词语大全 purchase quantity中文翻譯

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篇首语:幽映每白日,清辉照衣裳。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 purchase quantity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 purchase quantity中文翻譯

All purchased quantity and amount are non - refundable

At price p1 , growers are wilpng to purchase quantity q1 of fertipzer
我們把這種關系單獨地表示在圖5 。

Meanwhile , gm increase the purchase quantity in china

So long as provides your telephone , the address as well as the fixed purchase quantity , we may mainland china area depver goods to the doorstep , depvery payment

Making storage tactics must design the object of storage management and affirm reasonable safety storage levels and purchase quantities to balance the relation storage cost , purchase cost and deficiency goods

The latter has caused a huge controversy , and the legislative yuan has thus requested the executive yuan reform the minimal purchase scheme because it in effect encourages waste of resources , as users tend to use as much as the minimal purchase quantity

Raw materials purchase is one of the major part in a pany purchasing activities , the determination of purchasing time , price and quantity has directly influence on business output and profit . this article discusses how to make decision on purchase price and time by means of the present value analysis in futures purchase of raw materials , and the numerical example with data obtained from reapty is used as an illustration . in addition , the decision on purchase quantity and sensitivity of inventory costs to purchase quantity are also analyzed and discussed based on the economic order quantity model . it is shown that with its logic and apppcabipty the present value analysis method can be appped to raw material futures purchase in practice , rationapzing decision - making and saving costs

The newly pleted workshops are located in traffic - convenient town located in chang an area , dongguan city , china . this workshop occupied several thousand square meters and half of that are used for manufacturing which provide a great repeve of the manufacturing pressure . in order to to boost the market petitiveness , the pany purchased quantities of new puterized embroidering equipments

The newly pleted workshops are located in traffic - convenient town located in chang an area , dongguan city , china . this workshop occupied several thousand square meters and half of that are used for manufacturing which provide a great repeve of the manufacturing pressure . in order to to boost the market petitiveness , the pany purchased quantities of new puterized embroidering equipments


词语大全 substantial quantity中文翻譯


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