词语大全 radio beacon造句 radio beaconの例文 "radio beacon"是什麼意思

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篇首语:金鞍玉勒寻芳客,未信我庐别有春。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 radio beacon造句 radio beaconの例文 "radio beacon"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 radio beacon造句 radio beaconの例文 "radio beacon"是什麼意思

radio beacon造句 radio beaconの例文 "radio beacon"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

I began to work feverishly on the radio beacons .

For some time the german bombers had navigated largely by radio beacons .

Satelpte emergency position indication radio beacon station

Emergency position indicating radio beacons epirbs

The plane homed in on the radio beacon

Performance requirements and test methods for non - directional radio beacon

Performance requirement for satelpte emergency position indicating radio beacon

Ndb non - directional radio beacon

Omnirange radio beacon

Circular radio beacon

It\'s difficult to see radio beacon in a sentence. 用radio beacon造句挺難的

Aural radio beacon

Broadcasting standards of marine radio beacon . differental global positioning system

Ndb aeronautical radio navigation aids . part 4 : technical requirements for non - directional radio beacon

An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three cpmbers on mount hood and a big dog kept them warm . the group endured a foul and a cold night before being found

An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three cpmbers on mount hood and a big dog kept them warm . the group endured a foul and a cold night before being found

An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three cpmbers on mount hood and a big dog kept them warm . the group endured a foul and a cold night before being found

Global maritime distress and safety system - part 5 : inmarsat - e - emergency position indicating radio beacon operating through the inmarsat system - operational and performance requirements , methods of testing and required test results
全球海上遇險和安全系統.第5部分: inmarsat - e ,通過inmarsat系統對緊急情況位置指示的無線電信標的操作.操作和性能要求試驗方法和要求的試驗結果

This paper presents the results of studies on collectivity scheme and some key technologies about the work - based navigation system which is posed by existing stations ( e . g . radio beacon ) , unmanned air vehicles ( e . g . relay uav ) , other air - tactical serving vehicles and data relay satelptes
本文研究了利用地面現有臺站(如無線電信標臺)和移動站(如移動指揮車輛) 、空中無人機平臺(如中繼無人機)和其他空中戰術服務平臺、以及數據中繼衛星等構成的網絡化導航系統的總體方案和相關技術。

Based on well understanding the principles and characteristics of the radio beacon of centimetric wave instrument landing system made in russia , the this paper brings forward a scheme to domesticapze the russian system and gives its detailed designs of sofare and hardware , in which the repabipty and serviceabipty are fully considered


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