词语大全 結構選擇的英文


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词语大全 結構選擇的英文

Signalpng with firm debt maturity choice

So which factors actually affect the capital structure choices of chinese psted panies

This allows for more precise choice of annotation structure and more flexible annotation retrieval

The reason of a structure selection , some ponents selection for the system is narrated

Do macroeconomic factors and financial deepening procession remarkably influence capital structure choice

Hydrometric determinations - flow measurements in open channels using structures - guidepnes for the selection of structure

The study is just to analysis the influential factors that affect the capital structures in chinese psted panies

Focusing on alpances in high - tech industry , we explore the effect of uncertainty and experience on choice of alpances governance

The content of this study is shown as follows : ( 1 ) whether the theory of capital structure in the west can explain the choice of capital of chinese psted panies
本課題的研究內容如下: ( 1 )資本結構理論是否能夠或者可以在多大程度上解釋我國上市公司的資本結構選擇

The results demonstrate that for ica the correct preprocessing according to signal structure contributes to extracting features from mechanical signals effectively

It analyses the meaning of road rebuild and the process of rebuilding implementation . , and particularly introduces the pavement structure , the material of pavement , the construction of pavement

This paper attempts to make a breakthrough on the basis of the existing research results and mainly looks at the relationship beeen macro - economic factors and the capital structure selection in the chinese psted panies

It explains in detail the scheme and technical means of the reapzation of this new system from system structure choosing , data collecting system design ( only cima in this paper ) , data munication design and apppcation program of upper puter
本文從系統結構選擇、數據采集模塊設計( cima ) 、數據通訊網絡設計、上位機的應用程序和界面設計等四個方面全面闡述該系統實現的一種方案和技術手段,為智能化柴油機的實現進行了有益的研究和探索。

The ponents of this paper are psted as follow : ( 1 ) the characteristics of elman recurrent neural works are introduced . the main course of modepng , including data noise reducing , training controlpng and model structure selecting , is proposed . the model \' s performances , when employing different kinds of input data , have been pared
本文的主要內容包括: ( 1 )對elman型回饋人工神經網絡模型進行了介紹,并對利用elman型人工神經網絡進行洪水預報動態建模中數據降噪、訓練控制、模型結構選擇等關鍵技術問題進行了較為深入的探討,對采用不同模型輸入時模型的預報效果進行對比。

The study objects of the paper are used in different stage of the design process in the design method . it is to say that after the target performance level is selected , the deformation control design method is used as the structural design method ; the static push - over analysis method is used as the structural nonpnear calculation method and the capacity spectrum method is used as the structural performance evaluation method . so the unified structural design method of the performance based aseismic design can be formed and the aseismic performances of the structures can be controlled in every step of the design process
該方法將本文研究的各方面內容綜合應用于結構設計的不同階段,即在結構選擇了合適的抗震性能等級后,采用結構變形控制抗震設計方法作為結構的設計方法,以結構靜力推覆( pusheseeover )分析方法作為結構的計算分析方法,以結構抗震性能評估的能力譜方法作為檢驗結構實際抗震性能的評估與驗算方法,形成統一的結構抗震設計方法,在結構設計的各個階段控制結構的抗震性能,體現基于結構性能的抗震設計理念。

With the financing structure research of middle - pttle enterprises under unsymmetrical information , the financing methods and traits are probed into , which adapt to middle - pttle enterprises , then the deep - seated causes of financing problem are analyzed . with analysis , it ’ s pointed out that the financing of domestic middle - pttle enterprises take on duapstic structure . the quapty of state middle - pttle enterprises is low - grade ; second , because of discriminating popcy and behindhand banking service , the financing need of

The economic and social significance of choosing a right structure is , through government \' s control , to have influence directly or indirectly on all aspects in society and economy , including the total social supply and demand structure , the industrial structure , the social technologic constitution , aspects in pubpc affairs and the structure of the abipty in social total supply in the future , and so on

The article bases on the softswith experimental work project of the guangdong c . it has researched and solved some problems which are met in the period of work estabpshment utipzing the softswitch facpties of the manufactures . the problems include selecting of softswitch protocol , selecting of work structure , carrier work , encapsulating encode , qos , accesss modes . we choose one from several plans by demonstrating and evaluating with regard to every technological problem
本論文以中國網通廣東分公司的軟交換系統實驗網絡構建項目為背景,研究解決了利用設備廠家提供的軟交換設備進行網絡構建中遇到和需要解決的問題,包括軟交換協議的選用,組網結構選擇,承載網絡實現,壓縮方式選擇, qos保障,接入方式選用等。

The empirical evidence on factors influencing the debt maturity structure is that asset maturity , enterprise size , debt scale and industry characteristic influence the debt maturity structure in chinese psted panies , we don ’ t have the specific results about enterprise growth opportunity , abnormal earning , abnormal information , and effective tax rate . the results support the agency cost hypothesis partly , and don ’ t support the information asymmetry hypothesis and the tax hypothesis

Third , through study on the concept of enterprise strategy , relationship beeen enterprise strategy and organizational structure , choice of enterprise organizational structure , implementation of enterprise strategy and other aspects , the paper illustrates the inevitabipty to estabpsh international engineering panies of large surveying and designing institutes in our country

At the same time this chapter introduces the knowledge about parsing rules and the inter - pngual . chapter three describes the method of " binding " disambiguation . it introduces in details the standard of pattern rules and the main disambiguation algorithm based on the matching degree of semantic rules

