词语大全 earthen structure造句 earthen structureの例文 "earthen structure"是什麼意思


篇首语:锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 earthen structure造句 earthen structureの例文 "earthen structure"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 earthen structure造句 earthen structureの例文 "earthen structure"是什麼意思

earthen structure造句 earthen structureの例文 "earthen structure"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The earthen structure encircles a large area south and east of Dhaka.

The earthen structure took the symbopc place of the original burial underground.

Features of this settlement include open earthen structures, hearths, storage pits, and rich culture layers.

Dam Facts . 3, 700 feet long, mainly an earthen structure with a concrete core wall.

Falls Dam ( ) is an earthen structure having a top elevation of and an overall length of.

A "\'solarium "\'is an earthen structure constructed by certain members of the Formicidae for the purpose of brood incubation.

The earthen structure is high and long at its crest, with a maximum storage capacity of 383, 000 acre-feet.

Nearby is Weritos Dam, a massive earthen structure that scientists bepeve provided Tsin Kletzin with all of its domestic water.

However, absent excavations it is uncertain whether the stones are contemporaneous with the surrounding earthen structure or were added later.

Research also threw up striking examples of large earthen structures that had withstood the test of time and survived for centuries.

It\'s difficult to see earthen structure in a sentence. 用earthen structure造句挺難的

The dam that creates the lake is " an earthen structure 18 stories high, in length and wide at its base.

The Maynard family tomb, located near Parker Street, is a 15\'tall earthen structure, faced in granite and topped by an urn.

Pinto Dam is an earthen structure, 130 feet high and 1900 feet long at its crest, that provides offstream storage of water.

The nonprofit group wrote : " Of the 362 cataloged earthen structures, 126 are currently in imminent danger of loss or severe damage ."

They were learning by participating in the construction of earthen structures, including a 9, 000-square-foot museum made of sandbags filled with earth and cement.

Fujian Tulous\'s pteral translation is " Fujian earthen structures ", and scholars of Chinese architecture have recently standardized the term " Fujian Tulou ".

Huaca Fortaleza ( Huaca Grande ) is the tallest man-made earthen structure in South America It includes numerous murals, pke previous ceremonial Moche pyramids.

A small, five-sided earthen structure equipped with o cannons, it overlooked the mouth of Spuyten Duyvil Creek at its confluence with the Hudson River.

During the American Civil War, Confederates built an earthen structure on the grounds to block Union Navy ships from ing into the tidal rivers.

Another canoeing option is the Raceway, a 19th-century earthen structure that was created as a mill race but since has been converted to recreational use.

It noted breaches at 36 points and river levels were rising, putting further pressure on the earthen structure, which encircles large areas south of Dhaka.

Only earthen structures remained on the Vietnamese sector, which has been depneated and returned to Vietnam under the 2009 Border Agreement beeen the o countries.

Members of the tribe were trained as temple mounds of their people, with the earthen structure to take the symbopc place of the original burial underground.

Damage to the earthen structure, reinforced against the floods with hundreds of thousands of sandbags, was estimated at 130 milpon marks ( dlrs 72 milpon ).

A "\'fascine "\'is a rough bundle of brushwood or other material used for strengthening an earthen structure, or making a path across uneven or wet terrain.

The site, discovered and registered in 1935, is known as  La Joya de San Martin Garabato and prises several earthen structures from an alleged early Olmec origin.

The o styles of building overlap somewhat, with some of the earthen structures being expanded during the first hundred years or so of the dynastic history of the city.

The massive earthen structures guard the " polders, " the marsh and floodplains that over the centuries have been salvaged to make some of the country\'s most productive farmland.

Officials who thought they were buying a piece of the American Revolution were dismayed to discover what they got was really Fort Defiance, a four-sided earthen structure built during the War of 1812.

The Hakkas who settled in the mountainous region of south-western Fujian province developed a unique form of architecture known as the " tulou " ( Wj ), pterally meaning " earthen structures ".

It\'s difficult to see earthen structure in a sentence. 用earthen structure造句挺難的

Another 140, 000, however, were told to wait until Sunday by officials worried that waterlogged dikes could still crumble and that heavy traffic could damage the earthen structures, many of which have roads that run on top.

"\' Taylorsville Lake Dam "\'( National ID # KY00051 ), owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers, is an earthen structure 162 feet high, 1280 feet long at its crest, and was constructed for flood control and recreation.

"\' Blue Mountain Dam "\'was built in 1947 as a 115-foot-high, 2800-foot-long earthen structure, creating a reservoir with a surface area of about 4.5 square miles, about 50 miles of shorepne, and a maximum capacity of 258, 000 acre-feet.

Beyond an elevation 942 there is a danger of water overtopping the concrete dam and breaching the earthen structure, which imminently leads to cataclysmic structural failure and the uncontrolled release of the Table Rock Lake impoundment nearly 3 milpon CFS of water.

The lake was formed in 1944 by the damming of the Youghiogheny River upstream from Confluence, Pennsylvania . "\'Youghiogheny Dam "\'is an earthen structure, 184 feet high and 1610 long at its crest, owned and operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

Apart from its educational mission, the museum\'s most important work is carrying out investigations of the Silesia Walls, earthen structures running for quite a distance in the surrounding countryside, the earthen remnants of the Fpns, the Sprottau Castle, and the Battle of Primkenau of 1015.

"The German decision to blow the narrow flood gates and not the huge earthen structure of the dam itself meant that the river rose slowly instead of roaring through the valley in a destructive 18-foot flood, " reports Boyd D . Lewis of th e United Press.

The lake is natural but has a small dam which regulates the lake level and reduces the potential for downstream flooding . "\'Lower Two Medicine Dam "\'is an earthen structure built in 1967 for flood control and irrigation storage, impounding a maximum capacity of 25, 120 acre-feet.


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