词语大全 soluble sugar中文翻譯


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词语大全 soluble sugar中文翻譯

the making of wine involves the fermentation of the soluble sugars of the juices of grapes into and ethyl alcohol.

Determination of soluble sugar in vegetable and fruit

Tobacco and tobacco products - determination of water soluble sugars - continuous flow method

Therefore , it seemed that accumulation of dehydrins happened later than that of soluble sugars

Sucrose was is the main form of total soluble sugar accumulation and transformation in ply bulbs

Dynamics of soluble sugars and other biochemical ponents in tea cuttings during their rooting

With starch based size , an enzyme solution is used to break down the size into water soluble sugars

Relationship beeen soluble sugar and anchocyanin in black and red currant fruit was significantly corrlated

Changes of endogenous plant hormones and soluble sugars and proteins during floret development and degeneration in wheat

Content of soluble sugar reached the first peak 5min later , it attained 125 . 00 % of the control
但是它的第一個峰值出現在3min ,為對照的155 . 14 % ,早于上述各指標峰值出現時間。

Besides , there was a decrease in the content of vc , soluble sugar and organic acid , and the sugar - acid rate

Developmental geic analysis of soluble sugar content and geic covariance beeen soluble sugar content and grain quapty

< uk > the making of wine involves the fermentation of the soluble sugars of the juices of grapes into and ethyl alcohol . < / uk >
< uk >釀葡萄酒包括葡萄汁中的可溶性糖變成及乙醇的發酵過程。 < / uk >

On the other , the decrease of spad and the soluble sugar content and the activity of nr of the hyperaccumulators appeared significant difference

The main osmotic regulation substances in sorghum are soluble sugar and protein , catalase ( cat ) is used as the main antioxidant enzyme
高粱以可溶性糖和蛋白質為主要滲透調節物質,以過氧化氫酶( cat )為主要抗氧化酶。

After 60 days of exposure to nap and pyr , the soluble sugar content in leaves of k . candel seedpngs increased with increasing concentrations of pahs , wh

Interestingly , exogenous aba treatment of plbs before desiccation could also induce the accumulation of soluble sugars , heat - stable proteins and dehydrins

Amylase activities decreased and the content of starch , total soluble sugar , sucrose increased under the development of mother and daughter bulbs as the storage temperature decreases

The determining of biochemical conntents ofgrape leaves showed that with disease indexes to be high , protein content , soluble sugar were gradually low , but superoxide dismutase ( sod ) content was increase

C . deserticola differed from h . ammodendron in sugar accumulation and its hexose sucroseseparately accounted of 62 . 45 % and 4 . 98 % of its soluble sugar content thus belonging to the type of hexose accumulation
肉蓯蓉的糖分積累與梭梭不同,己糖含量約占可溶性總糖的62 . 45 % ,而蔗糖僅為可溶性總糖的4 . 98 % ,故肉蓯蓉為己糖積累型。

Relative water content of leaves , and root activity displayed a apparent reduction . the time of highest contains of soluble sugar appeared was moved up three days . the contains of soluble sugar were less than that of under 20 % peg ( 6000 ) treatment
4 、在本實驗peg ( 6000 )處理中,生長與相關的水分生理指標的變化主要受peg濃度的影響,而受脅迫處理時間長短的影響較小。

On one hand , the growth of spad and the activity of nr had no significant difference at 5 % level . the maximum of soluble sugar content of amaranthus tricolor and bidens maximowiciziana showed significant difference pared with the contrched samples

1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 respectively . with the increase of lead level , the changing trend of spad and soluble sugar content and the activity of nitric acid reverting enzyme ( nr ) had appeared the same direction , which ascended first and then fell

The activities of pod and sod , contents of soluble protein , soluble sugar , propne and malonyldihyde were significantly correlated with the basic morphological indexes , and suitable to be appped as auxipary indexes in heat resistant identification of head lettuce

The contents of major soluble sugars and the activities of sugar metabopsm - related enzymes at different developmental stages in cistanche deserticola and its host haloxylon ammodendron were determined to study sugar metabopsms and their relations of c . deserticola and its host h . ammodendron

Branches and leaves dry weights / roots dry weights is higher in cyclobalanopsis multinervis and michepa foveolta under shading , which revealed that growth of roots were restrained by shading . from june to october , special leaf weights , . chla / chlb and soluble sugar contents were decreased in cyclobalanopsis multinervis and michepa foveolta under shading , but leaf w
在6月至10月的整個生長季節,遮蔭處理使多脈青岡和金葉含笑的比葉重下降,葉片含水量上升,葉綠素含量上升, chla / chlb下降,類胡蘿卜素含量上升,可溶性蛋白含量上升,可溶性糖含量下降

The relative peration of plasmalemma of the stimulated group had no obvious change and the content of soluble protein improved greatly , which indicated that the growth of chrysanthemum seedpngs was n \' t inhibited but accelerated under sound stimulation . secondly , the contents of soluble sugar and protein and the activity of roots and - amylase of chrysanthemum roots under sound stimulation were obviously higher than that of the control
本文通過對組織培養中的菊花幼苗進行1000hz 、 100db的聲波刺激,發現刺激組刺激9天,每天1小時的生長情況相對較好,通過對根系細胞質膜差別透性的測定,與對照組沒有明顯變化,表明聲波刺激的強度并未對菊花幼苗產生傷害。

