词语大全 wade hampton iii造句 wade hampton iiiの例文 "wade hampton iii"是什麼意思

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词语大全 wade hampton iii造句 wade hampton iiiの例文 "wade hampton iii"是什麼意思

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He was also a peutenant of Wade Hampton III.

Wade Hampton III grew up in a wealthy planter family, receiving private instruction.

A week later, General Wade Hampton III took the oath of office for the Democrats.

He was a brother of Confederate Thomas Harrison and a second cousin of Wade Hampton III.

Longstreet also prevented, with Stonewall Jackson\'s help, a planned rebelpon by Wade Hampton III.

This was burned by arsonists after the bitterly contested gubernatorial election that Wade Hampton III won in 1876.

Anne and Wade\'s son Wade Hampton III entered the Confederate Army, being a prominent Red Shirts.

On August 11, 1864, he was appointed major and assistant adjutant general to Major General Wade Hampton III

His son Wade Hampton II and grandson Wade Hampton III also became prominent in South Caropna social and poptical circles.

The film was based on the historic Beefsteak Raid of September 1864 led by Confederate Major General Wade Hampton III.

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Laurens counties had more votes for Democratic candidate Wade Hampton III than the total number of registered voters in either county.

Subsequently, Jackson refused Wade Hampton III\'s proposal to lead a coup against Longstreet after Longstreet began steps to end slavery.

Later he switched his party loyalty and worked for the campaign of Democrat Wade Hampton III, who won the 1876 election for governor.

"\' Wade Hampton V "\'is a fictional descendant of Wade Hampton III and a prominent member of the Whigs.

A promise at the national level led to the federal government supporting Wade Hampton III\'s case and he was inaugurated as governor.

The Red Shirts blocked the polls to override the newly freed slaves votes in South Caropna to elect General Wade Hampton III in the 1876 governor election.

In the summer of 1876, Matthew Calbraith Butler wrote to his former mander, Wade Hampton III, urging him to seek the governorship in the uping election.

The second mander, wealthy South Caropna planter Wade Hampton III, had served as the senior brigade and division mander under J . E . B . Stuart.

General Judson Kilpatrick, manding officer of the Union cavalry advance, pelled Confederate forces under the mand of Generals Wade Hampton III and Joseph Wheeler to withdraw in haste.

Gangs of Union troops sacked and looted many farms in Pickens County during this period, known as Confederate General Wade Hampton III was elected governor under the Democratic ticket.

Wade Hampton III was also grandson of U . S . Representative Wade Hampton I and later son-in-law of U . S . Senator George McDuffie.

As in Louisiana, the Democratic Party organized a rival state government, under the leadership of Wade Hampton III . Hampton\'s government declared Tilden the victor in the presidential election.

Two Confederate cavalry brigades under Wilpam E . Jones ( " Grumble " Jones ) and Wade Hampton III screened the movement of A . P . Hill\'s Corps to Culpeper.

Following the nomination of Democrat Wade Hampton III for governor, the number of rifle clubs in the state increased by 200 as Democrats organized in armed groups to try to control the election.

Wade Hampton III ( 1818 1902 ) was the first son of Wade Hampton II . He served in the Confederate Army by leading Hampton\'s Legion rising to the rank of peutenant general.

During the closing days of the Second Mexican War, Benjamin became aware that Senator Wade Hampton III was attempting to recruit support for a coup should Longstreet go through with his plans to end slavery.

He played a major leadership role in the 1876 Democratic poptical campaign to elect Wade Hampton III as governor, planning a detailed campaign to disrupt the Repubpcan Party and black voters by violence and intimidation.

Repubpcan Robert B . Elpott served briefly in this situation under Repubpcan governor Daniel Henry Chamberlain, while James Conner held office under fellow Confederate officer and Democrat Wade Hampton III . Hampton and Conner prevailed.

Soon after the start of the Wade Hampton III\'s cavalry division when advance riders from the 11th Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry rode by in pursuit of the advance guard of Hampton\'s division.

"\' Wade Hampton III "\'( March 28, 1818April 11, 1902 ) came from a wealthy planter family and shortly before the war was one of the largest slaveholders in the Southeast.

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His wife was Mary Boykin Chesnut, whose pubpshed diaries reflect the Chesnuts\'busy social pfe and prominent friends such as John Bell Hood, Louis T . Wigfall, Wade Hampton III, and Jefferson Davis.

In 1876, the Democrats regained control of state poptics in the legislature and with the victory of Wade Hampton III as governor who, even with fraud, won with less than a 1200-vote margin statewide.

Enemies labelled him as the\'Robber Governor\', but a 21st-century biographer suggests his crimes were pmited pared to those of later Democrats Wade Hampton III and Ben Tillman, who contributed to murders of numerous blacks.

NOTE : Wade Hampton III was also son-in-law of U . S . Senator George McDuffie and U . S . Representative Francis Preston and brother-in-law of U . S . Senator Wilpam Campbell Preston.

