词语大全 干諾道西的英文

Posted 道路

篇首语:没有一个冬天不可逾越,没有一个春天不会来临。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 干諾道西的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 干諾道西的英文

19 f , seaview mercial building 21 - 24 connaught road west

From connaught road west into water street , western district

22 f , dominion centre , 43 - 59 queen s road east
干諾道西21 - 24號海景商業大廈19樓

19 f , gee chang hong centre , 65 wong chuk hang road

Gf , block a , 179 - 181 connaught road west , hong kong
香港干諾道西179 - 180號a座地下

The eastern kerbside lane of chung king road

8 f tianjin bldg , 167 connaught road west , hk 11 : 00 am

Gold union munity building , 70 - 72 connaught road west , h . k
香港干諾道西70 - 72號金佑商業大廈2字樓

25f , western harbour centre , 181 connaught road west , hong kong

24f , western harbour centre , 181 connaught road west , hong kong

Temporary restricted zone in connaught road west service road western district

Connaught road west western district

Temporary restricted zone in connaught road west service road , western district

188 connaught road west

A section of queen s road west beeen hill road and connaught road west ; and

The section of connaught road west service road beeen wilmer street and eastern street ; and

The section of eastern street beeen connaught road west service road and des voeux road west

The western kerbside lane of centre street from its junction with connaught road west service road

The rightmost lane of westbound queen s road west beeen hill road and connaught road west will be closed

Beeen 11 am and 2 pm - section of westbound queen s road west beeen hill road and connaught road west will be closed

Opening of right turning movement for vehicles not exceeding 5 metres in length from connaught road west into water street , western district

Printed copy of the above are obtainable from occupational health service on 23f , western harbour centre , 181 connaught road west , hong kong

The western kerbside lane of sutherland street from its junction with connaught road west service road to a point about 46 metres south of the same junction

The southern kerbside lane of connaught road west service road from its junction with sutherland street to a point about 5 metres west of the same junction ; and

The southern kerbside lane of connaught road west service road from its junction with centre street to a point about 5 metres west of the same junction

Hong kong plaza at 188 connaught road west in sai wan has 25 , 977 sq . ft . of total floor area . it also has exhibition space and retail stalls at main entrance
香港商業中心位于西環干諾道西188號,總面積25 , 977平方尺,于入口位置設有推廣場地及零售車。

During the road closure , bus services within the closed road will be re - routed to connaught road west , praya kennedy town and resume normal on return to belcher s street

The southern kerbside lane of connaught road west service road from a point about 46 metres east of its junction with centre street to a point about 80 metres east of the same junction

The northern kerbside lane of connaught road west service road from a point about 40 metres east of its junction with centre street to a point about 86 metres east of the same junction ; and

During the road closure , bus services within the closed road area will be re - routed to connaught road west , kennedy town praya and resume normal on return to belcher s street

A 30 - year - old american man who went missing earper this month was located last ( march 11 ) night . he was located at the entrance of western harbour crossing on connaught road west by the tunnel staff

In exercise of the powers vested in me under regulation 14 of the road traffic traffic control regulations , chapter 374 , i hereby direct that with effect from 10 . 00 a . m . on 3 january 2007 to 31 march 2007 , the southern kerbside lane of the westbound carriageway of connaught road west service road from a point about 80 metres west of its junction with morrison street to a point about 155 metres west of the same junction will be temporarily designated
交通管制規例第374章第14 1 b條所賦予的權力,下令由2007年1月3日上午10時起,至2007年3月31日止,西區干諾道西輔助道路的西向行車道由其與摩利臣街交界以西約80米處起,至同一交界以西約155米處止的南面路旁行車線,


词语大全 華西的英文


词语大全 说东道西的意思_成语“说东道西”是什么意思


词语大全 说东道西   [shuō dōng dào xī]什么意思

说东道西  [shuōdōngdàoxī][说东道西]成语解释说东家,讲西家。形容没有中心地随意说。贬义[说东道西]成语出处宋·释惟白《续传灯录》卷二十:“那堪长老鼓两片皮,摇三寸

词语大全 移东就西造句_移东就西中英文解释和造句

移东就西  yídōngjiùxī移东就西的意思和解释:彼此挪动转移。比喻只求暂时应付,不作长久打算。移东就西的出处唐·陆贽《论裴延龄奸蠹书》:“移东就西,便为课续。取此适彼,遂号

词语大全 移东就西造句_移东就西中英文解释和造句

移东就西  yídōngjiùxī移东就西的意思和解释:彼此挪动转移。比喻只求暂时应付,不作长久打算。移东就西的出处唐·陆贽《论裴延龄奸蠹书》:“移东就西,便为课续。取此适彼,遂号

词语大全 指东画西造句_指东画西中英文解释和造句

指东画西  zhǐdōnghuàxī指东画西的意思和解释:指说话时的手势动作。比喻说话避开主题,东拉西扯。指东画西的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十四:“说青道黄,指东划西。”宋·释

词语大全 指东画西造句_指东画西中英文解释和造句

指东画西  zhǐdōnghuàxī指东画西的意思和解释:指说话时的手势动作。比喻说话避开主题,东拉西扯。指东画西的出处宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷十四:“说青道黄,指东划西。”宋·释

词语大全 移东补西造句_移东补西中英文解释和造句

移东补西  yídōngbǔxī移东补西的意思和解释:用之方面的钱、物弥补那方面的亏空或不足。比喻只求暂时应付,不作长久打算。移东补西的出处唐·陆贽《论裴延龄奸蠹书》:“移东就西,

词语大全 移东补西造句_移东补西中英文解释和造句

移东补西  yídōngbǔxī移东补西的意思和解释:用之方面的钱、物弥补那方面的亏空或不足。比喻只求暂时应付,不作长久打算。移东补西的出处唐·陆贽《论裴延龄奸蠹书》:“移东就西,

词语大全 日东月西造句_日东月西中英文解释和造句

日东月西  rìdōngyuèxī日东月西的意思和解释:比喻远隔两地,不能相聚。日东月西的出处汉·蔡琰《胡茄十八拍》:“十六拍兮思茫茫,我与儿兮各一方。日东月西兮徒相望,不得相随兮