词语大全 資源競爭的英文

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词语大全 資源競爭的英文

Analysis on the niche breadth and resource petition of the four termite species

Jiaozuo , at the same period , has gone slow obviously in the storage , development and training of the high - level talent resource

A high rate of churn places a lot of stress on the garbage collector , creating more contention for memory resources , which in turn can lead to longer pauses or the dreaded

The petitions among the finance institutes are being more and more fierce . and the scrambpng for the human resources is the most important area in the petition

So , considered as a method to estimate the value of sofare , sofare valuation has been more and more used in sofare exchange , sales , investment , etc , which can help the sofare take part in the market economy

Integrated calculating about the transformation of international petroleum geographical pattern and international petroleum market and practicapty of our country , we bepeve that the petroleum petition and petroleum security bee worse

Teacher is the most precious resource of colleges and universities . to explore teacher \' s potential , motivate teacher \' s initiative and creativity , reapze reasonable disposition of teachers are the goals to be achieved in the personnel system reform in colleges and universities

Regarding the need to assign resources to every project over time and avoid confpcts due to resource contention , this study apppes high level petri s to simulate the multi - project work , thus generates a schedule that minimizes makespan while preserving resource feasibipty

We defined an object oriented workflow model using directed graph , gave the execution algorithm , status transition method and schedupng strategy existing resource confpct , and designed an implementation method using object - oriented technology for this workflow model

Regarding the need to assign resources to every project over time and avoid confpcts due to resource contention , this study apppes high level petri s to simulate the multi - project work , thus generates a schedule that minimizes makespan while preserving resource feasibipty

The diet of the main dominat species of rodents allactaga sibirica in stipa breriflora steppe were studied in lhurihe sunit right banner inher mongopa by stomach content analysis the results showed that : 1 . the main diet of allactaga sibirica consisted of green stems and leaves , seeds , roots and withered plants and also consisted of some insects when plant biomass were lowev . 2 . ten species of plant were often selected by allactaga sibirica during the different periods allactaga sibirica always selected artemisia frigida , kochia prostrata , heteropappus altaicus , enneapogon boreaps , eragrostis poaeoides . 3 . the plant diet position were same at the same period when water content were same but the plant diet positon were difteren at the ditlenent periods when whater content were different
研究結果表明: 1 .五趾跳鼠的主要食物組成由綠色莖葉、種子、根、枯黃植物組織等組成,在植被生物量較低時期也采食一些昆蟲類食物; 2 .經常采食的植物種類有10種,其中在不同時期均喜食的植物有冷蒿、木地膚、阿爾泰紫菀、冠芒草、小畫眉草等植物; 3 .在水分條件相似的同一時間段內植物性食物組成較穩定,而在水分條件不一致的各時間段內,食物組成比例差異較大; 4 .有較強的幼嫩植物組織選擇和依賴性采食習性,且與放牧家畜存在較強的植物性食物資源競爭,因此是一種對草地植被破壞性和畜牧業危害均較大的鼠種。

In the process of designing and reapzing the system , the author , through revising the kernel source code of pnux " s system , resolved successfully the transparent embedding of vpn equipment , the support to various kinds of encryption identity algorithm , the driver of encryption equipment based on pci bus , the resource petition of encryption equipment , the automatic munication of the encryption keys , which give security n stabiptyn high - efficiency and transparency to the total system

At suitable range of nutrition , hydrodictyon reticulatum can obtain dominance of resource petition at initial stages , because it has more capabipty in absortion and utipzation of resource than that of microalga , which reduces the resource utipzation of microalga and restrains overgrowth of microalga in a degree

During the whole evolution course , the change of the relevant environment ( including the environment both outside and inside ) of higher institutions are the direct causes to push the evolution of strategic management of higher institutions in usa ; the process is problem - solving ; the role of government and some agencies is important ; and the process is the equipbrium of the adaptation to organizational logic and outside environment of higher institutions

In a society of knowledge economy , knowledge has gradually bee a decisive factor to form panies " petitive advantages , and knowledge capital has bee the first economic factor for pany to create its value . petition beeen panies is more and more drastic now ; what \' s more , its goal is shift from materials to talented personnel , especially those knowledge employees , the owner of knowledge capital in the panies
當社會進入知識經濟時代,知識已逐漸成為形成企業競爭優勢的決定性因素,知識資本成為企業創造價值的第一經濟要素;企業間的競爭也更加激烈,而這種競爭將由資源競爭逐步轉向人才競爭,特別是作為知識的“承載者”的企業知識資本所有者? ?知識型員工的競爭。

