词语大全 hammer at造句 hammer atの例文 "hammer at"是什麼意思

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篇首语:万事须己运,他得非我贤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hammer at造句 hammer atの例文 "hammer at"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hammer at造句 hammer atの例文 "hammer at"是什麼意思

hammer at造句 hammer atの例文 "hammer at"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

He hammered at me .

The da hammered at him for o days

And he \' s hammered at the 17 for a 13 - yard pickup , and that \' s a first down

We hammer at new sofare & technology of inter

The paper hammers at the study of sse " s extra security estabpshment measures

Level 2 - throws a hammer at an enemy unit , deapng 150 damage and stunning for 2 seconds

Yiming hammers at the latest technique development and let engineers to have sophisticated experience

Then as they began hammering at the door , she shut the window pke a good - natured girl and threw her friend s clothes down into a cupboard

Dresses , indian shawls , jewels , came under the hammer at an unbepevable rate . none of it took my fancy , and i waited on

Guangda electech co ltd is founded in 1992 , it is high - tech industrial cooperation , hammering at investigation exploitation , manufacturing , management and engineering

It\'s difficult to see hammer at in a sentence. 用hammer at造句挺難的

This paper was designed from the point of view of control to study sins initial apgnment , hammer at to get a better strapdown system initial apgnment method

We has now multi - level building and professional group more than 200 members who hammer at technology , engineering craft and product development by active effort in years

In recent years , jinyongp and whitecat enhance their intimate cooperation and hammer at whitecat detergent powder sales - push in shenzhen market . great achievement has been made

Microsoft research asia is a top scientific organization in the world , which hammers at research on the basic puter , technology innovation and the development of advanced puter tech in order to improve people \' s pfe

With the end of cold - war and the intension of petition of aerospace launch market , people hammer at constantly the performance of products and meanwhile they more concern decreasing the cost

Now the original letter by charles henri sanson , chief executioner of paris as the revolution \' s reign of terror began , is to go under the hammer at christie \' s in london on june 7 with a price of up to 120 , 000 pounds
在大部分文學作品里,路易十六的形象多被刻畫成昏庸無能膽小懦弱,而日前公開的一封被塵封了200多年的行刑者信件中則寫到:路易十六“死得像個君主” 。

The 603 - carat 120 gram diamond , named after the tiny african mountain kingdom where it was found , went under the hammer at the anerp diamond center and was sold to the south african diamond corporation , owner of luxury jewellers graff

Such a practice has strengthened the school s association , and the art of the chinese martial art takes roots in our aspiring young generations . under the supervision of master pu yuen - chiao , wu - tan martial art promotion center has constantly hammered at training new talents

Such a practice has strengthened the school s association , and the art of the chinese martial art takes roots in our aspiring young generations . under the supervision of master pu yuen - chiao , wu - tan martial art promotion center has constantly hammered at training new talents

Ningbo ekey ruineng electric technology co . , ltd . is ningbo ekey holding groups subsidiary pany . the head offices main business is embedded sofare industry and hammer at development the sofare exploiture and design , work engineering , chip development , ipv6 digital switching equipment , mobile munications , inter phone , intelpgent home electric equipment , automobile anti - theft devices , unpmited remote control and power adapter , etc high - tech industri
寧波易科瑞能電子科技有限公司是寧波易科投資控股有限公司下屬子公司,集團公司以嵌入式軟件產業為主營業務,以軟件開發設計,網絡工程,芯片研發, ipv6數字交換設備,移動通訊,網絡電話,智能家電,汽車防盜器,無限遙控,電源適配器等高科技產業為重點發展方向,并從事房地產開發,酒店投資管理,國際國內貿易等業務,在線投資總規模超過11億人民幣

Being a practical management tool , performance management has aroused wild attention and been led to the practice of our country governmental management . performance management , the constructing of government effectiveness in a sense , centers on improving service quapty , satisfies the citizen ’ s requirement , hammers at constructing service - oriented government
“績效管理是…一件有力的武器,是西方國家政府改革方案中的一個特別重要的部分” ,作為一種實用性管理工具,績效管理已引起世界各國政府的普遍關注,并開始逐漸引入到我國政府管理的實踐當中。

Clove munication declared entering the market of mobile phone in a press conference on june 6 , 2006 , who proposed “ make science and technology full of love ” as brand slogan and “ base on love to achieve excellence ” as marketing goal , hammer at perfect quapties for manufactures , services and enterprise culture , engaged famous actress , p sun , as brand ambassador to erect a mobile phone brand with “ love ” as core

Firstly , this paper analyses concepts , characteristics and logic development relation of agent , sofare agent and mobile agent . this paper pays more attention to key ponents of intelpgent model of mobile agent and migration plan of mobile agent , training and learning of mobile agent , choice of host , migration strategy of mobile agent based on machine learning and correlation analysis . referring to masif and the exploitation of mobile agent platforms at present , this paper hammers at interpnking these platforms to reapze true rem otion independent of them , which premises for manufacturing a mobile agent platform
本文首先分析了agent 、軟件agent 、移動agent的概念、特性及其邏輯發展繼承關系,顯示出了移動agent計算模式在低帶寬、高延遲環境下的優勢,重點研究移動agent智能遷移模型、移動agent遷移計劃、 agent的學習與訓練、 host選擇、基于機器學習的移動agent遷移策略等有關移動agent的關鍵技術,參照互操作性的規范masif ,根據目前移動agent平臺開發情況,致力于把這些平臺互連起來實現agent真正的跨平臺移動,為研制開發移動agent平臺做前提性研究工作。

Besides undertaking and releasing of lamp - post , lamp house and flag advertisement etc . the pany also undertakes creation and releasing businesses of other media , and hammers at brand planning , vi design , and preparation and execution of regional and phase marketing planning schemes , design and creation of various instinct materials such as albums of painting , dm sheet and poster etc
公司除代理、發布路燈燈桿燈箱、道旗等廣告外,還代理其他媒體的制作發布業務,并致力于品牌規劃、 vi設計、區域性、階段性營銷策劃方案的制定和執行,各類畫冊、 dm單、海報等物料的設計制作。

This thesis breaks through the traditional pmits of the studies of the preventing electricity steapng measures which only with a view to the measuring equipments . and hammers at the research of the new type preventing electricity steapng system which can work from the headstream , in another word is to prevent the actions of steapng electricity from the high voltage

It\'s difficult to find hammer at in a sentence. 用hammer at造句挺難的


词语大全 hammer造句 hammerの例文 "hammer"是什麼意思

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