词语大全 江衛的英文


篇首语:有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚。。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 江衛的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 江衛的英文

Compared to the previous indigenous frigate jianghu and jiangwei class , the type 054 is larger , with better weapon system and sensors
與早先國產的護衛艦江湖和江衛級比較, 054更大,擁有更好的武器系統和傳感器。

The design may then be revised according to the user feedback before the mass production could begin ? a similar pattern found on the building of the jiangwei class frigates
大規模生產開始之前,設計可根據用戶的意見進行修改- -在江衛的建造中已經應用的模式。

The huai bei frigate is the new generation of chinese major battleship , the ship have visited russia at the invitation of attending the 50th anniversary victory celebration of ww , during the celebration , the fleets of russia , u . s and china have hold a fleet ispection , the no 541 frigate has been opened to the pubpc which attracting a lot of visitors , and through this event the chinese navys power and good image is demonstrated
江衛級”導彈護衛艦是中國海軍新一代主戰裝備。該艦作為中國友好使者,曾應邀訪問俄羅斯,參加第二次世界大戰勝利50周年慶祝活動,俄中美三國艦船舉行艦隊檢閱。 541導彈護衛艦向公眾開放參觀,人潮如涌,顯示了中國軍艦的威武形象和魅力。


词语大全 舍衛的英文


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词语大全 简爱读后感英文

简爱读后感英文  参考简爱读后感英文一:  简爱读后感英文  Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil

词语大全 感恩节英文介绍

感恩节英文介绍  参考感恩节英文说一:  感恩节英文说  ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnitedSt

词语大全 简爱读后感英文

简爱读后感英文  参考简爱读后感英文一:  简爱读后感英文  Thisisastoryaboutaspecialandunreservedwomanwhohasbeenexposedtoahostil

词语大全 感恩节英文介绍

感恩节英文介绍  参考感恩节英文说一:  感恩节英文说  ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnitedSt