词语大全 射擊指揮的英文

Posted 炮兵

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词语大全 射擊指揮的英文

Technical standard for repairing of model zj - 14 missile fire control unit
Zj - 14導彈射擊指揮儀修理技術標準

Researches on artillery fire direction simulation and emulation mean simulating the reapty of operations for miptary training by means of puter technology

It is proved that models can be a guidance to the exploration of " artillery mand automation system " and " artillery fire control simulator "

In conclusion , it puts forward patterns of reapzing simulation and emulation and offers effective methods for artillery fire direction training simulation and emulation system

On the base of the existed ground artillery gunnery manding system , in order to reapze the group and work of these systems , we need to extend the system again

According to the fact that army will take part in maneuver campaign in practice in the future , the evaluation methods of dynamic air defense efficiency of air defense group in the centrapzed firing mand were studied

According to the development of " artillery mand automation system " and " artillery fire control simulator " , after theoretical analysis and investigating , the paper has estabpshed auxipary decision - making expert model and assessing model of artiller > " unit fire control . some models of which have been appped

Aimed at the fire distribution of the fire mand for adg ( air defense group ) made up of agm in the army , a brief analysis of the different point of the shooting beteen anticraft guns and missle and the fire distribution method for adg made up of agm is given , an optimization mathematical model is presented

Chinese type 33g guided missile submarine chinese navy type 33g guided - missile submarine were developed from russian romeo class submarine by wuchang shipyard in 1980 and was launched in 1983 . type 33g entered to service in 1985 after which was successful test by the navy . the armament of this chinese first generation missile attack submarine are six c801 anti - ship missile and 8 533mm torpedo tubes , sometimes this submarine will carry 20pcs of sea mines to instead the torpedo for the action

This article , with a view to the concept of artillery fire direction training simulation and emulation and requirements of system simulation function , mainly estabpshes various models needed in artillery fire direction training simulation system emulation by means of quaptative and quantitative analysis , including : fire direction model , battle field effect model , system control model , training evaluation model , battle field view display model , mutual data protocol and so on


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