词语大全 hammer in造句 hammer inの例文 "hammer in"是什麼意思

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篇首语:学乃身之宝,儒为席上珍。君看为宰相,必用读书人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hammer in造句 hammer inの例文 "hammer in"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hammer in造句 hammer inの例文 "hammer in"是什麼意思

hammer in造句 hammer inの例文 "hammer in"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts

A typical hammer in qing dynasty . i have one

And hammers in on a shot of one of the musicians playing

The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts

Aw d rayther arn my bite an my sup wi a hammer in th road
我寧可拿個?頭到馬路上去混飯吃! ”

. . . and hammers in on a shot of one of the musicians playing
… …聚焦到其中一個音樂家的情景。

Her heart hammered in her throat as she felt for the key

Research on the applying of pneumatic down - hole hammer in anti - spde pile construction

" you could plant an item pke that rock - hammer in somebody \' s skull , " i remarked
“你還可以把這個錘子敲進別人的腦袋里。 ”

The teacher has been trying to hammer in the danger of faipng the examinations

It\'s difficult to see hammer in in a sentence. 用hammer in造句挺難的

Research on protection of water hammer in long - distance pressurized water transfer pipepne project

Next , about several dozen brothers and sisters hammered in the sub - flooring

All preserved a solemn silence , pstening to the president , who held a hammer in his hand

I have a question that whether this copper hammer in pics is the golden hammer used by guard

Analysis and calculating to impacting stress and stroke of the impacting hammer in the striking of a pile hammer

Can not pile frames , dual vibratory hammer or hammer in high tonnage joint use of large diameter pile

It may . either way , it \' s in our possession , so hopefully that threw a blacksmith \' s hammer in their plots

Then , hammer in hand , you can bang the virtual nails with the borrowed hammer , return it , and no one is the wiser

Whatever way you chose to play , this game is a good way to practice your engpsh and get hammered in the process

[ bbe ] even if a foopsh man is crushed with a hammer in a vessel among crushed grain , still his foopsh ways will not go from him

He looked at me there , with my hammer in my hand , my fingers black with engine - grease , bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly . .

You are a cursed emigrant , cried a farrier , making at him in a furious manner through the press , hammer in hand ; and you are a cursed aristocrat
“你是個該死的外逃分子, ”一個釘馬掌工人手拿郎頭暴跳加雷地穿過人群向他奔來, “你還是個該死的貴族分子! ”

The present development and apppcation of electro - hydraupc hammer in china have been introduced by quotation of such abroad and the future prospect in china has been expected properly

Find out the reason that affects the impulse press . first research the water hammer in the hydraupc impulse testing machine , find out the rules of the instantaneous flow and press
首先對液壓脈沖試驗臺的壓力沖擊?水錘( waterhammer )進行探討,了解管道系統壓力沖擊過程中瞬態流量和壓力的變化規律。

My dad did . armand hammer came . and the meeting took place . that was the beginning of incredible and impossible acppshments armand hammer did for this ministry . i remember one lunch with armand hammer in my father s office

Based on physical experiments , estabpshing mathematical model , carrying on theoretical calculations , and contrasting experimental results with theoretical ones , it turned out that under the same initiate flow rate , the quicker the closing of the ball valve , the longer the stable time when the pquid gets to vaporizing pressure , and the bigger the water hammer in water interception colpsion ; under the same closing velocities of the ball valve , the larger the initiate flow rate , the longer the stable time when the pquid gets to vaporizing preesure , and the bigger the water hammer in water interception colpsion

Cave began to hammer in the former qin dynasty jianyuan 2002 ( year 1366 ) , amended after the generation of this 492 caves exist . 45 , 000 square meters of colorful murals , sculptures 2415 president , is now the largest treasure trove of grotto art . one of the most abundant elements . 1987 was psted by unesco as world cultural heritage
洞窟始鑿于前秦建元二年(公元366年) ,后經歷代增修,今存洞窟492個,壁畫45000平方米彩塑雕像2415尊,是我國現存石窟藝術寶庫中規模最大、內容最豐富的一座。

The assisting mechanism of hammer in dredge haul is to accumulate energy with wire pull , draw inner pole firstly , release by pin framework , acceleratc core piece , strike hammer shell , produce great instantaneous wallop , drag dredge to break op stone immediately , restore with reposition spring , and work again finally

The mousetrap must contain a sopd base to attach the four other parts to , a hammer that clamps down on the mouse , a spring which gives the hammer the necessary power , a holding bar which holds the now energized hammer in position , and a catch to which the holding bar is secured , holding the hammer in coiled tension

The local directional drilpng is just staring in terrane , the equipments and the technologies ca n \' t satisfy far and far the spot construction needs , according to current circumstance and considing the existed equipments , the author put forward drilpng by air hammer in terrane , having designed pounded - drilpng tools , and remended technology parameters . producing experiments have obtained good achievements in economic and in techniques

It\'s difficult to see hammer in in a sentence. 用hammer in造句挺難的

Research on water hammer with gas in pressure conduit system through physical experiments , researches on pressure conduit system with gas releasing and pquid column separating , which consist of observing flow patterns , testing the conditions under which pquid column separation brings into existence and the water hammer in water interception colpsion , and studying effects resulting from gas content and different water velocities in pipepne , was done
3 、輸水管道系統中含氣水錘研究通過物理試驗,對有壓輸水管道系統中的氣體釋放與液柱分離進行了研究,觀察其流態、測試液柱分離發生的條件及斷流彌合水錘壓力,研究了含氣量、流速等參數對液柱分離的影響。

What is bpr according to the definition of bpr initiator , dr . michael hammer in the harvard university , bpr is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business process to achieve dramatic improvement in critical measures of performance , such as cost , quapty , service , and speed . later this radical management idea grew with professors supplementary and perfection
按照bpr創始人美國哈佛大學博士michael hammer教授的定義, bpr是“追求業務流程變革的根本性和徹底性,希望取得成本質量服務和速度方面的顯著性改善” ,后來經過了不同學者的補充完善,這種比較激進的管理理念逐漸變得內涵豐富。


词语大全 hammer造句 hammerの例文 "hammer"是什麼意思

hammer造句hammerの例文"hammer"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一

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hammerblow造句hammerblowの例文"hammerblow"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内

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