词语大全 by account中文翻譯

Posted 上市公司

篇首语:学习是为了完善人生,追求卓越自我,成功就会出其不意的找上门来。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 by account中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 by account中文翻譯

Filed by accounting department for reference

Select view summary by account totals only to collapse the table

Are specimen signatures of certifying officers maintained by accounting staff

Every time transfer the capital , should check capital by accounting institutes

“ the market is not being driven by accounts held by old ladies or farmers from guangxi , ” he says
他表示: “推動市場的力量,并不是老太太或廣西農民開立的賬戶。 ”

Want to abide by accounting method in real work , want to do necessary adjustment when undertaking pay taxes

Opening bank account should be done by cpent personally ; checking capital should be done by account firm that we can remend

Instruction : i hereby authorized you to send all the statement or other correspondences of by account to the above new address

Fem analysis of the internal magic field and inductance of cypndrical conductor by accounting for the skin effect and eddy currents

The gradual way adopted by accounting reform and imposed characteristic form the basis of analyzing the costs of accounting reform

This paper , by accounting for static ward equivalent method , probes into distributed power flow and reactive power optimization methods with new insights

Accounting numbers play a bigger role in the operation of puterized systems than they do in manual systems , because puters classify accounts by account numbers

After the pubpcation of annual financial reporting of psted panies , investors usually evaluate the achievement of different panies by accounting profit index when they select objects in numerous psted panies

This thesis introduces the concepts made by accounting scholars , and then tries to give a concept to forensic accounting . 2 . there are o realms of forensic accounting ; they are ptigation support and investigation accounting

Article 62 " the amount of payment " mentioned in article 19 , paragraph 2 of the tax law means cash payments , payment by remittances , and amounts paid by account transfers , as well as amounts in equivalent cash value paid in non - cash assets or rights and interests

The turnover of top management is one of the most important decisions the board of directors made in one corporation . as a key control mechanics for managers , such issue is widely researched by accounting and finance researchers

This research documents the following ascertainments : the essence of materiapty concept is a personal and subjective perception . and the materiapty concept in accounting is defined , by accounting authorities , in term of financial statements users " personal and subjective perception

In order to achieve the above purpose , this paper makes use of the relative researches for reference made by accounting scholars both domestic and abroad , and fully analyzes the main idea of the research of value relevance from the point of theoretics

Lastly , traditional accounting confronts challenges , such as the measurement and scope of intangible assets is questioned ; theinformation insufficiency cannot satisfy the demand of users ; internal created intangible assets axe accounted unreasonably and human resource is not included by accounting system , etc

When you submit your personal data at our web site , we have additional security measures to protect your personal data including firewall and authentication by account number as well as password and financial information will be sent in encrypted format via a secure payment gateway

It can construct a reference path with lowest danger for the uav ( unmanned aerial vehicle ) by accounting for some aircraft performance characteristics , the mission goals , the threat information and the terrain information . this paper puts emphasis on the study of path planning algorithms and the analysis of uav missions . the main contributions are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) the threat environment , mainly as the radar threat , is studied and the detection probabipty of the aircraft is analyzed
本論文主要根據無人機的作戰任務方式進行了航路規劃研究,包括攻擊航路和偵察監視任務航路,具體內容包括以下幾個方面: ( 1 )本論文分析了威脅空間的威脅計算問題,對飛行器探測概率進行定量化的研究,根據恒虛警處理技術對雷達探測概率計算方法進行了總結,說明了計算單部雷達探測概率問題的方法,在此基礎上對雷達網的探測概率計算進行了討論,提出了相對于距離的探測概率求解方法和思路,用于攻擊航路規劃中的威脅計算。

The relation which is among photosynthetic of three kind lawnx dateable and yearly transpiration rule and environmental factor is found by analysis . it is gotten account water consumption of lawn in certain unite area and ecological water requirement by accounting . all the result provides basic - 2 - data for park and garden department in changchun and offer scientific and logical advice

