词语大全 银行监督的英文

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篇首语:知识是心灵的活动。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 银行监督的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 银行监督的英文

According to the statistical result of the china banking regulatory mission , there are thirty thousand financial institutions across the country at present

A joint venture shall , on the strength of its business pcense , open accounts in foreign exchange and in renminbi with banks in china , which shall supervise its receipts and payments

Stimulation system is the core segment of the mercial regulation system , control system and distribution system and performance appraisal system is the crucial segment of the whole stimulation system

This text is divided into five chapters : first section of chapter one introduce the source of supervise theory , including pubpc interest theory , chasing theory , renting theory , economy supervision theory and make a summary

In a positive step , macau has agreed to a joint review of its anti - money laundering regime by the overseas group of banking supervisors and the asia pacific group of the financial action task force , which will be conducted in april 2001
澳門已經通過反洗錢立法, “但是并沒有多少積極的實施行動” 。然而,澳門同意讓海外銀行監督人組織和亞太金融行動工作組共同審議其反洗錢制度,這是朝正確方向邁出的一步。


词语大全 银行金库的英文


词语大全 银行资本的英文


词语大全 银行结存的英文


词语大全 逃汇   [táo huì]什么意思

逃汇  [táohuì][逃汇]基本解释违反国家外汇管理规定,把应售给国家的外汇私自存放国外、转让或买卖的活动[逃汇]详细解释谓违反国家外汇管理规定,逃避国家银行或海关监督,将应该

词语大全 国内银行优质服务口号 口号大全

  工商银行住房储蓄给您一个空间。  工商银行八十年叶茂根深,造福于国计民生!  中国工商银行再加一个,储蓄使你的财富增值。  中国工商银行,您身边的银行,可信赖的银行。  中国工商银行,让希望与您更

词语大全 监督的意思是什么

【监督】的意思是什么?【监督】是什么意思?【监督】的意思是:监督jiāndū 1.  监察督促。  ●《周礼•地官·乡师》「大丧用役则帅其民而至,遂治

词语大全 银行本票造句 银行本票の例文


词语大全 银行开门红励志口号


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  莫让年华付水流提示:银行用语  谜面:莫让年华付水流提示:银行用语  谜底:活期有息

词语大全 银行用语,莫让年华付水流 提示:银行用语

  莫让年华付水流提示:银行用语  谜面:莫让年华付水流提示:银行用语  谜底:活期有息