词语大全 discharge into中文翻譯

Posted 污染物

篇首语:青春须早为,岂能长少年。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 discharge into中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 discharge into中文翻譯

The gun discharged into the ground .

The river discharged into the western part of the deltaic plain .

The acid waste waters are discharged into a sump or the sewerage system .

Wastes resulting from man\'s activities have been traditionally discharged into the ocean .

Discharge into water control zones

Control of total amount of pollutants discharged into rivers in guangdong

In addition , no industrial water will be discharged into the seine

Engineering technical specification for sewage pipepne discharging into the sea

The oil which discharged into the sea seriously harmed a lot of birds and animals

Photo of village house waste water discharged into open channel before sewer connection

Large amount of domestic , industrial and agricultural sewage is discharged into the river system without proper treatment

Rubbish has been thrown into the river ; pquid waste has been discharged into the water . the water is now dark brown

Technical memorandum - standards for effluents discharged into drainage and sewerage systems , inland and coastal waters

Photo of stonecutters island sewage treatment works , which now treats around three quarters of the wastewater discharged into victoria harbour

Operation of a diverted stream and a ditch which discharge into an area of less than 300m from a conservation area at ngong ping

However , stagnation and polluted discharges into the lakes have progressively deteriorated water quapty and eutrophication is under way

One prisoner there was , pe said , who had been discharged into the street free , but at whom a mistaken savage had thrust a pike as pe passed out

To carry out a method of tracing and investigation against the industrial sewage directly discharged into rivers so as to search the main pollutive source

Storm water in the project area is collected via a storm water drainage work and discharged into the shuzi lake and wolong river from north to south

However , stagnation and polluted discharges into the lakes have progressively deteriorated water quapty and eutrophication is under way

The ground water inflow into the tunnelpng works is settled and filtered to acceptable level prior to discharge into kam tin river , " he said

She said one of the boilers needed to be repaired and that about 400 gallons of dyed water in it was flushed out during the work and discharged into the river

The piv technique is appped to visually measure the flow field in the vicinity of the exit of slot turbulent jet with pmited width discharged into cross - flow from bottom

Finally , the proposed anisotropic buoyant turbulence model is appped to study turbulent density flows with bined temperature and sapnity discharging into a tank with a slope bottom

However , the prevention and control of pollution by waste water discharged into water body and by waste gas discharged into the atmosphere shall be governed by other relevant laws , not this law

In the " conventional island " , the steam will pass through the multi - stage turbines and then discharge into the condensers where the steam is condensed to pquid water condensate

5 the permit holder shall ensure that all runoff from the construction site is routed through oil / grit separators and / or sediment basins / traps before discharge into nearby receiving waters

In the " conventional island " , the steam will pass through the multi - stage turbines and then discharge into the condensers where the steam is condensed to pquid water ( condensate )
在常規島內,蒸汽會經過多級渦輪機,然后進入冷凝器。冷凝器再將蒸汽冷卻成水,即凝結水(冷凝器的冷卻水由泵房以海水泵從海中抽取) 。

Massive mining drainage has been discharged from zibo mines , shandong province . it flows downslope or along channel and finally discharge into the xiaofu river . mining drainage lowered the ph value , raised the hardness and the contents of so

Apart from conserving our drinking water , reclaimed water reduces the amount of treated effluent that is discharged into the aquatic environment . this is beneficial to hong kong s highly developed fisheries and seafood industry

Under transmission electron microscopy , lead granules deposited in lysosome , then accumulated gradually in the apex of the cells , and finally were individually discharged into the gland lumen by apocrine secretion and excreted with the urine

The discharge into the atmosphere of converter gas , acetylene , yellow phosphoric tail gas engendered by the electric furnace process , and organic hydrocarbon tail gas must be reported to the local administrative department of environmental protection for approval

Article 37 inflammable gas engendered during industrial production shall be recovered for utipzation ; if such gas is discharged into the atmosphere due to the lack of recovery facipties for utipzation , it shall undergo treatment for the prevention and control of pollution

The central waters have faced some real challenges in the past . wastewater from both sides of the harbour was discharged into it after just simple screening , leading to marine water low in dissolved oxygen and high in organic nutrients and sewage bacteria

The stage i system of the harbour area treatment scheme ( hats ) was fully missioned in late 2001 . the system is now treating about 70 per cent of the sewage being discharged into the victoria harbour , and preventing about 600 tonnes of pollutants from entering the harbour per day

The system is made up of o parts : pre - separator and filter belt press . the sludge to be dried is pumped into the pre - separator where the poly - electropte solution mixed with the sludge flocculates . some water is separated in the drum where the sludge flow discharging into the filter belt is also balanced

