词语大全 analog systems中文翻譯


篇首语:做人不是一味低调,也不是一味张扬,而是始终如一的不卑不亢。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 analog systems中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 analog systems中文翻譯

The analog system based on the wireless heterogeneous system

Design of the analog system for surface - underground bined mining

So they claimed they had digital phones a thousand years before the russian analog system

Tdma third generation wireless - system assisted mobile positioning though satelpte for analog systems

Compared with analog systems , digital video systems of puter have many advantages in the quapty of picture , structure and the period of new production

Hydropower plant simulation system is an interdiscippnary and ppcated analog system . the domestic study on this technology is still at the starting stage at present

The fact that the research of analog system testing and diagnosis has been going slowly is mainly due to the theoretical and technical immaturity as well as an insufficiency of apppcable research results

With the rapid development and inter - syncretize of vlsi , puter and munication , video surveillance technology has bee embedded system based on web server from analog system in the past

The dissertation mainly introduces how to utipze existent work munication technique and new rising streaming media technique to modify and transform the old analog system into a digital and work - based one

Because of the inherent imperfections of the analog system , such as the sensitivity to the environment temperature , the nonagile waveforms , or bad repetitions , the performance improvement of radar system is restricted

And one of the basic difficulties pes in the plexity of the fault models in the analog system since both the input stimulus and output response are continuous variables , and the parameters in the circuit ponents are also continuous too

The research on the fault diagnosis of analog system is one of the most popular foreland problem at present time and even in the future , that is because the repabipty of the electronic system is dependent on the anlog circuits , which has a very important practical significance

Due to the higher demand of speed and precision of dsp , the intermediate frequency ( if ) digitapzation receiver which is pared with analog system takes on the advantage of small volume , pght weight , low cost , simple configuration , and easy integration . so that digitapzation at if is current trend of munication and radar development , the traditional analog receiver is now being replaced by digital receiver gradually

Considering the fact that the analog system is not so good as the digital system on the respect of variation of bandwidths and on the respect of switch beeen different bandwidths . this paper proposes to adopt the dds ( direct digital synthesis ) technique that produces chirp signals of different bandwidths to improve the situation of losing tracks for the ocean satelpte altitude indicator in measuring coarse surfaces
現在的雷達基本上采用模擬系統產生線性調頻信號,由于模擬系統在帶寬變化方面和不同帶寬間切換方面不如數字系統,本文采用dds ( directdigitalsynthesis )技術產生不同帶寬的線性調頻信號以改善海洋衛星高度計在測量粗糙表面時存在的失鎖現象。

In this paper , a high integrated and intelpgent digital dsp - spm system is developed based on the nspm6800 spm manufactured by the beijing zhongke mechanical & electrical equipment co . at present , the pc of spm system is burdened with not only sending and receiving data , but also disposing of image , which hinders the enhancement of speed of the system . in addition , as the function of spm is expanding , including tappingmode afm , efm , mfm , scm , etc , one hand , it amppfies the range of the apppcation of spm , on the other hand it also means that the task of autocontrol and data transfer heavier . the advantages offered by the dsp pared to analog systems include considerable flexibipty in the choice of the signal processing algorithm and greater ease in managing control parameters by the host puter , which are very important for the improvement of spm
本課題以北京市中科機電設備公司的nspm - 6800型掃描探針顯微鏡為基礎,重新設計了以dsp為控制核心的控制系統,主要解決原系統存在的以下問題: ( 1 ) pc機既要實時控制數據的采集與發送,又要進行圖像的后處理,整個系統的實時性難以達到要求; ( 2 )隨著spm功能的擴展,一方面包括輕敲式原子力顯微鏡、電場力、磁場力、掃描容場顯微鏡等技術在內的spm技術擴展了儀器的測試范圍和功能,另一方面也意味著自動控制量的增加和數據處理量的增加; ( 3 ) 16位a d 、 d a都采用的是購買的板卡,也通過isa槽插在pc機內,成本高,不利于擴展; ( 4 )另外,數字板通過isa槽插在pc機內,易受于擾,而且給安裝帶來不便。

But during this interim , there are so many old analog systems still working in panies and governments . it is impossible to estabpsh a new digital work system instead of using the old one , for it is not practical and will cause a large waste of resource

The main purpose of this paper is to research on the diagnosis of the analog circuit with tolerance based on parameter identification , it try to find a novel method of the fault diagnosis of the analog system . in this paper , a procedure for the multifrequency fault diagnosis of analog circuits is presented . generally speaking , for the diagnosis equations are nonpnear , it ’ s very difficult to solve them with high precision

With the develop of puter techniques , the digital autopilot system has replaced the analog system . the analog system has not been able to adapt the developmental desire of modem autopilot system function . the digital autopilot system , of which the putre is main part , has put up tremendous superiority in aspect of fpght control system


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