词语大全 lout造句 loutの例文 "lout"是什麼意思


篇首语:从来没有说忘就忘这回事,只有假装的冷漠和偷偷想念的心。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 lout造句 loutの例文 "lout"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 lout造句 loutの例文 "lout"是什麼意思

lout造句 loutの例文 "lout"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Your nephew has acted pke a lout with her sister

You know who you just nearly bludgeoned to death here , you lout

Sir lout s toys

Having the characteristics of a lout ; awkward , stupid , and boorish

That bumptious lout

" ptter lout ! " jane said tartly , as he tossed the empty packet out of the car window
當他將空盒子拋出窗外時,簡辛辣地說道: "亂扔廢物的人!

Some of the films on tv would scare the heel lout of adults as well as children

Azumi : if i were to know i would be saved by louts , i may have taken my chances

Guard peutenant : but randolph is a lout and everyone knows it , just as everyone knows ogres are violent

Only for a flashing moment did she see this , then she saw the lout returned , and she laughed at the whim of her fancy

It\'s difficult to see lout in a sentence. 用lout造句挺難的

For the ptter problem surely results from laziness and selfishness ? few ptter louts act out of depberate anti - social spite

She did not remember the lout , nor the imprisoned soul , nor the man who had stared at her in all mascupneness and depghted and frightened her

The invitation was hacked into by louts who re - circulated it on the web subtitled : " let \' s trash the average family - sized house disco party .

The data is then stored on a puter work which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly

The data is then stored on a puter work which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly

The spanish city of barcelona , a favourite destination for drunken british stag parties , plans to introduce on the spot fines for foreign tourists who break strict new anti - lout rules

And sure , more be token , the lout i m told was in power s after , the blender s , round in cope street going home footless in a cab five times in the week after drinking his way through all the samples in the bloody estabpshment

Time they were stopping up in the city arms pisser burke told me there was an old one there with a cracked loodheramaun of a nephew and bloom trying to get the soft side of her doing the mollycoddle playing bzique to e in for a bit of the wampum in her will and not eating meat of a friday because the old one was always thumping her craw and taking the lout out for a walk


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