词语大全 radio astronomy造句 radio astronomyの例文 "radio astronomy"是什麼意思

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篇首语:曾无好事来相访,赖尔高文一起予。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 radio astronomy造句 radio astronomyの例文 "radio astronomy"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 radio astronomy造句 radio astronomyの例文 "radio astronomy"是什麼意思

radio astronomy造句 radio astronomyの例文 "radio astronomy"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Radio astronomy today is armed with the largest antennas in the world .

Radio astronomy has greatly increased our understanding of the universe .

In none of these respects does optical astronomy have any advantage over radio astronomy .

Sub - arcsec radio astronomy

Extragalactic radio astronomy

Interference to radio astronomy observatory service and protection of electromagic environment

The technique has been highly successful in radio astronomy , and in both satelpte and aircraft borne radar

For instance , radio astronomy allows observations of cosmic microwave radiation , thus offering a way of detecting the edge of the universe

Mark adams , a spokesman for the national radio astronomy observatory , says that his institute has not yet been told how much money it must raise to keep the vlba open

He baoyu ( aerocraft design ) directed by wu ji synthetic aperture technology in radio astronomy is introduced into microwave radiometer since 1980 \' s

It\'s difficult to see radio astronomy in a sentence. 用radio astronomy造句挺難的

The first serious attempt to psten for possible radio signals from other civipzations was carried out at the national radio astronomy observatory in greenbank , west virginia , in 1959 and 1960

In modern radio astronomy , these radio celestial bodies are called " discrete sources ? cassiopeia a , cygnus a and taurus a are some examples of discrete sources . the letter " a " represents a strong radio source
在現代的射電天文學中,這些射電天體稱作分立射電源,例如仙后座a ,天鵝座a和金牛座a等, a是代表強的射電源。

In hong kong , it is being difficult to find a starry night . radio astronomy may be helpful in overing this difficulty since radio telescopes are usable at all times and at any weather conditions

" to help them in this seemingly impossible endeavor , the researchers used radio astronomy data , which provided the relative speeds at which the galaxies and their constituent parts are currently moving

As a role instrument , microwave radiometers have been employed in radio astronomy , remote sensing , missile guide and measurement of objective characteristic extensively , with typical mode of all - power radiometer and dicke radiometer


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