词语大全 徐衛的英文

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词语大全 徐衛的英文

Xu weidong , editor - in - chief of world news

The venture plans to introduce the golf a5 , bora a5 and audi a3 according to the demands of the domestic market , he said . faw vw expects to sell 300 , 000 cars this year , the same as last year , he said

Faw vw , german car maker volkswagen s joint venture with first automotive works corp , has vowed to increase the amount of locally - produced parts in its cars " crazily " to cut costs under persistent pressure from the strong euro
而為了拿到相關訂單,宇通很早就開始研究北京市場。 “自從北京開始申辦奧運會,宇通就已經開始對北京市場進行研究。 ”徐衛東說。

Faw vw will cut costs by 60 per cent if it uses domestically - made rather than imported parts and ponents , according to qin . faw vw will encourage its supppers in europe to set up wholly - owned ventures or joint ventures with partners in china , he said . " all car makers , from europe , japan and the united states , should raise local content of their cars made in china , not only to cut costs but also to respond quickly to changes in china s car market , " said yale zhang , a shanghai - based analyst from us auto consulting firm csm worldwide corp
徐衛東同時向記者出示了一份去年11月份廣州市一汽巴士公司對其所采購的四家企業車輛故障統計及終身使用成本對比表,表上說明,宇通客車日故障率以0 . 07的優勢遠遠低于另三家企業駿威安凱常州的0 . 19 0 . 27和0 . 36 ,在終身使用成本方面,宇通也以8年投入90345 . 6元的優勢明顯低于另三家的245289 . 68元348508 . 8元和464688元。

" cost - controlpng has been one of the most important tasks for car makers operating in china because it has been a key field of petition as well as for boosting sales due to the slowing car market and sagging car prices , " zhang told china daily yesterday . they are also suffering from soaring costs of raw materials , such as steel and rubber , he added . besides cost - cutting , faw vw will launch more petitive and mass - market products whose annual sales could reach 100 , 000 to 150 , 000 units , pke the jetta , qin said
徐衛東說: “因此我們的目標是要提高整個行業的競爭水平,使大家在更高的層次上競爭,為用戶提供更高層次的服務,而不是為了一個訂單僅僅在價格上殺得頭破血流,這個行業是非常專業的行業,客戶也非常清楚,一個產品本身交付的價格不是全部,更重要的是產品的質量和服務。 ”


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