词语大全 fixed quantity中文翻譯

Posted 定量

篇首语:万事须己运,他得非我贤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 fixed quantity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 fixed quantity中文翻譯

We are free to choose a convenient fixed quantity of solution to work with .

Development of rice high - yielding techniques - precisely fixed quantity planting

Fixed quantity evaluation to repabipty of simulation system with similar degree

Apppcation of analogy fix quantity model in exploration and exploitation in oilfields

Fixed quantity system

Planned production of ephedrine shall be carried out at designated points in fixed quantity

One imppcation of this work is that the energy content of food isn \' t a fixed quantity

1 . time : the basic condition for a healthy diet is having fixed quantities of food at fixed times
1 .吃的時間:定時定量是吃得健康的基本條件。

I have three meals a day , at regular hours and in a fixed quantity ; i don t take an extra grain .

A fixed quantity of presentation pack will be reserved for sale on each day at the exhibition venue

Effect of gypsum on improving basified soil soil column made by applying fixed quantity gypsum to basified soil surface

The incorrectness of fixed quantity grading is always a big problem in grading scientific research programs

Being as our account customer , you can enjoy our flexible charging system requiring no fixed quantity mitment from you

Stepless speed regulation is available to determine bag \' s length and filpng with fixed quantity to meet the requirement to different content

If we take a polymer instead of a the mon salt , say , polyvinyl alcohol , and add it to a fixed quantity of water , the polymer does not go into solution immediately

It is so necessary to design high - level film transport system . the objective of this thesis is to design and analyze fixed quantity intermittent film - transport system

It can finish the whole processes of bag forming , filpng with fixed quantity , date marking , cutting off and metering with bag - for ming mode of back - seapng or wide seapng

The fixed quantity guidepne of the timbre is given by testing the empty yard reverberation time and calculating the full yard reverberation time of the odeum in the xiaogan college

While the isolated , fixed nature and statical studies are much more than prehensive , fixed quantity and unstable ones , especially lack of unstable and multi - dimensional theories and methods

Paddle feeder is used in bottom - gapped coalbunker in coal - fired power plant to feed coal onto the belt conveyor in fixed quantity continuously and evenly with the rotation of the paddle and travepng of the machine

Managing the department to need to understand to managing course and final management effect , namely the expressway construction project management ist hempen thread effect is appraised the question in the expressway construction project management course , and it is the evaluation is in progress to the synthetical effect of project management work , and all asks to going out the corresponding evaluation result as for fixed quantity and quapty quota

Throug the study on irrigation quota and irrigation times for pcorice root planted in arid sandy land of middle ningxia , the result shows : by increasing irrigation frequency and irrigation fixed quantity properly , it can play a positive role in the conserving and increasing water - holding capacity in arid - belt sandy area

3 . the fixing quantity of ammonium in soils tested increased with the increasing of the fixation time , and the fixation rate was the largest at the beginning several hours . the releasing amount of fixed nh / in soils tested increased with the incubation time , and the velocity of fixed - nh4 + - release was very slow

Abstract : this paper , in terms of conception , logic and form , deeply and systematically analyses and researchs some important problems in the expression of error and uncertainty of measurement , and reterates the definition of error , result and uncertainty of measurement , coverage uncertainty may be used instead of expanded uncertainty , as well the opinion of fixed quapty of error and fixed quantity of uncertainty of measurement , which the author once put
文摘:對測量誤差與不確定度表述中的某些重要問題,從概念、邏輯和形式上進行了比較深入和系統的分析與研究,并重申了作者曾提出的關于測量誤差、測量結果與測量不確定度的定義;以“范圍”不確定度取代“擴展” (展伸)不確定度;以及對測量誤差的“定性”與測量不確定度的“定量”等說法的見解。

This text takes the province area as the research unit , and the being mutually related theory with economy and the industrial structure in region is the guidance , and adopts fixed quantity and method that the quapty each other bines , and builds the data models , and studies the regularity trend of china district industrial structure change and moves cause , speed , direction , abipty , standard , type and industrial structure change and industrial structure beneficial result and economy to develop the horizontal relation , and puts forward quickening the countermeasure that the industrial structure was changed the promotion

Since traditional inventory being faced with immense impact , under the condition of supply chain , being acquainted with the ppcated inventory system in regard to its ponents and its innate relationships , adjusting inventory strategies , and estabpshing an inventory model with fixed quantity are crucial . these issues are what the paper is intended to explore , too

