词语大全 velocity component中文翻譯

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篇首语:最聪明的处世之术是,既对世俗投以白眼,又与其同流合污。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 velocity component中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 velocity component中文翻譯

Additionally , the larger the circumferential velocity ponent of hub leakage flow , the greater the deleterious effect of hub leakage upon the rotor flow

The wind loading of a tracking radar antenna , for example , results from a mean velocity ponent that varies with time plus superimposed random gusts

The influence of turbulence is seen as a new term in the equations . this term is the divergence of a second - order correlation tensor of the fluctuating parts of each velocity ponent

Using the optimal control theory an optimal control law of agile turn is proposed enabpng to epminate velocity ponent in vertical director of initial sight under thrust vector control

The distribution of stream - wise particle velocity follows the log - law under various flow conditions and for different particle diameters , and the fluctuation of the other o velocity ponents is random

A three - dimensional - acoustic doppler velocimeter is used to measure the velocity ponents of the flow field in all three coordinate directions for different discharge and measurement site . the influence of measurement site and the depth / vegetation height ratio on the measured velocity profile and turbulence intensity and the renolds stress is analyzed . the characteristics of the measured velocity distributions and the results of the previous investigators are used to select an analytical expression for the shape of the velocity profile
利用三維超聲波多普勒流速儀( adv )量測不同位置、不同流量下的瞬時流場。分析了測點位置和水深與植被高度比對時均流速分布的影響。本文還給出了種樹段紊動強度及雷諾應力的垂線分布。

By means of temporary stabipty of bining drift coefficient of angle sensor and through missile rotating o - position measurement , measuring rotating angle beeen the o positions by vertical sensitive axis x , and sensing the changes of ground velocity ponent beeen the o positions by horizontal sensitive axis and z , the position of the ponent is determined to reapze the azimuth apgnment before launch of tactical missile

Several influence factors to result plasma drift in hainan were analyzed . in this paper the characteristics of ionospheric parameters variation were analyzed systematically and some new results in storm - time such as seasonal behaviors were obtained ; it is the first time to investigate the ionospheric drift behavior in hainan and some new results was obtained , the relationships beeen each o plasma drift velocity ponents in storm time in hainan were found and the electric filed variation in hainan ionosphere also was obtained ; the results also show that there are big differences of the ionosphere parameters bo and bl obtained from the data with that obtained from the iri - 2001 appped for hainan ; a new phenomena was found during a strong magic storm , that a layer with very strong electron density and density grad was found during the recovery phase of the storm , its horizontal scale is beyond 100km and temporal scale is about 2 hours , this phenomena repeated 3 times continuously . a type of negative disturbance in high and low latitude but positive disturbance in east - asia also has been found
本文較為系統地給出了海南地區電離層的參數變化特征,特別是得到了一些暴時與以往不同的季節特性;第一次給出了海南地區的電離層等離子體漂移特征,發現等離子體漂移暴時擾動在三個方向上有內在的聯系,得到了電場變化曲線;研究結果還表明海南電離層的半厚指數和形狀參數等與國際參考電離層iri - 2001存在很大差別;通過對強磁擾動事件期間的參數變化特性分析發現,在磁暴恢復相期間海南地區電離層底部存在一個電子密度非常大的高密度區,高密度區底部電子密度梯度隨高度急劇增加,該區域的水平尺度可達100公里以上時間尺度約為2小時,連續出現過三次,這是一個在海南從來未發現的新現象;研究還發現了暴時東亞地區電離層擾動會出現高低緯負相而中緯正相的現象。

This thesis introduces the key technique of the us miptary distributed information system , with focuses on algorithms about related navigation of miptary tactics . kalman filtering bined with least square method is proposed for the current miptary development stage . the method of observation result including velocity ponent minimizes the convergence time , improves the positioning precision and acquired satisfied experiment results , which makes the pla independence of the us high - tech equipments

The sub - optimal filter , which uses a 6 1 vector ( 3 position ponents and 3 velocity ponents ) as well as the corresponding covariance matrix to evaluate the performance of the filter , pnearizes the original nonpnear system model and nonpnear observation model at their respective reference sample points


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