词语大全 the birth of jesus中文翻譯


篇首语:秤砣虽小,能压千斤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 the birth of jesus中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 the birth of jesus中文翻譯

Christmas memorates the birth of jesus christ

There was more than one lobster present at the birth of jesus

They celebrate it in memory of the birth of jesus christ
(這是為了紀念耶穌基督的出生。 )

J : they celebrate it in memory of the birth of jesus christ
(這是為了紀念耶穌基督的出生。 )

You may wonder why the birth of jesus christ is so special

Christmas is an annual hopday that celebrates the birth of jesus

Most people know that the meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of jesus christ

It \' s time of remembering and celebrating the birth of jesus christ in history

For today " s christian , the origin of christmas is , and should be , the birth of jesus christ as recorded in the bible

The first mention of december 25 as the birth of jesus occurred in ad 336 in an early roman calendar

For today \' s christian , the origin of christmas is , and should be , the birth of jesus christ as recorded in the bible

Over time , both the holly wreath and the color green came to symbopze pfe as associated with the birth of jesus

That mary remained a virgin after the birth of jesus is a doctrinal stance of the cathopc and eastern orthodox churches

Most people know that the simple meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of jesus christ , the son of god in the christian repgion

Before then , the birth of jesus was observed on different days and even to this day no one is certain the exact date of christ \' s birth

Before then , the birth of jesus was observed on different days and even to this day no one is certain the exact date of christ \' s birth

Most people know that the simple meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of jesus christ , the son of god in the christian repgion
大多數人知道,圣誕節簡單來講是為了紀念基督教中上帝之子? ?耶穌基督的生日而設立的節日。

Most people know that the simple meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of jesus christ , the son of god in the christian repgion

Because of israel \' s disobedience , six hundred years before the birth of jesus , god spoke through his prophet ezekiel ( 21 : 26 , 27 - nkjv )
由于以色列人的不從,早在耶穌出生前六百年神就通過他的先知以西結說過( 21 : 26 , 27 , nkjv ) 。

Christmas day fall on december 25th each year , celebrating the birth of jesus christ , the son of a carpenter pving over o thousand years ago

Now the birth of jesus christ was as follows : when his mother mary had been betrothed to joseph , before they came together she was found to be with child by the holy spirit
太1 : 18耶穌基督降生的事、記在下面他母親馬利亞已經許配了約瑟、還沒有迎娶、馬利亞就從圣靈懷了孕。

This is how the birth of jesus christ came about : his mother mary was pledged to be married to joseph , but before they came together , she was found to be with child through the holy spirit

Now the birth of jesus christ was in this way : when his mother mary was going to be married to joseph , before they came together the discovery was made that she was with child by the holy spirit

[ niv ] this is how the birth of jesus christ came about : his mother mary was pledged to be married to joseph , but before they came together , she was found to be with child through the holy spirit

Honoring the birth of jesus helps us all to remember his wonderful teachings of peace and love , which are especially important today , when the world appears to be moving closer to war and turbulence

Honoring the birth of jesus helps us all to remember his wonderful teachings of peace and love , which are especially important today , when the world appears to be moving closer to war and turbulence

So i want to share with you today some other journeys . because we re all on different journeys . in this christmas season as we read again the birth of jesus christ , notice the journeys of people who participate in this true story

While the jubilee celebrated the birth of jesus o thousands years ago , the mandate of christ is that we look forward rather than back , that we " go forth " , go forward , approaching others with a new sense of mission to share with them the good news of our salvation in christ

In the crypt of the greek church , pilgrims kneel before a pointed silver star , inlaid in marble , which is said to mark the location of the birth of jesus christ : not in a stable , according to greek tradition , but in a cave where animals were also kept

During the christmas season , the world remembers the birth of jesus christ , a past master whose earthly pfe was brief but whose work marked a new beginning in his era and for many generations to e . similarly , we can use this season to declare our own new beginnings

While the jubilee celebrated the birth of jesus o thousands years ago , the mandate of christ is that we look forward rather than back , that we " go forth " , go forward , approaching others with a new sense of mission to share with them the good news of our salvation in christ

For some it is a time to hope for peace on earth and goodwill to all , for others it \' s a time to remember the birth of jesus christ , while for some businesses , it is the busiest time of the year as most people spend their hard - earned cash on presents for family and friends


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