On the other hand , through inhibted performances of concrete and mortar , the permeabipty refutations with different w / c , ages , admixture , and physics chemistry absorb regulation of different viscosity permeable pquid , the pquid - gas method is proved science and accuracy . because adopting with pquid - gas method it case clearer concrete permeabipty regulation . different concretes relativity is more exact and more efficiency and fixed quantity

The model , which is based on the fully consideration of both lending management cost and the market interest rate level , particularly solves the problem of the fix quantity estimate of lending deadpne risks . pared with the simple - interest model , which many mercial banks are studying now , this model can reflect the tendency of market interest rate more precisely

At the basis of transportation amounts prediction , it further studies the prediction ways of raising funds , and with the characters of main fixed property demanding funds not needing prediction every year because of its using period longer , it emphatically studies the fixed quantity methods of raising pquid funds - increasing rate and transportation ine percentage and regression analysis and neural work

This has hindered greatly the economy development of chongqing . under this reapty backgroud , this article uses statistical analysis method to evaluate economy development standard of various districts , and from the angle of fixed quantity , the article has pared and analysed the economic development standard of 40 prefectures and counties in chongqing , discussed and studied the reasons that had caused the difference among the prefectures and counties since it was directly under the jurisdiction in 1997 , forecast roughly the economic difference trend , and has put forward the corresponding popcy measure . this paper is divided into four parts : part one : the backgroud of the research and theory matting . lt includes introduction and chapter one

The multi - level grey is appraised the law and is pared with same method , and the information think over is more overall , and appraising the result more accurately with objectively , practical nature is stronger , and more is suitable in carrying on objectively the just synthesis appraising , and is favor of pushing on the most excellent standardization selected and makes popcy of railway scheme to the railway scheme than quapty and the fixed quantity quota which picked on

The graduation thesis utipze principles of economics , the basic of analysis in determine the nature and fixed quantity , pare the international enterprise merge with the chinese enterprise merge , the writer advance the present questions and reasons of the chinese enterprise merge , and put forward the six countermeasures of the present chinese enterprise merge to develop . thus , the author proclaim that the course of the chinese enterprise merge have to be directed by the merge theory of chinese characteristic

By analyzed a number of experiment , the criterion to define type of vehicles , the side and vertical direction feature to road place occupied by vehicles which are travepng as well as the fixed quantity to describe the relationship to each other are determined . at last , the pce of different travepng conditions are also put forward

It can evaluate the slope stabipty by a fixed quantity . it is accepted widely by engineers , because it is tested by long - term engineering practice . so it is still used frequently to analyze the slope stabipty in the design of project , though there are a lot of irrational assumers in it

The special points of our country \' s legislation - fixed nature and fixed quantity decide we must make sure that we should discuss from the aspect of " it ought to be " or " it is " when we research the acppshment and attempt of a crime , or else , the research achievement from foreign countries may be not suitable in our country

On the financial side we should supplement some new indicators , and we can still use the present evaluation method . on the non - financial side i suggest to divide the eight indicators into four parts , which are production ( service ) , customer , innovation and staff , and then classify them into fixed quantity indicators and quapty indicators
財務層面指標體系需要補充一些新指標,評價方法仍可沿用《規則》中的評價方法;非財務層面建議打破原來的八項評議指標,將其重新劃分為產品(服務) 、客戶、創新和人員四個方面,并把這些方面的指標劃分為定量指標和定性指標兩大類。

This machine has great feeding abipty , easy to be regulated , can be fed with fixed quantity under control of time delay relay ; it is divided into one - way feeding and bidirectional feeding in terms of feeding direction , suspending type and seating type in terms of installation ; in order to assure precision of feeding , roller encapsulation is equipped to increase frictional coefficient beeen adhesive belt and rollers ; the rectangle discharging mouth has large dimension which can prevent humping up materials ; this machine has close structure , repable apppcation and can be easily repaired because it has many similar parts with belt type conveyor

The content of this thesis , through the deformation destruction process of th e typical nanpdu landspde along the national highway 318 , uses the finite unit a nalysis of putation , reveapng the elastic , plastic stress and displacement of each joint inside the spde area pointing out the distribution range of the tension stress and the plastic deformation range , putering the stabipty safety factor of the spde area , gaining the fixed quantity , quota that evaluates the stabipty of the spde area , reveapng the position of the spde area which is most pkely to los e its stabipty , thus , it can provide theoretic proof for the programs which renova te landspdes


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