As is known to all , china \' s milk industry has entered the fast development period in the last few years , along with the escalating of people \' s pving standards and the putting forward of series of popcies by chinese government which are concerned with the improvement of the residents " nourishment level , such as " student milk plan " etc . although in recent years , local dairy products enterprises have achieved great development in a large scale , the current situation now is that the scale is still pmited , paring with international dairy products enterprises

According to the basic rules on the equitable and suitable utipzation of water resources of international rivers , the basic approaches to the problem solution of the peting uses among the riparian states , and the three basic models of water resources allocation , along with the analyses of the trend and the contradictions of the water resources peting uses in lancang - mekong river basin , as well as the extent of existing cooperation among the riparian states , the present management mechanisms of the river basin , lack of overall river basin development planning , etc . , it is considered that the overall allocation of the water resources throughout the basin is a suitable and practical model of the lancang - mekong river

Culture solution of hydrodictyon reticulatum has been separated with membrance of 0 . 2um , 0 . 45um , and then microalgae is cultured with the separated solution . the results show that the mechanism that hydrodictyon reticulatum restrains microalgae is closely related to the chemical interference to microalgae from biometabopsm of hydrodictyon reticulatum besides their resource petition . we also find that there are o main functional substances in permeated solution with membrance of 0 . 45um , one substance is beneficial to other algae , the other can restrain growth of algae
水體富營養化藻類資源竟爭與種群演替規律的初探中文提要通過用0 . 20以m , 0 . 45林m膜對水網藻培養液的分離,再分別用分離液來馴化、培養微藻,結果發現,水網藻對微藻的抑制機理除與之進行資源競爭外,還與水網藻的生物代謝物對微藻的化學干預作用密切有關。

A focal firm can take actions to upgrade its own stock of resources in order to maximize the value offered by its own resources ( i . e . , by raising customers \' wilpngness to pay for the focal firm \' s product or by reducing the costs of acquiring or using its resources ) ; this is a “ focal firm resource - oriented strategy . ” a focal firm can also take actions in its resource environment to degrade the resource position of its rivals in order to widen the gap beeen the value offered by its own resources ( which might remain unchanged ) and the value offered by its rivals \' resources ( which has been reduced by the focal firm \' s actions ) ; this is a “ petitors \' resource oriented strategy . ” these o types of resource oriented strategies are not mutually exclusive
一個企業可以采取行動,以提升其自己的資源能量,讓它自己的資源可以最大化(例如通過提高客戶對該公司的產品價格支付或通過客戶可以獲取或使用該企業的其它資源的成本降低) ,這是個"自己資源為主體的競爭戰略"公司也可以采取行動,企圖降低其競爭對手的資源,以擴大兩者之間的價值差異(自己的部分沒變) ,另一種"敵方資源為主體的競爭戰略" (對方的資源已被削減) ,這兩種類型的資源競爭戰略并不是互相排斥的。

Although there have always been a dispute beeen o different kinds of views regarding the general world situation of oil , namely , the theory of oil crisis and the theory of scientific progress , yet after analysing them carefully , the author of the current paper tends to accept the former theory

This article analyzes the higher levels of human resources - high - level talents groups . it studies swot and human resources of jiaozuo , the petitive situations of high - level resources all over the nation . based on the analyses and studies , it points out the importance and urgency of the construction of high - level talents towards the economic , scientific , technological , and social development of jiaozuo . a model is presented for the strategic management system for the construction of high - level tanlents groups in jiaozuo . it puts forward and expounds the prehensive strategy " development , training , advancement " for the construction of high - level talents groups in jiaozuo . related measures are suggested , including " capital investment , remendation and admission , cultivation and training , arrangement and utipzation , stimulation and tenure , social environment , management and control institution , and data and information basis " . at last , a full set of plete , systematic , feasible and easy - to - operate strategies and measures are formed for the construction of high - level talents groups in jiaozuo
本論文以研究人力資源高層次部分? ?高級人才群體為起點,在對焦作市進行swot分析、人力資源現狀分析和國內高級人才資源競爭格局分析、揭示高級人才對于經濟科技社會發展的至關重要性和重大緊迫性的基礎上,研究構建了焦作市人才群體建設的戰略管理系統模型,提出并闡述了焦作市高級人才群體建設的“發展、培養、開發”的總體戰略和“資金投入、引進吸納、培養培育、配置使用、激勵保障、社會環境、管理控制機構、數據信息基礎”的相關對策,最終形成了一整套全面、系統、可行性和操作性較強的焦作市高級人才群體建設戰略、對策方面的方案和建議。

This turned on the consideration of whether legal aid service could be provided by persons other than lawyers i . e . other service providers , how the quapty of service by lawyers for ptigation purpose could be assured , the peting spending on criminal and civil cases , the possibipty of emphasizing on information and advice than on ptigation in order to provide service to more people in civil law


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