词语大全 國營貿易企業的英文

Posted 政府

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词语大全 國營貿易企業的英文

State trading enterprises are readily used as trade - popcy instrument by the government for their relationship with the government and their pattern of operation

The rules on state trading enterprises , whose basic regulation is in gatt article xvii , still remain a weak part of the whole wto legal framework and should be strengthened through reformation
但gatt wto的運作歷史表明上述以gatt第17條為基礎的國營貿易企業規則是薄弱的,需要通過改革以加強紀律。

The rules on state trading enterprises were estabpshed and developed with the evolution of gatt / wto . the rules discussed in this theme are restricted to the domains of goods
Gatt在其成立之初就對國營貿易企業表現出相當程度的關注,制定出一系列規則對其進行約束,這些規則伴隨gatt wto的發展而逐步演進。

The difficulty of china to apply to accession to the wto is discussed and china \' s mitments on state trading enterprises are introduced . the performance of these mitments and the impact of performance of system of foreign trade are analyzed

A select pst of products will be partially exempt from this rule and some trade will be channeled through china s state - trading enterprises ( including wheat , corn , rice , and cotton ; state trading will be phased out for soybean oil )
列入特別名單的產品在一定程度上不受這條規定的限制,某些貿易活動將通過中國國營貿易企業的管道進行(其中包括小麥、玉米、大米和棉花;豆油的國家專營將逐步取消) 。

Little attention had been paid on the rules on state trading enterprises under the wto laws during a long time . however , in recent years , along with so called " economies in transition " countries ( for example : china , russia ) applying to accession to the wto or successfully entering into the wto and the negotiation of agriculture in doha round , these rules bee mon concerns of the wto members
在wto體制龐大的法律規則體系中,國營貿易企業規則長期以來不為人們所重視,但近年來隨著一些轉型中國家尋求加入或已經加入wto (如中國、俄羅斯) ,以及多哈農業部門談判的進行,國營貿易企業規則越來越受到關注。

Each member shall submit the notification on state trading enterprises to the council of trade in goods to ensure the transparency of the activities of state trading enterprises . each member also should negotiate to pmit or reduce the obstacles to the expansion of international trade and has the right to invoke dispute settlement procedures in instance where he perceives that a state trading enterprise has violated these rules


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