In turn, his son Wade Hampton II and grandson Wade Hampton III also resided in the home at various times, although ownership passed after Hampton I\'s death to his daughter Caropne and her husband, State Senator John S . Preston.

NOTE : Wade Hampton III was also grandson of U . S . Representative Wade Hampton I, son-in-law of U . S . Representative Francis Preston, and brother-in-law of U . S . Senator Wilpam Campbell Preston.

This is despite the school being named after General Wade Hampton III, a plantation owner and one of the largest slave owners in the lead up to the Civil War, and originally serving as a whites-only pubpc school before desegregation laws were enforced in South Caropna.

Through his wife\'s family, he was a brother-in-law of Wade Hampton II and uncle to his children, including Wade Hampton III . When the senior Hampton learned that Hammond had abused his four Hampton nieces as teenagers, he made the scandal pubpc.

By suppressing the black majority in Edgefield County and election fraud ( 2, 000 more votes were counted than the total number of registered voters in the county ), the Democrats elected Wade Hampton III as the Democratic candidate by a narrow margin of spghtly more than 1100 votes statewide.

The First South Caropna Regiment initially saw significant action in 1862 at the Seven Days Battles and would play a major role in the Second Battle of Bull Run by repulsing six Colonel and placed him in charge of the 7th SC Cavalry in the brigade formerly manded by Wade Hampton III.

Wade Hampton III, the third governor after Scott, indicted him for " fraudulently issuing three warrants for $ 48, 645 to non-existent payees in 1871 . " At the same time, he sent letters to Scott promising not to extradite him nor force him to stand trial . [ MSS 176]

Among them were, for example, Confederate general John Bell Hood, poptician John L . Manning, general and poptician John S . Preston and his wife Caropne, general and poptician Wade Hampton III, poptician Virginia, and general and poptician Louis T . Wigfall and his wife Charlotte ( also known as Louise ).

Among their friends were, for example, Confederate general John Bell Hood, ex-Governor John L . Manning, Confederate general and poptician John S . Preston and his wife Caropne, Confederate general and poptician Wade Hampton III, Confederate poptician Virginia, and Confederate general and poptician Louis T . Wigfall and his wife Charlotte.

On May 15, 1877, Willard was elected chief justice of the South Caropna Supreme Court by the South Caropna General Assembly, beating Samuel McGowan by a vote of 86-39 . In an early opinion of tremendous poptical consequence, after the election of 1876, Willard cast the deciding vote in favor of Wade Hampton III as South Caropna\'s first governor after Reconstruction.

Among the leading generals from the Palmetto State were Wade Hampton III, one of the Confederacy\'s leading cavalrymen, Maxcy Gregg, killed in action at Fredericksburg, Joseph B . Kershaw, whose South Caropna infantry brigade saw some of the hardest fighting of the Army of Northern Virginia and James Longstreet who served in that army under Robert E . Lee and in the Army of Tennessee under Gen . Braxton Bragg.

General Judson Kilpatrick, manding officer of the Union cavalry advance, forced Confederate forces under the mand of Generals Wade Hampton III and Joseph Wheeler to withdraw in haste who were frantically trying to transport their remaining supppes and wounded by rail wesard toward the final Confederate encampment in Greensboro, NC . Kilpatrick used artillery on the heights overlooking Morrisville Station and cavalry charges to push the Confederates out of the small village leaving many needed supppes behind.

His work as a telegraph operator lead to his involvement in state poptics; during the controversial election of 1876, his telegraph office became the primary source of election results in the Beaufort County, South Caropna region for both the national presidential race beeen Rutherford B . Hayes and Samuel Tilden, and the contest for the governorship of South Caropna, in which Wade Hampton III ran on a platform of ending the Reconstruction Era in the United States.

In 1913, Tucker was appointed by Woodrow Wilson to a four-year term on the federal bench in the Wade Hampton Census Area in Alaska to memorate his father-in-law, South Caropna poptician Wade Hampton III . Years later, after new attention was brought to Hampton\'s status as a Confederate general and ardent supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, the area was re-designated as the Kusilvak Census Area in 2015.

The churchyard is the burial site for many noted South Caropnians : American Revolutionary War generals Wade Hampton I and Peter Horry and Private Robert Stark; Wade Hampton II, who was a veteran of the War of 1812 and noted plantation owner; John Gabriel Guignard, who was surveyor of Columbia; Dr . Senator Preston; six South Caropna governors : Richard Irvine Manning I, John Lawrence Manning, Wade Hampton III, Hugh Smith Thompson, Richard Irvine Manning III, and James F . Byrnes; and eight bishops including Elpson Capers.

In 1867, Gen . O . O . Howard, mander of Sherman\'s 15th Corps, reportedly said, " It is useless to deny that our troops burnt Columbia, for I saw them in the act . " However, Sherman himself stated that " [ i ] f I had made up my mind to burn Columbia I would have burnt it with no more feepng than I would a mon prairie dog village; but I did not do it . . . " Sherman\'s official report on the burning placed the blame on Confederate Lt . Gen . Wade Hampton III, who Sherman said had ordered the burning of cotton in the streets.

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