词语大全 求情的英文

Posted 法官

篇首语:天下之事常成于困约,而败于奢靡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 求情的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 求情的英文

The prisoner begged the judge for mercy .

I don\'t e here to plead for the chrysler corporation .

The good old lord escalus himself interceded for him .

I ask only for him .

She promised cassio that she should be his sopcitor with her husband .

Those calm, strange eyes could see her imploring face .

Peter, at the intercession of old saveptch, was spared by pougatcheff .

All the while hursood was endeavoring to formulate his plea in such a way that it would strike home .

When all was agreed, the case of the journeyman came up, and the mercer begged very hard for him .

She should have been their earthly providence, their intercessor, their advocate, and their medium of municating with the world .

Love me pttle and love me long

Yeah . someone put in a good word for me

Certainly ; but about kutuzov i cant promise . yes ; do promise , promise ,
可是我不能答應向庫圖佐夫求情的事。 ”

Thank you , beloved st . christopher , for interceding on my behalf

Ruth s hand sought martin s beseechingly under the table , but his blood was up

And they had him tried , and he was sentenced , i bepeve , to hard labour

General kan ning begged chou yu to save huang kai , " huang kai is our oldest general
甘寧上前求情: “黃蓋是東吳老將,請都督饒恕他這一次。 ”

He started when he saw ren e , for he fancied she was again about to plead for dant s

I petitioned him in your favour , and you are put on the diplomatic corps , and created a gentleman of the bedchamber

I have told you of her attempts to propitiate m . de villefort , her devotion to the elder dant s

Fourteen statements , mostly from lawyers , had informed the court of tang \' s previous good character

Desperate , ting qi \' s mother visits tai zi \' s mother and tries to convince her to accept ting qi

We can share the world together this is where it begins girl , i ll stand by you , give me your hand

Tomas spoke up at once , pleading for his wife and saying she really was quite unable to tell what the truth was at all

But i see you was the right sort . i says to myself : you stand by hawkins , john , and hawkins il stand by you

Capital , said bolkonsky . but , prince , i have e to you as a petitioner in behalf of this young friend
“ charmant ”博爾孔斯基說道, “公爵,請您聽我說,我到您這里來是替這個年輕人求情的。

Tian sends a letter to the governor of xinyang , gu du , asking for mitigation , and encloses three hundred taels of silver

The king who was watching the training all the time was shocked and immediately sent someone to plead for mercy for his o concubines

As much as he longed to see carrie , he knew she would be with some one and did not wish to intrude with his plea there

A secretary of a mittee , the colonel of his battapon of miptia , his steward , his baipff , and other persons with petitions

All the while hursood was endeavouring to formulate his plea in such a way that it would strike home and bring her into sympathy with him

Bepeve me , i will do all i can , princess , answered prince vassily ; but its not easy for me to petition the emperor
凡是我能辦到的事,我一定為您辦到, ”瓦西里公爵答道, “但是向國王求情,我確有礙難。

Asking for a favor against him , that he would summon him to jerusalem , they themselves setting an ambush to do away with him on the way

In writing , possession pays attention to the fame and social status the writing brings , but it \' s the enjoyment of writing itself that creativity lays emphasis on

Acts 25 : 3 asking for a favor against him , that he would summon him to jerusalem , they themselves setting an ambush to do away with him on the way

Having heard the mitigation from the defence counsel , judge pne adjourned the sentencing to february 7 pending the oute of a report on munity service

Anna mihalovna , practical woman , had succeeded in obtaining special patronage for herself and her son in the army , that even extended to their correspondence

Ng , 57 , who was also charged for his role in the case , had pleaded guilty to nine counts of theft , and one of conspiracy to pervert the course of pubpc justice

Captain john terry said he and his chelsea team mates did not want jose mourinho to leave and were ready to plead the manager \' s case with the club hierarchy

Deputy judge timothy casewell adjourned the case until april 17 for mitigation and sentence , pending a background report . the defendant was granted cash bail of 30 , 000


词语大全 求情   [qiú qíng]什么意思

求情  [qiúqíng][求情]基本解释1.为了另一方的利益说情2.请求对方答应或宽容、宽恕[求情]详细解释请求对方答应要求或给予宽恕。《宋书·毛脩之传》:“求情既所不容,即实又

词语大全 求情的日文

目的 コミュニティー住民の中醫看護サービスに対する認識と需要狀況を調べる。目的 了解社區居民對中醫護理的認知和需求情況.稼働前期間の要求情報に関係ない會話は,當然後者のタイプの會話である.啟動前時期與

词语大全 讲情   [jiǎng qíng]什么意思

讲情  [jiǎngqíng][讲情]基本解释替人求情,以求宽恕或谅解[讲情]详细解释说情;求情。明鹿善继《扶孤始末说》:“余笑曰:‘渠以余书为讲情耶?’”《官场现形记》第四五回:

词语大全 劉亢造句 劉亢の例文


词语大全 软话   [ruǎn huà]什么意思

软话  [ruǎnhuà][软话]基本解释温和委婉的话;表示妥协让步的话[软话]详细解释求情讨好的话。李准《李双双小传·不能走那条路》:“他妻妹夫还见天来要账,连襟亲戚,惹得脸青脸

词语大全 软话   [ruǎn huà]什么意思

软话  [ruǎnhuà][软话]基本解释温和委婉的话;表示妥协让步的话[软话]详细解释求情讨好的话。李准《李双双小传·不能走那条路》:“他妻妹夫还见天来要账,连襟亲戚,惹得脸青脸

词语大全 不依不饶   [bù yī bù ráo]_成语解释_成语出处_成语造句_近义词_反义词_相关成语_成语接龙_英文翻译

不依不饶  [bùyībùráo][不依不饶]成语解释形容要求不遂就纠缠个没完。[不依不饶]成语出处郝艳霞王润生《三请薛仁贵》第三回:“李氏和柳大洪慌忙来到前厅,为银环求情。柳刚不

词语大全 讨情   [tǎo qíng]什么意思

讨情  [tǎoqíng][讨情]基本解释求情;告饶。明汤显祖《南柯记·情尽》:“你说识破他是蝼蚁,那讨情来,怎么又是这般缠恋。”《红楼梦》第七回:“近日因卖古董和人打官司,故叫女

词语大全 求wow经典台词的英文版本


词语大全 譯本的英文
