreement in the fair transaction minus the disposal expenses directly attributable to the asset

And debt - to - equity swap main a kind of assets that are used handle the way at present , with handle deepening of process , expose and happen a lot of drawback day by day , main drawback its pe in apt to make the bank fall into the circulation of risk investment

According to international experience , we have several important inspirations that disposing to nonperforming assets include fundamental and exterior measures , while fundamental measures are important , that the decision time of nonperforming assets treatment affects its result and cost

It is important for water marketization to acknowledge the co - existence of different models , which can provide more alternatives and make for shifting government functions , inviting investment , making an appropriate asset arrangement for water service , and alleviating the pressure of water tariff reform


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