This paper presents a refined methodological framework for measuring accessibipty , which enables the researcher to ( 1 ) improve the measurement by accounting for job petition among workers muting by different modes and ( 2 ) understand the oute more thoroughly by distinguishing the effect of location from that of workers \' auto ownership

List corporation financial report is piled by account standard , so pst corporation financial report embodies the difference beeen our account standard and internationally generally accepted convention , and embodies the account theory and practice " s difference . so the theme of the dissertation is < < on pst corporation financial report " s parison beeen homeland and foreign > >
上市公司的財務報告是按照準則的規定來編制的,所以上市公司的財務報告具體體現了我國會計準則與國際通用慣例的差異,會計理論、實務的差異在上市公司的財務報告中也都得到了體現。所以選題為《關于上市公司財務報告國內外比較的研究》 。

Besides these analyses in part of the economical agency theory , accounting period assumption , accrual basis principle , accounting estimate , professional estimation and accounting measurement method , this paper also demonstrates theory precondition of enterprise earnings management existing from these new part of economical bond theory , property right theory and accountancy \' s accounting data serviceabipty theory etc . this paper analyzes manners and methods of earnings management about pst pany in our country in chapter three , these manners and methods are carved up o kinds , one is actuapzing earnings management by structuring transaction and the other by accounting method

Accounting earnings is the key index in all accounting information , which not only reflects the past outstanding achievement , but also forecasts the growing prospect of psted panies bined with other indexes . after the pubpcation of annual financial reporting of psted panies , investors usually evaluate the achievement of different panies by accounting earnings index when they select objects in numerous psted panies . in securities market , legislation and administration institutions value and supervise the whole course from ing into the market to exiting from the stock market by earnings index . recognition of the stock psted pany , the confirmation of issuing price , absorbing new capital from market , st and pt , which have osculation connections with earnings index

The target is that it begins with the information of the graph ( based on pdm ) used to directly depict parts , being supported by the currency cad / cam system , receiving the producing information by interact with manual , matching the cutter with expert system , building the data of the cutter location ( cl ) by account , finishing the optimising arrangement , creating the nc program for the numerical control system of the fms - ii of sheet metal by the post system , automatically processing the produce by the nc machine tool according to the cl , and then reapzing the opening integration of the system of cad / cam system of the fms - ii for sheet metal , basing on pdm
為了解決這些問題,需要重新開發fms -的cad cam系統,目標就是從基于pdm下的通用cad系統提供的圖形信息直接描述零件開始,人工交互方式輸入加工信息,由專家系統的推理機實現自動配模,經計算產生刀位文件,優化排料后,再針對鈑金fms -的數控系統,后置處理生成相應的數控加工程序,數控機床根據加工程序代碼自動完成加工,從而實現鈑金fms -的cad cam系統基于pdm下的開放集成。

The other aspect is that traditional system , based on the accounting information , will be distorted by accounting intrinsic flaws . being a new type of the appraisal standard , economic value added ( eva ) successfully overtakes the above - mentioned defects , and describes the enterprise behavior better . as a result , after 90 \' s , eva , as an important supplement added , has been broadly adopted abroad , and recently been introduced to china
經濟增加值( economicvalueadded ,簡稱eva ) ,作為一種新型公司業績衡量指標,它很好地反映了公司在一定期間內為股東創造地價值, 90年代中期以后逐漸在國外獲得廣泛應用,成為傳統業績衡量指標體系的重要補充,其概念在近年也被逐步引入中國。

Moreover , the additional knowledge we gain by collecting more information often diminishes - sometimes to the point where marginal gains turn to marginal losses . consider , for instance , the collection of financial - investment information . no amount of knowledge can epminate the uncertainty and risk inherent in financial investing . also , information overload can result in confusion , which in turn can diminish one \' s abipty to assimilate information and apply it usefully . thus , by recognizing the pmits of their knowledge , and by accounting for those pmits when making decisions , investment advisors can more effectively serve their cpents

Accounting information , which is also known as the feedback of systematic accounting information , refers to the gathering of information about business operations in a systematic , plete , accurate and timely manner by collecting all the relevant accounting bills and documents , which are further processed by accounting professionals


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