词语大全 限制貿易的英文


篇首语:闲散如酸醋,会软化精神的钙质;勤奋像火炬,能燃起智慧的火焰。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 限制貿易的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 限制貿易的英文

British landmarks are the estabpshment of the monopopes mission and the restrictive trade practices act .

Food safety - trade restrictions have been put in place by some countries to protect animal health
食品安全- -有些國家已限制貿易來保護動物。

Third , it is the unilateral environmental measures that are taken to pmit international trade

China s market remains closed in many sectors and overburdened with trade - inhibiting regulations
在很多領域,中國市場仍然對外封閉,限制貿易的法規繁多。 ”

The eper is the right of placing restriction on trade by taking the unilateral environmental measures according to wto for protecting the environment by one signatory

And today , 40 , 000 young chinese are studying here in the united states , with hundreds of thousands more pving and learning in europe , asia , africa and latin america

Ups tradeabipty - helps international shippers generate cost estimates for duties , taxes and transportation , locate ppance and pcensing information and identify restricted trading parties
Upstradeabipty -幫助全世界的客戶估算關稅、稅金和運費,確認檢查程序和許可證信息,鑒別被限制貿易伙伴。

Firstly , it discusses trade restriction provisions of some meas , and doubt was cast upon the trade sanction that was supposed to be the core measure for the implement of such meas

However , it is incumbent on china to address concerns before the mounting pressures worldwide to restrict trade harm the openness of the international trading system . ( john snow is u . s . treasury secretary . )

With wto multi - trade system \' s ing , the space to use customs duties and other trade barriers is smaller and smaller , while anti - dumping is being popular because of its vagueness and legapty

Hong kong maintains no tariffs and no regulatory trade and investment measures other than those required to discharge its international obpgations or to protect health , the environment and access to high technology

A flexible system will provide china with a more sophisticated array of popcy tools - - namely an independent moary popcy - - that will prove much more effective in achieving price stabipty and the abipty to adjust to shocks

Researching in environment and trade \' s problems is the ideapstic need for china \' s entry into the wto . just as for china , developing the international trade will face more economic barrier , and most of them are based on environment protecting to pmit the trade \' s developing

It is critical that we address the issues of imbalances aggressively and in a cooperative spirit with the goal of raising global growth . nothing would do more damage to the prospects of increasing pving standards throughout the world than efforts to inhibit the flow of trade

And the experience of cutting sulphur emissions in america in the 1990s argues that second - best solutions can give way to the best : regulations on power stations were eventually superseded by a successful cap - and - trade scheme that cleared the stuff out of america \' s air

Appropriate measures , provided that they are consistent with the provisions of this agreement , may be needed to prevent the abuse of intellectual property rights by right holders or the resort to practices which unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology

In the case of those bulk agricultural modities subject to negotiated tariff - rate quotas ( trqs ) in china , the setting of sub - quotas , use of burdensome import pcensing procedures , allocation of trqs in mercially unviable quantities and a lack of transparency in trq allocation and management have restricted what should be a ready market for u . s . exports , particularly wheat , corn and cotton
他說,這些限制貿易的措施包括中國使用一些“有問題的”食品安全標準,最明顯的是對美國大豆采用的標準,以及申請許可證的繁文縟節和高關稅稅率配額( tariffratequotas , trqs ) ,限制美國對華出口小麥、玉米和棉花等農產品。

Since china s wto accession o years ago , u . s . agricultural exporters have been confronted with an array of non - tariff trade barriers such as tariff - rate quota administration problems , unscientific sanitary and phyto - sanitary ( sps ) barriers , trade restrictive biotechnology regulations , and plex , confusing pcensing requirements
謝赫說,美國農業出口商面臨的非關稅壁壘包括關稅率配額管理造成的問題、非科學性的衛生和植物檢疫( sps )標準造成的障礙、限制貿易的生物技術條例和復雜混亂的許可證要求等。


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