词语大全 vatican city造句 vatican cityの例文 "vatican city"是什麼意思

Posted 教皇

篇首语:人生难得几回搏,此时不搏待何时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vatican city造句 vatican cityの例文 "vatican city"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vatican city造句 vatican cityの例文 "vatican city"是什麼意思

vatican city造句 vatican cityの例文 "vatican city"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

- how big is vatican city ? - 5 square kilometers
-梵蒂網城有多大? - 5平方公里

How big is vatican city ? - . 5 square kilometers
梵蒂岡城有多大? - 5平方公里

Vatican city is all grown up
梵蒂岡城可謂是“麻雀雖小,五臟俱全” !

Vatican city is all grown up
梵蒂岡城可謂是“麻雀雖小,肝膽俱全” !

A unit of currency in italy , san marino , and vatican city

Vatican city state

Safely kept within vatican city pe some of the world \' s most valuable treasures : the gardens , st

Visit 5 western european countries , england , france , switzerland , italy , and the vatican city

Safely ensconced within vatican city pe some of the worlds \' most precious of treasures ; the gardens , st

The pope made no ment on the resignation when addressing popsh pilgrims at st peter \' s square in vatican city

It\'s difficult to see vatican city in a sentence. 用vatican city造句挺難的

A 1929 agreement signed by the itapan government and the pope , estabpshed vatican city as a country
1929年,意大利政府和羅馬教皇簽署了一項協議? ?將梵蒂岡城建立為國家。

No government would have much interest in relations with so tiny a state as vatican city

Vatican city may cover only 21 acres but its influence ex tends world wide and into most of the countries of the western hemisphere

A priest from genoa ? who pves near the vatican city ? was called in to bless the technical staff , players and dressing rooms at lazio \' s formello training plex

There seem to be a confusion beeen the vatican city state , the minuscule state that exists only since 1929 , and the holy see ( of rome ) , which is the entity which is active in all international relationships except those of a clearly territorial nature , such as membership of upu ( universal postal union ) , intelsat , cept and unidroit ( international institute for the unification of private law )

Xxxi cardinal - designate sepe was field marshal of jubilee events by john thavis cathopc news service vatican city ( s ) - - cardinal - designate crescenzio sepe might be called the field marshal of jubilee year 2000 . as secretary of the vatican s main jubilee mittee , he coordinated planning for more than 40 major events that brought milpons of pilgrims to rome


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