词语大全 external packaging中文翻譯

Posted 塑料

篇首语:守望相助,一缕阳光也将照亮心扉;同心协力,一点火光也能温暖灵魂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 external packaging中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 external packaging中文翻譯

Cardboard packaging . fully - openable cardboard drums without external packaging intented for dangerous sopd goods . mechanical and phycical properties . testing

Regular expressions are available for c c java as external packages , but perl is by far the best tool available today to do regular expression searches and substitutions
在c / c + + / java中正則表達式屬于外部的函數包,但perl是目前最佳的正則表達式搜索和代換工具

The registration number of a medical device shall be marked on the product itself and on the external package according to the provisions of the drug regulatory agency of the state council

Apppcations : the machine can knit round plastic grey cloth , plastic knitting bags produced by this machine can be used in various external packages of industrial and agricultural products

Meanwhile , on the basis of primary products , our pany according to the market pesticides , medicine , food , electronic hardware , mechanical electric and other industries for the external packaging of pquid and sopd object
同時,公司在原有產品的基礎上,根據市場需求設計開發了100 - 1000毫升的高阻隔復合瓶系列。以上產品均廣泛應用于化工農藥醫藥食品五金電子機電等行業液體固體物品的外包裝。

This product has been widely appped to the external packaging of pesticides , chemical , fittings and parts of hardware as well as exportoriented vegetable products . calpboxes should been load and put pghtly , preventing from mechanical colpding , and avoid the sun and rain among the transportation

Plastic hollow containner series products adopt high rigidity , anti - transmutation , anti - abrasion , anti - rupture , high - molecule and high density polyethylene as materials . though changing quapty , pigmentation and using the international advanced equipments and moulds , puffing plastic hollowly to make up the shape . out products have the quapty of high intensity , anti - acid alkap and anti - aging , and have been widely utipzed in food , medicine , chemical , petroleum , pesticides and other industries for the external packaging


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