词语大全 lao ta中文翻譯

Posted 中文

篇首语:成年人的平和,一半是理解,一半是算了。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 lao ta中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 lao ta中文翻譯

Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ai chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta

Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ah chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta

Ka yong and his friend mak ying hong plan to rob chu lao ta the boss of mak ying hong of his smuggled gold but fail . wai chu is caught by chu lao ta as hostage . ding kwok surrender himself to chu in exchange of wai chu


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词语大全 aorta中文翻譯


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词语大全 姥姥   [lǎo lao]什么意思

姥姥  [lǎolao][姥姥]基本解释1.[(maternal)grandmother]:北方俗称外祖母和接生婆为姥姥2.[oldwoman]:对年老妇人的尊称[姥姥]详细解释称

词语大全 老老   [lǎo lao]什么意思

老老  [lǎolao][老老]基本解释即姥姥,外祖母[老老]详细解释以敬老之道侍奉老人。《礼记·大学》:“上老老而民兴孝,上长长而民兴弟。”郑玄注:“老老,长长,谓尊老敬长也。”

词语大全 老老   [lǎo lao]什么意思

老老  [lǎolao][老老]基本解释即姥姥,外祖母[老老]详细解释以敬老之道侍奉老人。《礼记·大学》:“上老老而民兴孝,上长长而民兴弟。”郑玄注:“老老,长长,谓尊老敬长也。”

词语大全 ta 152造句 ta 152の例文 "ta 152"是什麼意思

ta152造句ta152の例文"ta152"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

词语大全 姨姥姥   [yí lǎo lao]什么意思

姨姥姥  [yílǎolao][姨姥姥]基本解释外祖母的姐妹[姨姥姥]百科解释亲属连带称呼。即妈妈的姨妈。即姨姥爷(姨外祖父)的妻子。即姨姥姥(姨外祖母),又称姨婆,,即外祖母(姥