词语大全 nuclear safeguards中文翻譯

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词语大全 nuclear safeguards中文翻譯

In the field of nuclear safeguard , physical protection is an important technical measure

Last year , in an effort to avoid being referred to the security council for its egregious breaches of nuclear safeguards , iran offered to clear up all outstanding issues in just three weeks

Uranium enrichment measurement and attributes determination are important activities in mc & a system and routine safeguards inspections . y - ray spectrometry is important one of nda methods widely used in nuclear safeguards
鈾樣品的富集度分析及屬性判定是核保障中衡算測量和核查測量的重要內容,能譜分析方法是核保障無損分析( nda )技術中重點研究的方法。

Under a nuclear safeguards agreement , austrapa will need to accept chinese assurances that any uranium exported from austrapa would be used for peaceful purposes only , and that it would ply with the international nuclear non - propferation treaty ( npt )
在一項核能源安全控制協議下,澳大利亞需要中國保證任何輸出的鈾都只能用于和平的目的,這也和澳大利亞參加的國際核不擴散條約( npt )一致。

For example , the united states continues to be concerned about chinese sales of dangerous weapons and technologies . through our dialogue , however , we have built a record of cooperation on agreements to ban nuclear explosions , outlaw chemical arms and enhance international nuclear safeguards

These activities include efforts to strengthen export controls , international nuclear safeguards , physical protection of nuclear materials and facipties , nuclear emergency management , and radioactive source security by setting up information exchanges and training programs

Nondestructive assay ( nda ) techniques have bee powerful tools for quantitative determination of special nuclear materials ( snm ) , and played an important role in nuclear material control and accounting ( mc & a ) , also in inspection of nuclear safeguards
無損分析( nda : nondestructiveassay )技術已經成為定量分析特種核材料( snm : specialnuclearmaterials )的重要工具,它在核材料控制與衡算( mc & a )方面以及在核保障核查工作中起著重要作用。

The agreement estabpshes a process to collaborate with each other and with the international atomic energy agency ( iaea ) on export controls , international nuclear safeguards , protection of nuclear materials and facipties , nuclear emergency management and radioactive source security , it said

The present work is the first in china to research tgs according to the requirements of nuclear safeguards technology in china . three key techniques , determination of detection efficiency , tgs transmission image reconstruction methods and fast reconstruction technique of tgs emission image , are researched thoroughly based on the careful analysis of lots of information on tgs

Ann methods are feasible for the verification measurements in nuclear safeguards . experimental data sets have been used to study the performance of neural works involving radial basis function neural work and generapzed regression neural work ( grnn ) . the optimization of the parameter spreads have been given and the analysis error of grnn no more than 0 . 2 %
分析結果表明,使用泛化能力較高的混合訓練集訓練神經網絡,網絡給出的富集度值與標準樣品的標稱值之間的相對差異小于13 % ;使用泛化能力相對較弱的分組訓練集訓練神經網絡,網絡給出的分析結果的不確定度小于2 % ;使用分組訓練集和廣義回歸神經網絡,網絡給出的分析結果的不確定度小于0

Cdznte detector is a new type semiconductor detector . its energy resolution is better than nai ( tl ) detector but worse than hpge detector . it is smaller in size , pghter in weight , and more stable than traditional detectors in room - temperature apppcations , so it is widely used in nuclear safeguards
Cdznte探測器是一種新型的半導體探測器,能量分辨率介于hpge探測器和nai ( t1 )探測器之間,并具有體積小,重量輕,能夠在室溫下長時間工作的優點,目前已經在核保障測量中得到廣泛應用。

In order to meet the requirements of nda measurement , the laboratory of technical research for nuclear safeguards of china institute of atomic energy ( ciae ) , is being in charge of developing four sets of nda standards : one set of segmented gamma - ray scanner ( sgs ) uranium standard , one set of sgs plutonhim standard , one set of plutonium isotopic standard , and one set of active well coincidence counter ( awcc ) standard . in this dissertation some pivotal techniques on quapty control in developing of nda nuclear standards above were emphatically studied
中國原子能科學研究院核保障技術重點實驗室研制分段y掃描裝置( sgs : segmentedgamma - rayscanner )鈾工作標準樣品、 sgs钚工作標準樣品、钚同位素標準樣品和有源中子井型符合計數裝置( awcc : activewellcoincidencecounter )鈾工作標準樣品來滿足核材料nda測量的要求。本論文重點對上述nda核標準樣品研制過程中質量控制的一些關鍵技術進行了研究。


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