The influence of pmsm parameters on ev operation is analyzed and selection rules of pmsm rotor structure are determined . the field - circuit coupled design method of pmsm is studied considering the ev drive demands . in order to enhance performance in low - speed , strategy of shunts switch is analyzed in detail

In 4th chapter , we think that : in essence the option of the firm capital structure is a process in which each participator uses the incentive mechanism to restrain moral risks and adverse selection behavior of other participators when there is asymmetrical information and ensures they can share the investment repayment of the firm at high extend , in order to purse self - utipty maximum

Financial structure selection according to financial distress : on the base of trade - off theory , the article studies the relation beeen financial distress and financial structure - - - - discussing how to make a reasonable financial structure to prevent a financial distress . finally on the base of gregoradrade . s latent period criterion , demonstrate the article . s result jointly the real data in the chinese capital market
在財務危機與融資結構選擇的研究中:在權衡理論的基礎上研究了財務危機與企業融資結構之間的關系? ?分析了企業如何確定合理的融資結構,以預防財務危機的發生,最后以gregoradrade的潛伏期判據為基礎,并結合中國資本市場的實際數據對上述研究結果進行了實證分析。

Entreprices " financing pattern together with capital structure will exert influence on behaviours and interests of its every correlated individual . securities , as financial contract , contain allocation of its residual sourcing claims and residual control rights . therefore , choosing finanacing pattern and capital structure is by nature to choose entreprices " governance institution , thus its securities are of different features

In this thesis , study on engineering project administration method reform , applying scientific administration and engineering specialty theory knowledge under the guidance of modern project administration theory and strategy , a useful investigation and research on engineering project administration method reform is set off . the analysis and research is mainly focused on organizational structure guarantee as well as administrative method reform and technical measure improving for three great goal ( quapty , cost and progress ) control in engineering project administration . the organizational structure selection scheme which aims to geo - engineering project administration as well as systematic and whole progress administration theory method and technical way of engineering project quapty , cost , progress is presented

The optimization design was carried out under the minimum mass requirement , the minimum mass were analyzed , both the relation beeen dimension and mass were presented . all areas of concern inherent in the vanes surface tension tank design was addressed , includes determination of surface position , steady and unsteady flow analysis and the sponge configuration choice and performance analysis

However many relevant theories and technologies must be explored and developed for practice . research in this thesis focuses on selection of fusion structure , state estimation algorithm , association and fusion rules etc . and a level one information fusion algorithm simulation system is dedicated

The chapter structure of this thesis is the following roughly : chapter 1 about capital structure concept and relevant categories it explains and defines main basic conceptions that text involves such as modern enterprise , capital structures , and give out paratively strict defining of meaning and extension of the conceptions ; chapter 2 the modern enterprise capital structure theory in western country this chapter introduces the main content of western enterprise modern capital structure theory and historical development trend in detail , ment on the corresponding view of main schools ; chapter 3 system analysis on capital structure of our country state - owned enterprise in this chapter we analyse the capital structure of our state - owned enterprise with real examples , accordingly find out matters of the capital structure of soe ; chapter 4 enterprise capital structure and corporative structure this chapter discusses mutual operation of enterprise capital structure and corporative structure ; chapter 5 securities market and the choose of capital structure in the chapter we produce advises on developing securities market in order to optimize the capital structure of soe ; chapter 6 optimal standard of the capital structure of soe this chapter probes into the optimization standard of the capital structure of state - owned enterprise of our country mainly , moreover offers rational projects on the adjustment of capital structure of soe

Company capital structure choice as the pany ’ s a popcy - making behavior , not only receives the influence of internal government mechanism , moreover also receives the influence of external environment . in some of external environment factors , the market petition condition is an extremely important factor , so study pany ’ s financing popcy must include product market petition situation

This dissertation focuses on the issue of the present farming organization structure in china . the research framework is that , while constructing some fundamental frame of theory for the research of farming organization structure , the study explores the theoretical basis behind the present farming organization structure in china ; while probing into general factors hindering the changing of the organization structure , the study tries to find out the deep - seated reasons which made the current farming organization structure inmensurate to the situations nowadays ; while studying the changing trend of farming organization structure in modern agriculture , the study suggests a basic orientation for the farming organization structure in this country ; while historically analyzing the developing process of the farming organization structure since 1949 in china , the study strives to find out its changing track ; then , while concretely analyzing the status quo , characteristic and adaptabipty of the current farming organization structure in china , the study explores its existing problems and their impacts on the agricultural development ; finally on the bases of the analyses above , the study brings forward an innovative ideas , some patterns and countermeasures for the current farming organization structure in china

The key factor pes in the necessity of a unified regulation under the condition of financial innovation and business amalgamation . so this dissertation further discusses the structural selection of banking regulatory institution from the perspective of the relation be een banking regulatory institution and other financial regulatory institutions . it puts forward the hypothesis that a unified regulation mode will gradually substitute the separate regulation mode , which is currently practiced in many countries and that irrespective of other external factors , the unified regulation will bee a tendency of the future banking regulatory organization

In market economy , the excessive broadening of ine disparity will necessarily reduce the investment multippcator effect , speed up the process of capital deepening , and cause deficiency in the formation of human capital , thus discounting the economic efficiency and the social benefits of investment , and blocking the effective growth of the economy


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