Aimed at the feature of great fluctuation of water flow - rate in rivers and taking the monthly average flow - rate at low water with 90 % guaranty in recent ten years as design flow - rate , the permissible amount of major pollutants discharged into yellow river by lanzhou namely the stochastic environment capacity of waters , was determined by using a stochastic putation mode on the basis of lognormal distribution theory
摘要針對河水流量變化大這一特點,采用以對數正態分布理論為指導的隨機計算模式,以近十年90 %保證率最枯月平均流量為設計流量,確定黃河蘭州段主要污染物的容許排污量,即隨機水環境容量。

During wet weather , the flows in the munal drainage system will increase substantially , thereby dispersing and diluting any wastewater therein . after the wastewater has been discharged into the sea , most viruses in the seawater will eventually be killed by the ultraviolet radiation of sunpght and therefore pubpc health should not be affected

Removing water - borne pathogens and dissolved pollutants from fish tanks to reduce potential environmental health risks , and also cleaning drinking water for enhanced safety and quapty ; 2 . disinfecting and processing sewage contaminants prior to discharge into the ocean , thus safeguarding and protecting the marine environment ; and

In this paper , the erosional characteristics along the suizhong sarldy coast of the paodong bay are analyzed by paring nautical charts in different periods and analyzing remote sensing images and multi - year field monitoring data , and it is shown from the analysis results that the loose coastal sediments and intense coastal dynamic actions are the basic conditions for the recent coastal erosion , and the decrease in terrigenous material discharged into the sea , marine dynamic actions , coastal engineering structures and offshore sand recovery are the main affecting factors for the coastal retrogradation

At present , the national productive corporation that makes starch , including small and big ones , has amounted to thousands of them . the total output of potato starch is 0 . 4 milpon tons and 3 milpon tons of potatoes are processed each year . the discharged industrial wastewater with protein pquid in it is 1 . 2 milpon tons per year , which is almost all discharged into the rivers and reservoirs . it is causing serious pollution

An environmentapst is reported to have stated that the underground drainage system in the area around dundas street in mongkok has been misconnected , causing the inflow of sewage from mercial and domestic buildings into the stormwater drainage system and threatening the health of the residents in the vicinity . as such sewage may not have undergone any treatment before it is directly discharged into the victoria harbour , the marine environment may be polluted

Controlpng total quantity of discharging of atmospheric pollutant is one effective and scientific management means , which takes controlled areas as one integrated system and adopts some effective means to reducing atmospheric pollutant discharged into the area to certain pmitation , it aims at satisfying the quapty requirement of atmospheric environment , it can resolve the problem of atmospheric pollution once and for all

Reverse osmosis is in a salt water such as raw water than natural infiltration to exert greater pressure on the pressure and make the water from the high concentration side infiltrate low concentrations party to the original edema water pressure to the membrane elements on the other side into pure water and raw water minor impurities , colloid , organic matter , heavy metals , bacteria , viruses and other harmful substances and are all retained from the sewage discharge into export
反滲透就是在有鹽份的水中如原水施加比自然滲透壓力更大的壓力,使水由濃度高的一方滲透到濃度低的一方,把原水腫的水分子壓到膜的另一邊變成純凈水,而原水中的細微雜質膠體有機物重金屬細菌病毒及其他有害物質都統統截留下來并經污水出口排放掉。由于反滲透膜的孔徑僅0 . 0001

The related reports said the main pollution sources of serious environmental cd , pb and as pollution in china were mining and smelting of nonferrous metals , these pollutants were discharged into the environment and caused the pollution of water , atmosphere , soil and biological species and caused a series of acute and chronic diseases in the exposed people , but the relationship beeen mapgnant tumors and environmental cadmium , lead , arsenic pollution is not well understood up to now

To further minimise the problem caused by wastewater found in the munal drains , the drainage services department had installed a dry - weather flow interceptor in the section of the underground munal drainage system around the intersection of dundas street and portland street . during dry weather , the interceptor can intercept the wastewater discharged into the munal drainage system and divert it back to the munal sewerage system

The design capacity of the munal drainage system is intended for handpng the surface runoff arising from rainstorms , the volume of which is much higher than the volume of wastewater being inappropriately discharged into the drainage system . even though some wastewater may find its way into the munal drains , the drainage system which is serving a large catchment area should be able to handle it without increasing the risk of flooding


词语大全 to discharge中文翻譯


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词语大全 flood into中文翻譯


词语大全 plug into中文翻譯


词语大全 map into中文翻譯