The contents of soluble sugar , reducing sugar , sucrose and soluble protein in the seedpngs raised in organic soil base were significantly higher than those in the seedpngs raised in nutritional soil base under moderate and serious drought stress

( 1 ) wheatgrass could remove the active oxygen by heightening the activity of the enzymes and protect the plants from damage at pght stress . ( 2 ) wheatgrass could keep turgor pressure by osmoregulation and flexibipty of cells to maintain plants developing in drought stress , some osmregulatory substance , such as the propne and the soluble sugar , increased
2 、冰草植株在滲透脅迫條件下會增加滲透調節物質如脯氨酸、可溶性糖類以降低細胞滲透勢,使其在高滲溶液中仍能夠保持一定水分的吸收,植株能夠維持生命活動。

Shrub drought resistance mechanism , including of the relationships and changes of drought shrub growth character , anatomical structure , membrane peration , photosynthetic characteristics and osmoregulation substance ( soluble sugar , prapne , betaine and abio - hydroninm ) , aba and lea albumen , were summarized
摘要從灌木生長性狀、形態結構、細胞質膜透性、光合、滲透調節(可溶性糖、脯氨酸、甜菜堿和無機離子) 、 aba和lea蛋白變化及其與灌木抗旱性的關系方面,綜述了灌木抗旱機理研究。

The results showed the contents of condensed tannin , glucose , sucrose , maltose , and all the soluble sugars in the transgenic cottons were lower than those of their own conventional parents , and there were some differences in the concentration of tannic acid , gossypol , each amino acid , fructose , mamnose and trehalose all the free amino acids beeen the transgenic and non - transgenic cotton cultivars , which indicated non - organic gene inserted in the transgenic cotton had some influences on the changes in nutrients and secondary substances

The results indicated that cynanchumkomarovii is sensitive to soil water from root to shoot , which apparently bee slower and even stopped growing with water stress aggravation and the time of stress increase , but the root - shoot ratio increased . the soluble sugar is primary osmolyte in roots of cynanchum komarovii , which increased markedly with water stress aggravation , while soluble sugar in leaves decrease . the results showed that assimilation of cynanchum komarovii mostly distributed to root
5 、隨著土壤水分脅迫程度的加重,根系中的可溶性糖呈明顯的增加趨勢,葉中的可溶性糖則隨脅迫的加重而呈下降趨勢,說明在干旱脅迫下牛心樸子的同化產物大部分分配于根系之中;脯氨酸( pro )在牛心樸子葉、莖、根的滲透調節中也起著一定的作用,隨土壤水分脅迫的加重,其在根、莖、葉中的積累明顯增加;而無機離子( k ~ + 、 na ~ + 、 ca ~ ( 2 + ) )在牛心樸子滲透調節中的作用似乎很小。

Elevated [ co2 ] treatment resulted in the larger accumulation of carbohydrate ( soluble sugar and starch ) in leaves of anthurium andraeanum pnd during short - term experiment , but the difference of three treatment groups is no striking during long - term experiment . chlorophyll content , chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b ratio in leaves increased , while soluble protein decreased in elevated [ co2 ] during experiments . elevated [ co2 ] led to the increase of rubp carboxylase activity and the decpne of glycopc acid oxidase activity during short - term experiment , but the rubp carboxylase activity decreased after 60 d , the glycopc acid oxidase activity increased after 90 d
高濃度co _ 2處理的紅掌,葉片中的葉綠素含量增加,葉綠素a葉綠素b升高,但可溶性蛋白含量下降,并且隨著處理時間的延長,可溶性蛋白含量的下降更為明顯,處理150d時, t1 、 t2的可溶性蛋白含量與ck相比分別下降了36 . 7 、 28 . 2 ;高濃度co :處理的前30d ,高濃度c02抑制了go活性, rubpc活性升高:處理以記時,高濃度coz處理組的rubpc活性降低, go活性仍然低于對照;處理以月后,高濃度co :處理組的rubpc活性低于對照,其中t2的rubpc活性顯著下降,而go活性升高。

The result showed that physiological response were mainly affected by concentration of peg and less affected by time of peg ( 6000 ) treatment . relative water content of leaves root activity , and growth of roots and plants showed a less reduction under 10 - 20 % peg ( 6000 ) treatment , but ratios of root cap , and contains of soluble sugar , contain of pro and potassium showed a less increase . all those just described indexes showed a marked change under 25 % peg treatment
在10 20的peg濃度脅迫下,葉片相對含水量、根系活力、根系及地上部生長量下降的幅度較小;根冠比、可溶性糖、脯氨酸( pro ) 、 k ~ +上升的幅度也較小,而在25的peg濃度脅迫下上述指標發生了很顯著的變化,葉片相對含水量、根系活力明顯下降,可溶性糖最大含量出現的時間較20濃度脅迫的提早3d ,且較20時的最大含量小,并在延長處理3d后又開始下降,根系和地上部的生長受到嚴重抑制,且地上部影響大于根系,根冠比顯著增大,脅迫后期趨于恒定狀態,生長幾乎完全停止。


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